Well that´s no problem with unlimited rss. I have experienced several times, that some players just auto dodge every arrow, spell and even aoe you throw at them. They are impossible to snare or even fossilize, they just magically and swift continue on as nothing happened. I´m sure I´m not the only one that have seen this, am i right?
SeaGtGruff wrote: »Bunny hopping isn't cheating, nor is it an exploit. At least, that's my understanding based on all the threads about it in this forum. It might be annoying as heck, but if you report a bunny-hopping player with the expectation that he or she will be banned, prepare to be disappointed.
My health bar often doesn't budge much at all under a massive assault in PvE, but that also depends on the situation (i.e., not all PvE bosses are equal). I seriously doubt I'd be able to say the same thing in PvP, though. But I'm just saying, that type of thing could be perfectly normal and legal depending on the players' builds, gear, etc.
And players who are farming can have very predictable routes and actions, too. Speaking strictly for myself, I've noticed that I tend to fall into a monotonous, unvarying route if I'm farming while dog tired-- farming in my sleep, as it were. But normally I'll run around willy-nilly depending on which nodes look the most attractive according to which types of materials I most need.
I'm no super player, but as a programmer, I can see a hack when it's there. I'm not flawless, but around certain players, there is always a lag and 'one shot' kills. Some of these combos can't be done in the timeframe they are produced, even with lag.
Sudden disappearance, porting and super speed. Unlimited ultimate, resources and health. Some just won't die, no matter what you throw at them. even after you have hunted them and battled them you are never in a 'fight' so you can mount and run after them... These are all signs of cheating.
And if you have nothing to hide, you won't have a problem, if you were wrongly accused of cheating.