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so why exactly cant we have 1h pirate cutlasses?

since at least in the marketing picture for the personality they at least get 1h version of the senchal pirate style even if its not 100% a culass...? ? ?

The 1 weapon everyone would want when playing a pirate is a cutlass...and thats the one weapon type you dont release? zos logic...

  • Acrolas
    Guards that cause hand/finger clipping issues are likely edited or removed during development. So it's possible that cutlass style guards have existed internally but never signed off on as final product.
    signing off
  • Nemesis7884
    Acrolas wrote: »
    Guards that cause hand/finger clipping issues are likely edited or removed during development. So it's possible that cutlass style guards have existed internally but never signed off on as final product.

    fair enough but they could at least release their version of the senchal pirate style as a 1h sword as shown on their very own picture above
  • cyclonus11
    I also want a 1H/empty Fencing skill line like what's shown.
  • Royaji
    Those strangers from Hammerfell, they have curved swords. Curved. Swords.

    P.S.: Redguard style for all your pirate fantasies :wink:
  • daemonios
    Marketing material for digital fluff is misleading/hyperbolic? I'm shocked...
  • Konstant_Tel_Necris
    Perhaps someday we will get Onehander&Rune weapon skill line, something like Red Mage in Final Fantasy XIV style spellsword?
  • Ackwalan
    Maybe it is coming. On January 16 we will know.
  • CMDR_Un1k0rn
    cyclonus11 wrote: »
    I also want a 1H/empty Fencing skill line like what's shown.

    Yes. Maker damn it, please.

    I remember first playing this gaming on Xbox and being so let down when I realised that players can't go 1h fencing like so many NPCs.

    Yes I know the magicka boys will be here saying we don't need more stamina, but unlike other player proposals for new stamina weapons, 1h fencing I suspect has almost everything there, bar a couple of animations. We've already got the light/heavy attack animation. We can use it right now. Just no weapon abilities.
    In-game username: Un1korn | Happy member of the PCNA UESP guild (Resident Daggerfall Covenant enjoyer) | Main & basically only character: Crucian Vulpin, Imperial Dragonknight of the Daggerfall Covenant, and Undaunted Bulwark (I tank) | Mountain bike enjoyer and vulpine appreciator | If you know me from PCEU: No | To ZOS: THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME BRING MY HORSE INTO BATTLE!
  • Monte_Cristo
    Silken Ring dagger and Voriplasm Sword both look a bit like cutlasses.
  • TheShadowScout
    cyclonus11 wrote: »
    I also want a 1H/empty Fencing skill line like what's shown.
    Well, traditionally "fencing" was not a thing in medieval tech times, that one came quite a bit later when armor went out of fashion due to muskets. So it would not be a good thing for ESO...

    Also, the classic "fencing" was only "One-handed and Empty" for honor duels, in actual combat they -did- want to have something off-hand... be it a one-shot flintlock (that was flipped around once shot and used as club), or a main-gauche, or a cloak wrapped around their hand as makeshift shield... (yes, that was actually a thing for renaissance combat manuals)
    Perhaps someday we will get Onehander&Rune weapon skill line...
    Yeah,. that has been talked about since... forever, really.

    And an "One-handed and Magic" would definitely make for a nifty skill line, as would other options like "One-handed and Ranged" (be it javelins like those spear-chukers in Orsinium, or small hidden throwing knives like any good swashbuckler would have on their person!) and more...
    Like: ;)
  • idk
    Is OP wondering why they have not released the design or a 1H weapon line? Both very different since a 1H weapon line take more work and has a bigger effect on the game than a design.
  • cyclonus11
    cyclonus11 wrote: »
    I also want a 1H/empty Fencing skill line like what's shown.
    Well, traditionally "fencing" was not a thing in medieval tech times, that one came quite a bit later when armor went out of fashion due to muskets. So it would not be a good thing for ESO...

    This is a fantasy setting, not a setting in Medieval Europe. I mean characters can throw fireballs and summon meteors from the sky for crying out loud. Also, the whole "Swashbuckler" stylization came well after the time period you're invoking, so the point is moot.

    Though I could be convinced of one hand/empty or one hand/parrying dagger or one hand/buckler as options in the same skill line...

  • JobooAGS
    Interestingly enough, TES Adventures Redguard has a cutlass. Which was set in the 2nd era. Additionally, oblivion also had cutlasses and there were no firearms in game.
  • snoozy
    Acrolas wrote: »
    Guards that cause hand/finger clipping issues are likely edited or removed during development. So it's possible that cutlass style guards have existed internally but never signed off on as final product.

    tons of *** with clipping issues in this game lol

    can't really imagine that being a reason for zo$ to pass up a monetization opportunity :no_mouth:
    PC EU
  • Drachenfier
    since at least in the marketing picture for the personality they at least get 1h version of the senchal pirate style even if its not 100% a culass...? ? ?

    The 1 weapon everyone would want when playing a pirate is a cutlass...and thats the one weapon type you dont release? zos logic...


    Kind of like how they release marketing pictures and videos of people wearing cloaks everywhere, and yet we get none in game.
  • TheShadowScout
    cyclonus11 wrote: »
    This is a fantasy setting, not a setting in Medieval Europe. I mean characters can throw fireballs and summon meteors from the sky for crying out loud.
    Which matters... not at all as its not relevant to the issue.
    What is relevena to the issue are the techical consierations behind the emergence of weapon choices throughout history.
    cyclonus11 wrote: »
    Also, the whole "Swashbuckler" stylization came well after the time period you're invoking, so the point is moot.
    Not really.
    In fact the "swashbuckler" stylization and the shift towards "fencing" and people without armor... happened both in and around the period of, say, late 15th to early 18th century; in -exactly- that time when armor went out of fashion due to the emergence of firearms, yet pistols were not yet advanced enough to give rise to the "gunslinger" style of the late 18th to 19th century and later...

    As I have been saying, the emergence of "fencing" weapons was not brought up by anything but the fact that heavy armor went out of style because technical advancements made it less and less effective... and in the end, not worth the effort. Thus weapons also changed from the heavier swords of the medieval period to ever lighter ones, until we came to fencing style rapiers of the "three musketeer" era. Which is pretty much the same era as the "pirates of the caribbean", give or take a century (Musketeers created in 1622, piracy in the caribbean at its height 1660 to 1730 - the only big technical difference is that they had flintlocks instead of matchlock muskets, and general improvements of course)

    Heavy armor is still very much in style in tamriel, and will be for the next thousand years as we well know from other TES games.

    Of course, it could be argued that there are -some- "swashbuckler" style heroes before that time too. Robin Hood comes to mind... though that one was more of an archer then swordsman, right? Come to think of it, technically Sinbad would also very well fit a "medieval swachbuckler" style... and once again, it only really works because a lot of people are not wearing bloody armor in those stories and that peroid of history (and climate, the stories of 1001 nights and such were just a bit too hot for full plate mail courting heatstroke I reckon - which actually happened to more then a few crusaders, Salah al-din won at least one major battle because of this!).

    How many people do you generally see not wearing armor in ESO? (Mages don't count!)
    cyclonus11 wrote: »
    Though I could be convinced of one hand/empty or one hand/parrying dagger or one hand/buckler as options in the same skill line...
    As I keep saying, the "1H/empty" notion was -only- used in honor duels. Or by fighters who were caught unprepared, at least until they could find something to grab with their offhand to help them fight.

    And yes, by sailors who needed one hand to hold on to the riggin so they don't get swept down to davey jones locker by a stray wave. But as soon as they were in the midst of melee... they grabbed -something- with their offhand - be it a flintlock from their belt, a throwing knife from a hidden sheath, a belaying pin from the ship or the dagger they had been clenching in their teeth as piratical cliché...

    Because it only makes sense for people to use both hands when fighting for their lives. As I said, even the fencing schools back in that time did expect people to have a main-gauche, or taught how to use a cloak defensively, either by using it to obscure your opponents vision, or wrap it around your offhand to use like a shield.
    And anyone who was -expecting- trouble... got -something- in their offhand to start with. Either a shield in more medieval times, before those too went out of fashion, or choose a bigger sword for a two-handed grip (the classic longsword was exactly that) or another two-handed weapon, like a musket or whatever, or drew a dagger.

    Now, the "1H & dagger" thing is already possible with dual wield. The "1H & buckler" is already covered by sword&board, sorta.

    What IS missing is "1H & throwing weapons" with an option to use javelins like the NPCs in orsinium... or tiny shuriken you don't even see, and then not ever slot those skills for a "duellist" feel.

    And what is -sorely- missing is an "1H & magic" skill line, which would ba a -very- elder scrolly thing to have, for all those spellsword wannabes, and would be the magical equivalent of grabbing a flintlock with your offhand I guess... ;)

    Hence: ;)
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