Guards that cause hand/finger clipping issues are likely edited or removed during development. So it's possible that cutlass style guards have existed internally but never signed off on as final product.
cyclonus11 wrote: »I also want a 1H/empty Fencing skill line like what's shown.
Well, traditionally "fencing" was not a thing in medieval tech times, that one came quite a bit later when armor went out of fashion due to muskets. So it would not be a good thing for ESO...cyclonus11 wrote: »I also want a 1H/empty Fencing skill line like what's shown.
Yeah,. that has been talked about since... forever, really.Konstant_Tel_Necris wrote: »Perhaps someday we will get Onehander&Rune weapon skill line...
TheShadowScout wrote: »Well, traditionally "fencing" was not a thing in medieval tech times, that one came quite a bit later when armor went out of fashion due to muskets. So it would not be a good thing for ESO...
Guards that cause hand/finger clipping issues are likely edited or removed during development. So it's possible that cutlass style guards have existed internally but never signed off on as final product.
Nemesis7884 wrote: »since at least in the marketing picture for the personality they at least get 1h version of the senchal pirate style even if its not 100% a culass...? ? ?
The 1 weapon everyone would want when playing a pirate is a cutlass...and thats the one weapon type you dont release? zos logic...
Which matters... not at all as its not relevant to the issue.cyclonus11 wrote: »This is a fantasy setting, not a setting in Medieval Europe. I mean characters can throw fireballs and summon meteors from the sky for crying out loud.
Not really.cyclonus11 wrote: »Also, the whole "Swashbuckler" stylization came well after the time period you're invoking, so the point is moot.
As I keep saying, the "1H/empty" notion was -only- used in honor duels. Or by fighters who were caught unprepared, at least until they could find something to grab with their offhand to help them fight.cyclonus11 wrote: »Though I could be convinced of one hand/empty or one hand/parrying dagger or one hand/buckler as options in the same skill line...