MizoreReyes wrote: »There are plenty of forum threads about this already but the simple answer is Boneyard skill synergy + 3x harmony trait jewelry build. It is devastating in group play, but in solo play the gimmick can be situational and predictable.
Jabbs_Giggity wrote: »This skill should not be able to be synergized by the caster. Period. If ZOS plans to keep it as such, other classes should be rolled into the same category and be able to synergize their skills themselves as well.
So 3 gold Harmony traits gives their synergies 105% extra damage?
And they can proc their own synergies??
Jabbs_Giggity wrote: »This skill should not be able to be synergized by the caster. Period. If ZOS plans to keep it as such, other classes should be rolled into the same category and be able to synergize their skills themselves as well.
Just imagine a Harmony Templar that self-synerizes their own NovasWould that be too OP? Well, no different than Necros doing that with Grave Robber - A non-Ult skill that can synergize for more damage than Spectral Bow, Snipe and most Ultimates
It adds a sense of identity to the skill/class, opens up an entirely new option for building your character, requires a specific setup to really take full advantage of, is very telegraphed making it easy to evade, and is on the synergy cooldown meaning if it doesn't work, they can't do it again for another 12 or so seconds.
There needs to be more interesting mechanics like this, not less. Please stop asking for depth and diversity to be stripped from skills, builds and classes, it's actually ruining the game.
There’s a 20 second cooldown on using the synergy. It should be the hardest hitting ability that isn’t an Ult.
Jabbs_Giggity wrote: »
I disagree. If you're defending the ability to self synergize a non-ult damage skill to upward numbers of 11K-17K, on average, in a PVP setting that is stackable with a Damaging Ult that hits on average for 6-8K per tick while providing Major Vulnerability then you're probably one of the abusers of this mechanic.
I cannot think of any other synergy, other than Talons, that provides damage within an area and is not from an Ult, let alone one that can be self-synergized. The problem isn't the skill or what it does, the problem is self-synergy where you don't need coordination with a group member to activate.
If you're calling this "skilled" or "unique" mechanics then there should be A LOT of mechanics returned to classes that were deemed "unfair advantages" for them. If the ability were not able to be self-synergized than I, IMO, would not call it unbalanced. But the fact is that ZOS purposely created it this way to sell the class - it will be nerfed eventually.
No, I don’t play a Necro.
Grave robber isn’t even one of the harder hitting synergies. Self synergizing isn’t the issue.
The class was deemed terrible by most players. Now some people adapted it and made it work, so people want it nerfed?
People are just being silly. The class needs fine tuning, things should be left as is and only nerfed as it’s core mechanics are being fixed.
Then you play with Necro bomber in your team or you don't enter Cyro at all. I usually run 24 man groups and stopped couple weeks ago. We got into a fight with DC at BRK. It was 8 man team of tanks and healers and 1 necro bomber. They deveated 2 AD zergs and 2 EP zergs. All unkillable full defence and then the necro bomb. Its dumb its stupid and kills fun enjoyable zerg vs zerg fights. But you go on and defend and think again why casualls leave Cyro.
Was there any doubt that the moment a good zerg counter appears zergs would be unhappy?
Boneyard has 6m range. All you have to do to avoid getting bombed by a necro is not stack up in a blob. You can't crutch on your cross-healing that way? Good. We need more skills like that to encourage blobs to spread out or die.
Fighting against unkillable teams [snip] is not fun to do everyday.
So how majority of truly casual not-grouped players who just poped in at the nearest siege feel when they are facing your zerg? Enjoy some of your own medicine.
Jabbs_Giggity wrote: »There’s a 20 second cooldown on using the synergy. It should be the hardest hitting ability that isn’t an Ult.
I disagree. If you're defending the ability to self synergize a non-ult damage skill to upward numbers of 11K-17K, on average, in a PVP setting that is stackable with a Damaging Ult that hits on average for 6-8K per tick while providing Major Vulnerability then you're probably one of the abusers of this mechanic.
I cannot think of any other synergy, other than Talons, that provides damage within an area and is not from an Ult, let alone one that can be self-synergized. The problem isn't the skill or what it does, the problem is self-synergy where you don't need coordination with a group member to activate.
If you're calling this "skilled" or "unique" mechanics then there should be A LOT of mechanics returned to classes that were deemed "unfair advantages" for them. If the ability were not able to be self-synergized than I, IMO, would not call it unbalanced. But the fact is that ZOS purposely created it this way to sell the class - it will be nerfed eventually.
No, I don’t play a Necro.
Grave robber isn’t even one of the harder hitting synergies. Self synergizing isn’t the issue.
The class was deemed terrible by most players. Now some people adapted it and made it work, so people want it nerfed?
People are just being silly. The class needs fine tuning, things should be left as is and only nerfed as it’s core mechanics are being fixed.
Then you play with Necro bomber in your team or you don't enter Cyro at all. I usually run 24 man groups and stopped couple weeks ago. We got into a fight with DC at BRK. It was 8 man team of tanks and healers and 1 necro bomber. They deveated 2 AD zergs and 2 EP zergs. All unkillable full defence and then the necro bomb. Its dumb its stupid and kills fun enjoyable zerg vs zerg fights. But you go on and defend and think again why casualls leave Cyro.
Was there any doubt that the moment a good zerg counter appears zergs would be unhappy?
Boneyard has 6m range. All you have to do to avoid getting bombed by a necro is not stack up in a blob. You can't crutch on your cross-healing that way? Good. We need more skills like that to encourage blobs to spread out or die.
Again it will be the end of casuall gaming in Cyro. And they don't kill them at once, get like 5 players at once, and keep preventing resses, every time 5 or more players are together bomb them. We tried playing around the necro bomber and succeed, but it required so much yelling and directions of leaders its boring, not appealing for me at all. And looking at the complaineds and people dropping out in my zerg guild I know many feel the same.
Fighting against unkillable teams especially if you cannot get together and stack but all need to spread and 1 mistake many die and getting back from that will be very hard is not fun to do everyday. So why bother. Maybe I am wrong and majority thinks this is awesome for me I think this is the end for Cyro until this is altered enough it isn't so OP and skill less. And yes that makes me sad as I think its fun to have large groups organised, good at siege, enough heals and stacked and roaming the map with me as crown. With necro bomb its like, spread out, do not cordinated, try meatbag if space, do not follow them in keeps small spaces, only tanks of flags and most likely we loss go to otherside of the map see if we can find a group vs group fight no multi bombers again, oke log off who wants to join BG?
I see and get what you mean I really do. But then this we need work as a team coordinate, cover all roles and fill up gaps in the team. Train players work with them. Setup a large guild, recruit and keep members happy, design so many builds for members and what more to get to a point we have a strong guild group to storm keeps and yes win a lot. This versus 1 well designed build with I have to say a player with good timing and executing of the skills can kill all of the above on his own, that is the part that does not feel right, can you give me that one?
SpoilerJabbs_Giggity wrote: »There’s a 20 second cooldown on using the synergy. It should be the hardest hitting ability that isn’t an Ult.
I disagree. If you're defending the ability to self synergize a non-ult damage skill to upward numbers of 11K-17K, on average, in a PVP setting that is stackable with a Damaging Ult that hits on average for 6-8K per tick while providing Major Vulnerability then you're probably one of the abusers of this mechanic.
I cannot think of any other synergy, other than Talons, that provides damage within an area and is not from an Ult, let alone one that can be self-synergized. The problem isn't the skill or what it does, the problem is self-synergy where you don't need coordination with a group member to activate.
If you're calling this "skilled" or "unique" mechanics then there should be A LOT of mechanics returned to classes that were deemed "unfair advantages" for them. If the ability were not able to be self-synergized than I, IMO, would not call it unbalanced. But the fact is that ZOS purposely created it this way to sell the class - it will be nerfed eventually.
No, I don’t play a Necro.
Grave robber isn’t even one of the harder hitting synergies. Self synergizing isn’t the issue.
The class was deemed terrible by most players. Now some people adapted it and made it work, so people want it nerfed?
People are just being silly. The class needs fine tuning, things should be left as is and only nerfed as it’s core mechanics are being fixed.
Then you play with Necro bomber in your team or you don't enter Cyro at all. I usually run 24 man groups and stopped couple weeks ago. We got into a fight with DC at BRK. It was 8 man team of tanks and healers and 1 necro bomber. They deveated 2 AD zergs and 2 EP zergs. All unkillable full defence and then the necro bomb. Its dumb its stupid and kills fun enjoyable zerg vs zerg fights. But you go on and defend and think again why casualls leave Cyro.
Was there any doubt that the moment a good zerg counter appears zergs would be unhappy?
Boneyard has 6m range. All you have to do to avoid getting bombed by a necro is not stack up in a blob. You can't crutch on your cross-healing that way? Good. We need more skills like that to encourage blobs to spread out or die.
Again it will be the end of casuall gaming in Cyro. And they don't kill them at once, get like 5 players at once, and keep preventing resses, every time 5 or more players are together bomb them. We tried playing around the necro bomber and succeed, but it required so much yelling and directions of leaders its boring, not appealing for me at all. And looking at the complaineds and people dropping out in my zerg guild I know many feel the same.
Fighting against unkillable teams especially if you cannot get together and stack but all need to spread and 1 mistake many die and getting back from that will be very hard is not fun to do everyday. So why bother. Maybe I am wrong and majority thinks this is awesome for me I think this is the end for Cyro until this is altered enough it isn't so OP and skill less. And yes that makes me sad as I think its fun to have large groups organised, good at siege, enough heals and stacked and roaming the map with me as crown. With necro bomb its like, spread out, do not cordinated, try meatbag if space, do not follow them in keeps small spaces, only tanks of flags and most likely we loss go to otherside of the map see if we can find a group vs group fight no multi bombers again, oke log off who wants to join BG?
We need more game mechanics that punish people for stacking up and having poor positioning, not less. "Moshpit fights" or pure "brawls" are in my book examples of bad PvP.
The increased zerg-fests is what´s killing PvP, not organized small/medium groups. Just accept that you and the other faction got outplayed by this DC group and move on maybe? And it´s not like it´s impossible to improve to counter these groups either (assuming your group is motivated enough to do so). And god forbid there´s a counter to blob groups like yours. Numbers shouldn´t be the main factor deciding the outcome of a fight.
SpoilerJabbs_Giggity wrote: »There’s a 20 second cooldown on using the synergy. It should be the hardest hitting ability that isn’t an Ult.
I disagree. If you're defending the ability to self synergize a non-ult damage skill to upward numbers of 11K-17K, on average, in a PVP setting that is stackable with a Damaging Ult that hits on average for 6-8K per tick while providing Major Vulnerability then you're probably one of the abusers of this mechanic.
I cannot think of any other synergy, other than Talons, that provides damage within an area and is not from an Ult, let alone one that can be self-synergized. The problem isn't the skill or what it does, the problem is self-synergy where you don't need coordination with a group member to activate.
If you're calling this "skilled" or "unique" mechanics then there should be A LOT of mechanics returned to classes that were deemed "unfair advantages" for them. If the ability were not able to be self-synergized than I, IMO, would not call it unbalanced. But the fact is that ZOS purposely created it this way to sell the class - it will be nerfed eventually.
No, I don’t play a Necro.
Grave robber isn’t even one of the harder hitting synergies. Self synergizing isn’t the issue.
The class was deemed terrible by most players. Now some people adapted it and made it work, so people want it nerfed?
People are just being silly. The class needs fine tuning, things should be left as is and only nerfed as it’s core mechanics are being fixed.
Then you play with Necro bomber in your team or you don't enter Cyro at all. I usually run 24 man groups and stopped couple weeks ago. We got into a fight with DC at BRK. It was 8 man team of tanks and healers and 1 necro bomber. They deveated 2 AD zergs and 2 EP zergs. All unkillable full defence and then the necro bomb. Its dumb its stupid and kills fun enjoyable zerg vs zerg fights. But you go on and defend and think again why casualls leave Cyro.
Was there any doubt that the moment a good zerg counter appears zergs would be unhappy?
Boneyard has 6m range. All you have to do to avoid getting bombed by a necro is not stack up in a blob. You can't crutch on your cross-healing that way? Good. We need more skills like that to encourage blobs to spread out or die.
Again it will be the end of casuall gaming in Cyro. And they don't kill them at once, get like 5 players at once, and keep preventing resses, every time 5 or more players are together bomb them. We tried playing around the necro bomber and succeed, but it required so much yelling and directions of leaders its boring, not appealing for me at all. And looking at the complaineds and people dropping out in my zerg guild I know many feel the same.
Fighting against unkillable teams especially if you cannot get together and stack but all need to spread and 1 mistake many die and getting back from that will be very hard is not fun to do everyday. So why bother. Maybe I am wrong and majority thinks this is awesome for me I think this is the end for Cyro until this is altered enough it isn't so OP and skill less. And yes that makes me sad as I think its fun to have large groups organised, good at siege, enough heals and stacked and roaming the map with me as crown. With necro bomb its like, spread out, do not cordinated, try meatbag if space, do not follow them in keeps small spaces, only tanks of flags and most likely we loss go to otherside of the map see if we can find a group vs group fight no multi bombers again, oke log off who wants to join BG?
We need more game mechanics that punish people for stacking up and having poor positioning, not less. "Moshpit fights" or pure "brawls" are in my book examples of bad PvP.
The increased zerg-fests is what´s killing PvP, not organized small/medium groups. Just accept that you and the other faction got outplayed by this DC group and move on maybe? And it´s not like it´s impossible to improve to counter these groups either (assuming your group is motivated enough to do so). And god forbid there´s a counter to blob groups like yours. Numbers shouldn´t be the main factor deciding the outcome of a fight.
I see necro running around rock cracks or tower, healing itself, with enemies in tow. It's not long before it drops death on them.
I think to myself, "that's a badass move". I don't follow necro, I keep my distance. If I am not paying attention and get caught up in that trap, I smack myself to say, "Wake up you fool."
The necro teams I encounter don't run, they attack us, being shielded by stacked healers and tanks.
If there wasn't counter play then yea it would be a lil over tuned but the fact they are giving up 3 arcane/infused spell damage etc for a single skill aoe skill that you can literally attack them from the outside of it because of the small radius. You have to stand inside the small aoe that causes breach/fracture usually get hit with it after the ult and stay in the boneyard aoe while the hit the synergy. Too many ways to avoid this skill for it to be nerfed and right now one of the only ways to kill zergs thru healing spam. Need more tools like this in the game.
If they were able to line all that up and lure you into the trap it's a good play on the necro's part esp outside of group play.