Please give us an option to disable weather lightning, I have light sensitive eyes and i can't take it it's everywhere all the time
Played cyrodiil all week, constant lightning, for hours, no stop to it
Malabal Tor ? Constant lightning
Vvardenfell ? Constant lightning
I always have to take refuge in alik'r desert
Even in BG there's lightning
100% user end issue. Adjust your monitor or TV.
delta_mystic wrote: »
please learn more about photosensitivity before hand-waving people with life-altering conditions such as migraine, epilepsy. etc.
edit: typo
Apparently there's some stupid Lore about how whenever it rains it's a Thunder Storm because of Sheogorath. I view Lore like scripture but even that is kinda unbearable.
Y'know weather effects are client side, not server. I'm surprised there hasn't been a weather Addon made yet.
Versispellis wrote: »
@delta_mystic Gosh, thank you. I thought about saying something, because it seemed like such a needlessly contrarian and ableist thing to say, as if it never occurred to someone to adjust their screen, but then I chose not to. You did it much more succinctly than I would have.
delta_mystic wrote: »
aww thanks for the feedback! One more suggestion: if you use Chrome browser you can get extensions like TLV Night Mode to create a color theme you can apply to almost all web pages. I used to avoid some of my now fave ESO forums and fansites because their themes were too bright. Now I can browse pretty much everything! I'm sure other browsers have stuff like that too.
Versispellis wrote: »
Extensions like that are awesome! I never use them because I find the light text on dark actually harder to look at, but I'm glad that those extensions exist for the people they help.
delta_mystic wrote: »
I have the same prob with almost all authored pre-set themes. TLV let's me set my own colors by clicking on a Color Picker and/or typing in hex codes. It then automatically applies my theme to any page I visit. I can turn it on/off with a single 'Exclude' checkbox click.
My poor old dog was afraid of the thunder too. Heck, the really loud claps startle the hell out of me, especially if I’m PVPing (so more jumpy).
Plus, lightning sounds freak my cat out. Even with the sound very low. So I'd love to be able to turn off the stormy sounds as well, so I don't have to keep turning off my speakers or putting on my headphones when there's a storm in-game.
Please give us an option to disable weather lightning, I have light sensitive eyes and i can't take it it's everywhere all the time
Played cyrodiil all week, constant lightning, for hours, no stop to it
Malabal Tor ? Constant lightning
Vvardenfell ? Constant lightning
I always have to take refuge in alik'r desert
Even in BG there's lightning