Maintenance for the week of January 20:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 20
• NA megaservers for maintenance – January 22, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EST (14:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – January 22, 9:00 UTC (4:00AM EST) - 14:00 UTC (9:00AM EST)
We will be performing maintenance for patch 10.3.1 on the PTS on Tuesday at 10:00AM EST (15:00 UTC).

Proc sets on next pts

@ZOS_Gilliam @ZOS_BrianWheeler
if its possible, could proc sets be tested in next pts?
id like to see the damage of them looked at, as well as the amount of time it takes to deal damage. eg, widowmaker. it takes 1 sec for spore to explode.
maybe try reducing that and ajusting other things to make them viable. NOT op. find the middle point plz.
  • Taleof2Cities
    All proc sets that are on Live are also available on PTS right now, @ThePhantomThorn.

    Simply use a max CP character template to unlock the gold level gear coffers. You can then transfer the gear sets to your other characters on PTS.

    I hope you’re not asking the devs to review proc sets for you ... because your opening post doesn’t offer any specifics. If you’re not going to test sets yourself, more specific ideas are best placed in the Combat & Character Mechanics forums.
  • idk
    All proc sets that are on Live are also available on PTS right now, @ThePhantomThorn.

    Simply use a max CP character template to unlock the gold level gear coffers. You can then transfer the gear sets to your other characters on PTS.

    I hope you’re not asking the devs to review proc sets for you ... because your opening post doesn’t offer any specifics. If you’re not going to test sets yourself, more specific ideas are best placed in the Combat & Character Mechanics forums.

    Pretty much this. Zos permits us to tests on the PTS constantly. Pretty nice.

    And yes, one really should do the homework instead of generically asking others to do it and certainly provide a basis for asking Zos to change things.
  • ThePhantomThorn
    All proc sets that are on Live are also available on PTS right now, @ThePhantomThorn.

    Simply use a max CP character template to unlock the gold level gear coffers. You can then transfer the gear sets to your other characters on PTS.

    I hope you’re not asking the devs to review proc sets for you ... because your opening post doesn’t offer any specifics. If you’re not going to test sets yourself, more specific ideas are best placed in the Combat & Character Mechanics forums.

    i am looking for a BUFF
  • ChunkyCat
    Nerf Sorcs? Ok
  • Taleof2Cities
    All proc sets that are on Live are also available on PTS right now, @ThePhantomThorn.

    Simply use a max CP character template to unlock the gold level gear coffers. You can then transfer the gear sets to your other characters on PTS.

    I hope you’re not asking the devs to review proc sets for you ... because your opening post doesn’t offer any specifics. If you’re not going to test sets yourself, more specific ideas are best placed in the Combat & Character Mechanics forums.

    i am looking for a BUFF

    That’s not very specific either ... have you done concrete PTS testing to give details on what you want improved?

    Or, is this your armchair developer impression ... linking ZOS employee tags to carry out ideas conjured before the morning coffee kicks in?

    Edited by Taleof2Cities on December 14, 2019 1:09AM
  • ThePhantomThorn
    i am asking for zos to look at proc sets from a pvp balance perspective and to test if buffing them will be beneficial to pvp.
  • idk
    i am asking for zos to look at proc sets from a pvp balance perspective and to test if buffing them will be beneficial to pvp.

    So you would have no issue if Zos determined they needed to be nerfed more instead?

    Zos has put them in a pretty good place. A skilled player should be able to outperform proc set builds and an average player can hold their own with a proc set build.

    Further, you have not demonstrated anything as to how proc sets are underperforming. Just saying you want them considered for buffing.
  • ThePhantomThorn
    idk wrote: »
    i am asking for zos to look at proc sets from a pvp balance perspective and to test if buffing them will be beneficial to pvp.

    So you would have no issue if Zos determined they needed to be nerfed more instead?

    Zos has put them in a pretty good place. A skilled player should be able to outperform proc set builds and an average player can hold their own with a proc set build.

    Further, you have not demonstrated anything as to how proc sets are underperforming. Just saying you want them considered for buffing.

    ok underpreforming.

    eternal hunt tooltip in cp is 10k.
    battle spirit makes 5k.
    then mitigation.

    i havnt seen a rune hit for more than 2k.
    for a 5pc set that is easily avoidable, thats too low

    unfathomable darkness
    4k tooltip.
    battle spirit makes 2k.
    then mitigation.

    see what im saying.

    proc sets are often very hard to hit and when they do, most do minor damage.

  • robpr
    Then things like Sloads, Viper, Venom and Caluurion exist.
  • idk
    idk wrote: »
    i am asking for zos to look at proc sets from a pvp balance perspective and to test if buffing them will be beneficial to pvp.

    So you would have no issue if Zos determined they needed to be nerfed more instead?

    Zos has put them in a pretty good place. A skilled player should be able to outperform proc set builds and an average player can hold their own with a proc set build.

    Further, you have not demonstrated anything as to how proc sets are underperforming. Just saying you want them considered for buffing.

    ok underpreforming.

    eternal hunt tooltip in cp is 10k.
    battle spirit makes 5k.
    then mitigation.

    i havnt seen a rune hit for more than 2k.
    for a 5pc set that is easily avoidable, thats too low

    unfathomable darkness
    4k tooltip.
    battle spirit makes 2k.
    then mitigation.

    see what im saying.

    proc sets are often very hard to hit and when they do, most do minor damage.

    Yes, I see what you are saying and my point stands. The damage you note is not bad for damage that is on top of everything else the player does.

    Proc sets add to the damage a player already does. If it is a good player the damage you note is nice icing on the cake. If they player is lesser skilled they will obviously get lesser results but that is life.

    Even before Zos rebalanced proc sets they were not used by good DPS players. They balanced the proc sets to PvP which is exactly what you are asking.

    Hate to say it but after a week it does not seem many agree that they need to be looked at again.
  • validifyedneb18_ESO
    Some of the best sets in the game are proc sets.

    Sadly these often fall into 2 poor catagories:
    1. PVE-foccused sets which use stacking procs to ensure they are better than any other set in the game... withoout being useful in shorter fights (PVP), clever but boring, and all other sets are made intetionally worse killing build diversity (has to be this way for now, or PVP would become unbalanced if say, a single proc did the 6k dps that relequens did without needing stacking)
    2. Procs that proc of taking damage. Impossible to test reliably, also just feels... wrong. Atleast on a non-tank set - or even on non-tanky-bonuses on tanky sets eg.. ultimate generation on bloodspawn. I have a mental block against building builds around this proc mechanic, which is sad, there is a lot of cool stuff out there like werewolf hide and aforementioned bloodspawn.

    tl;dr: I highly doubt they will buff proc sets, the *** ones are *** for a reason, and the few meta ones are good for a reason.

    PS: Ahh the forums, some people just love to disagree with any suggestions for improving the game... those people are often the same faces too, as it turns out
    Edited by validifyedneb18_ESO on December 23, 2019 11:08PM
    EU: Magden, Magknight, Stamsorc(*2), Magsorc
    NA: Magplar, Magden, PotatoBlade
  • validifyedneb18_ESO
    For the record, while I was bound to take a break from ESO eventually, the post PTS nerf to Drozakars Claws pushed me over the edge this most recent quitting.

    The set was perfectly good, very interesting, was solidly worse than meta PVE sets but good enough to be used on an off-meta build. But because it was good for PVE, that ment it was TOO good for PVP because it wasnt a stacking proc, so byebye it went. 2 nerfs later it now barely does anything. set
    EU: Magden, Magknight, Stamsorc(*2), Magsorc
    NA: Magplar, Magden, PotatoBlade
  • Rianai
    idk wrote: »
    i am asking for zos to look at proc sets from a pvp balance perspective and to test if buffing them will be beneficial to pvp.

    So you would have no issue if Zos determined they needed to be nerfed more instead?

    Zos has put them in a pretty good place. A skilled player should be able to outperform proc set builds and an average player can hold their own with a proc set build.

    Further, you have not demonstrated anything as to how proc sets are underperforming. Just saying you want them considered for buffing.

    ok underpreforming.

    eternal hunt tooltip in cp is 10k.
    battle spirit makes 5k.
    then mitigation.

    i havnt seen a rune hit for more than 2k.
    for a 5pc set that is easily avoidable, thats too low

    unfathomable darkness
    4k tooltip.
    battle spirit makes 2k.
    then mitigation.

    see what im saying.

    proc sets are often very hard to hit and when they do, most do minor damage.

    Eternal Hunt is more an utility/defensive set, that makes it hard to chase a player down. The dmg (which still isn't bad) is just a bonus.
    Sets like Unfathomable Darkness/Grothdar/Overwhelming deal similar or more dmg than skills with compareable functionality, while also having a bigger radius. Most single target DoT sets deal more dmg than actual DoT skills. And let's not start with stuff like Calu or Zaan.
    None of this is hard to land and it's all for free and on top of whatever skills you are using.

    There are tons of very strong proc sets that would become op with any sorts of buffs. It seems like you want procs to kill players on their own. But your gear should not do the majority of the work for you. Period.

    What this game is really lacking is an offensive monster set that is not a dmg proc while being just as powerful. Stuff like Slimecraw or Kena pales in comparison to many procs (or defensive sets).
  • goldenarcher1
    Only a couple of weeks or so until next PTS cycle methinks. :p
  • Barbaran
    Proc sets are balanced right now.
    Think about it for a second, your armour is damaging your opponent... That's broken enough as it is lol.
    The second or two 'cast' times and delays are perfect.
    In a pvp perspective, if your slow enough to get caught in a selene bear, or a velidreth spore then you deserve to take the extra hit and learn from your mistakes.
    But you shouldn't just get a *** of free damage just because... This sounds like a L2P thread
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