oxygen_thief wrote: »why should they? you will buy it anyway. i bet it will be small area with short quest and chapter will be divided into a few parts to make more money
Dear Zos,
Skyrim is the BEST Game of my life. Please make the map huge, great and all playable areas. Don't destroy the Skyrim with huge mountains and non-playable areas. I want to taste every inch of the map.
PS: And also bring the Hand to Hand magic !!! Special Request))
it is Christmas so !!!
Dear Zos,
Skyrim is the BEST Game of my life. Please make the map huge, great and all playable areas. Don't destroy the Skyrim with huge mountains and non-playable areas. I want to taste every inch of the map.
PS: And also bring the Hand to Hand magic !!! Special Request))
it is Christmas so !!!
Dear Zos,
Skyrim is the BEST Game of my life. Please make the map huge, great and all playable areas. Don't destroy the Skyrim with huge mountains and non-playable areas. I want to taste every inch of the map.
PS: And also bring the Hand to Hand magic !!! Special Request))
it is Christmas so !!!
Don't worry, I'm sure it'll be filled with brain dead monsters that you can light attack to death. I recommend to just play Skyrim again where there's a chance something might actually kill you.
And when you do, use my "Level 1" mod for some extra difficulty ...
Instead of asking and just saying oooo nooo already they will not do that, of course, they will not... We need to tell them what we want and nooo if I do not like it I will not pay for it. I learned my lesson from Elsyweyr. I will not pre-order with the game not worth and again full of bugs.
I can keep playing Free and original Skyrim
alanmatillab16_ESO wrote: »anyone expecting a recreation of Skyrim is going to be disappointed. We have all seen the formula in every expansion so far:
Artifact pieces to be collected for a museum
World encounters similar to dark anchors
Handfull of world bosses
Handfull of delves, group delves and a couple of dungeons
New tutorial area for new characters to be forced to start in
New armour and weapon sets
Don't get me wrong I have enjoyed the expansions so far but I am under no illusion that anything new or innovative will be introduced.
dont read forum posts if they irritate you so much. better even stay away from forums.kinguardian wrote: »Yes I to hope that they are going to make a big area but mostly I hope for loads and loads of quests😊 I also look forward to it I really enjoyed the past year with the elsweyr areas.
For all the negative answers;
If you all are so negative and have nothing good to say about the game anymore then just stop. You don't have to announce it just leave and play something else. Then you are happy because you are not annoyed and bothered and unhappy anymore and we are all happy because you don't repeat yourselves in every single topic that has any positivity in it. I and a lot of people with me enjoy the game a lot and also do not have loads and loads of problems. Yes it is not flawless but c'mon it is an online game if this irritates you so much then do not play online games. Better even stay away from technologie because it is not flawless. Also no one makes you buy crowns and makes you buy stuff in the store. You can play the game very well without ever having to buy anything in crown store.