In the old days of non-faction locking, I see a map like that, I'd be thinking... now, which of my red/yellow characters need some PvP practice, and I could be pretty certain in short order I'd find a few other players who'd obviously thought the same way. These days, I log in on my "locked" blue, see something like that, and log off again.
But yes, gate camping, in the absence of a tight campaign score, is the act of dullards and cretins. It completely kills the game. And I sincerely hope that you guys remember this when it's your faction doing it (and it will happen), and not succumb to that pesky amnesia....
DC doesn't want to finish last again. LOL. They are kind of weak when the masses are logged on though. EP has ran away with this campaign but the race for 2nd is getting tighter.
Odysseus87 wrote: »WOW. You mean faction lock in fact did nothing to help balance campaigns? What a gosh darn shock.
Faction lock was meant to curb the trolling. If you want a balanced campaign, ZOS would have to take away the choice to pick which alliance you play in. Do you really want that?
And how did that workout? I've seen 4 scroll trolls this camp, that I've noticed..From what I've seen lock has done absolutely nothing
Other than get me to delete any character not on my main alliance so that I can play all classes still
Quoted post has been removed.
DC for the last six months on PC EU NoCP. Online either before everyone logs on, or after, rarely during.
ZOS_GregoryV wrote: »Greetings all,
After removing a handful of posts for Baiting, we must remind everyone that all posts should be kept civil and constructive, as well as within the guidelines of the rules that we have in place. If a post can not be kept civil, it may be best not to post it as Baiting is a violation of the rules. If there may be any questions in regards to the rules, please feel free to review them here.
Thank you for your understanding,
Odysseus87 wrote: »
No, you just removed posts that protested your fantastic faction lock idea, in addition to ones that named a particular player. The player naming I get, but the posts that simply said that trolling still occurred with faction lock? You just plain censored them.
Way to listen to your player base. Way to censor criticism.
Also, the naming thing. I just changed my mind. It is constructive to talk about how a single player can cause the above map. If someone actively gates and creates a toxic environment for a lot of players, it should be discussed. I’ll grant that some of the posts weren’t constructive, but it is definitely worth the community to discuss how it affects them.
Fur_like_snow wrote: »Does this mean that Kaal is the new Sotha?
Fur_like_snow wrote: »Faction lock in practice. You got what you asked for “faction loyalists”.
This thread is funny, as if this has anything to do with faction lock. Locked or unlocked you have map caping if there is no resistance.
The funny part is... a lot of us told them this would happen, and got howled at, berated, even called cheaters! And here we are. What has happened is exactly what was predicted. I don't even bother looking at PvP during the week now, because, as an aussie, my peak time is your off peak time, and the map looked like a variant of that every. single. night after faction lock.
So, one less person for PvP during the week. GJDM.
Seemed pretty close across both active servers on PC EU. Maybe its a mentality thing.
Well, gee, that's really great, I'm glad one campaign on the games most potato server that I don't even play on was close, thank you for telling me that like it's some great news that totally justifies faction locks.