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Let's have a hard mode for quests ?

  • FierceSam
    FierceSam wrote: »
    mocap wrote: »
    Has been said many times, overland Battle spirit, personal debuf.
    No interference with instances or new players.

    ZOS doesn't care about it. Deal with it.

    And ZOS doesn’t implement this because first, the demand while there is way, way too low, and second, because it is far, far easier for the player to do it themselves.

    You want to make it harder, just make it harder. And you can make it exactly as hard as you want. Remove your CP, or remove your CP and only use weapon skills, or remove CP, only use weapon skills and only wear white armour.... start the zone naked with a new character and only use what you can find. You can customise it to be exactly what you want in a way that ZOS could never do. Take responsibility for your experience rather than insisting ZOS mummys you through everything. And that surely would be far more fun than any ‘one size fits all’ thing ZOS could come up with.

    You can't do that yourself. Removing CP costs gold, and the points need to be reallocated every time you want to do other content. Nobody is going to spend 50k a week removing CP and multiple hours reallocating the points every time they want to do a dungeon or trial or PvP. It's an absurd suggestion.

    You can do it yourself. You can customise your character in far more sophisticated and personal ways than ZOS ever could.

    You just don’t want to.

    You want to have more difficult overland content but you just don’t want it to be any trouble to you. Or cost you anything.

    You want ZOS to be your mummy and do everything for you.

    I’m saying they won’t do that, but the tools are there to let you customise your experience.
  • Deyirn
    I wholeheartedly agree with this. I already quit the game due to being too easy => boring.

    But I think I have a better suggestion on how Hardcore Mode can be implemented:

    On the character creation screen you have a checkbox that says "Hardcore Mode" and it basically works like this:

    - your stats are lowered by 25% .. or 50% ... that's up for discussion
    - your loot is proportionally increased by the same percentage just to give you some reward for putting in the extra work (that feature isn't that important, just using Diablo 2 Hardcore mode as an example)
    - an even harder and more rewarding mode called "Mortal Mode" where you can get even more rewards, your stats are lowered even more and there's the catch - if you die once, you can't play that character ever again

    Honestly, ESO has been dumbed-down so much to cater to casuals that it just isn't fun anymore. And with that stupid level scaling thing they introduced a few years ago, they can finally put it to good use by allowing both casual and hardcore players to play side-by-side without one group affecting negatively the other group.

    It's a win-win situation, I don't know why they won't do it or why would they only cater only to the casuals. I've bought some content in the game, but I quit so until the game provides an option for more challenge, I don't see giving them more of my money. But if they did that, me and all the other people that wish for a more challenging gameplay will return and continue to support the game.

    And I hate those casuals giving stupid "solutions" like "just take off you gear and play like that"... dude, I am running naked and I still wipe the floor with the mobs, I can even solo some world bosses naked... that's how easy and boring ESO has become.

    Back in 2015 when I got it, I remember it was a lot more harder and there was a reason to play, now it's so easy and stupid that it just feels insulting to my intelligence - like the developers think I'm too stupid to keep my character alive.
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