Spartabunny08 wrote: »7th legion... lol probably not the game for you huh.
what? be more specific in what you're trying to say. your comment makes no sense.
usmguy1234 wrote: »I guarantee you'd see a lot more glass cannon type builds in pvp if the game didn't run like hot garbage.
usmguy1234 wrote: »I guarantee you'd see a lot more glass cannon type builds in pvp if the game didn't run like hot garbage.
My question is there a need for it in PvP? Do we need tanks in PvP? tanks that can output a very close amount of damage compared to light or medium. IMO no we do not. you come to PvP to fight not bash your head against someone with high resists, high heals, high damage.
My suggestion allow the set items on jewelry weapons but the player cannot wear 5 piece into PvP zones. Max 2 for undaunted passive.
This would be a very unpopular decision coming from the current meta of things but would stop all the tank meta in its tracks for the most part. I do understand there are light sets that can cause resists as high as heavy but they would not get all the healing passives to carry them to safety.
Heavy armor and damage should not be in the same sentence.
Time to see all the hate from this post lets goooooo.
usmguy1234 wrote: »I guarantee you'd see a lot more glass cannon type builds in pvp if the game didn't run like hot garbage.
Emma_Overload wrote: »It's funny seeing people blame this, that and the other thing for the tank meta. None of that stuff is the root cause of the meta, so nerfing classes, skills or gear isn't going to solve anything.
The cause of the tanky meta is ESO's toxic PvP community. Players build to survive at all costs, because dying means getting t-bagged, hate-whispered or worse, humiliated on some obnoxious streamer's YouTube or Twitch channel.
Is there anything ZOS could do about it? Disabling cross-faction whispers in PvP zones would help a lot. They could ban all emotes in PvP, and fix corpse removal and respawning so that it always happens immedicately after death. They could even take the extreme measure of filing DMCA takedowns on all user-created Cyrodiil/IC/Battleground content. Other games have banned video footage, so it's definitely possible.
I can imagine that a lot of players would resist these types of changes, but I would be fine with any or all of them. I'd like to see people get back to playing instead of constantly farming "salt".
StaticWave wrote: »
I thought my trolling attempts were obvious, then I saw this : ))
My question is there a need for it in PvP? Do we need tanks in PvP? tanks that can output a very close amount of damage compared to light or medium. IMO no we do not. you come to PvP to fight not bash your head against someone with high resists, high heals, high damage.
My suggestion allow the set items on jewelry weapons but the player cannot wear 5 piece into PvP zones. Max 2 for undaunted passive.
This would be a very unpopular decision coming from the current meta of things but would stop all the tank meta in its tracks for the most part. I do understand there are light sets that can cause resists as high as heavy but they would not get all the healing passives to carry them to safety.
Heavy armor and damage should not be in the same sentence.
Time to see all the hate from this post lets goooooo.
TequilaFire wrote: »Vampires mist forming around LOS objects is more of a problem.
Mist form should cost way more than it does.
Magicka characters get along just fine without the bonuses from light armor, so nobody wears it.