PvP broken, anyone else experiencing this?

I thought ZoS was doing some kind of performance fix? It didn’t take, apparently. Thinking about canceling my Plus.
Xbox One NA (retired)
  • Metemsycosis
    Yeah i like my plus and i doubt even if every pvp exclusive/dedicated player stopped theirs it wouldn't matter. There's no leverage.
    Terethea Magdalena, Breton Nightblade
    A Dark-Adapted Eye, Imperial Necromancer

    sanguinare vampiris

  • EtTuBrutus
    If you're a pvp main and you pay for this performance, you're part of the problem. Money talks.
  • jadarock
    It's so bad lately that I've been turning it off early .
    Basically the closer I get to west coast prime time the more unplayable the game becomes
  • Metemsycosis
    EtTuBrutus wrote: »
    If you're a pvp main and you pay for this performance, you're part of the problem. Money talks.

    Except pvp doesn't sell eso, trials do

    The number of players increases but the number of pvpers decreases.

    Not to mention is there a feedback button for folks that unsub?

    I aint gonna lie
    They got me with the crafting/bank.

    Whimpers. Almost ashamed to admit it.
    Terethea Magdalena, Breton Nightblade
    A Dark-Adapted Eye, Imperial Necromancer

    sanguinare vampiris

  • jcm2606
    EtTuBrutus wrote: »
    If you're a pvp main and you pay for this performance, you're part of the problem. Money talks.

    Except pvp doesn't sell eso, trials do

    The number of players increases but the number of pvpers decreases.

    Not to mention is there a feedback button for folks that unsub?

    I aint gonna lie
    They got me with the crafting/bank.

    Whimpers. Almost ashamed to admit it.

    Trials don't even sell. The end game PvE community is just as unhappy as the PvP community, due to the meta being fundamentally shaken up twice in the last 4-6 months, with each shake making it less fun and less engaging, as well as a lack of any new content with Dragonhold.

    Questing, housing, everything casual is what sells. The number of newer players and the number of casual players increased, while the number of dedicated players decreases.
  • Vapirko
    This performance improvement was changing the way memory was managed. Also, DO NOT, expect any of the upcoming "performance updates" to improve the game for you. All that ZOS has ever said in all the years of supposed performance improvements that they've rolled out was that some players may see a small increase in FPS especially on older machines. THATS IT. I challenge you to find anything more. Also theres no reason not to cancel your subscription now. You can always start it back up if you really need to or things somehow do get better, but its not going to happen.
    Edited by Vapirko on November 18, 2019 3:34AM
  • Metemsycosis
    jcm2606 wrote: »
    EtTuBrutus wrote: »
    If you're a pvp main and you pay for this performance, you're part of the problem. Money talks.

    Except pvp doesn't sell eso, trials do

    The number of players increases but the number of pvpers decreases.

    Not to mention is there a feedback button for folks that unsub?

    I aint gonna lie
    They got me with the crafting/bank.

    Whimpers. Almost ashamed to admit it.

    Trials don't even sell. The end game PvE community is just as unhappy as the PvP community, due to the meta being fundamentally shaken up twice in the last 4-6 months, with each shake making it less fun and less engaging, as well as a lack of any new content with Dragonhold.

    Questing, housing, everything casual is what sells. The number of newer players and the number of casual players increased, while the number of dedicated players decreases.

    Honestly that doesn't change much of what i said.

    Pvp server performance is still largely (completely) irrelevant wrt selling the game. I am not sure i have personally ever experienced lag in a dungeon that wasnt a dc too, but lag has been a staple of cyrodiil since day one.

    Why would people act like eso plus was introduced to support server performance? What a joke. And how naive of a thought.

    My most consistent gripe with this game is and will always be the lag.

    But i like it despite this glaring flaw.
    Terethea Magdalena, Breton Nightblade
    A Dark-Adapted Eye, Imperial Necromancer

    sanguinare vampiris

  • ChefZero
    Vapirko wrote: »
    This performance improvement was changing the way memory was managed. Also, DO NOT, expect any of the upcoming "performance updates" to improve the game for you. All that ZOS has ever said in all the years of supposed performance improvements that they've rolled out was that some players may see a small increase in FPS especially on older machines. THATS IT. I challenge you to find anything more. Also theres no reason not to cancel your subscription now. You can always start it back up if you really need to or things somehow do get better, but its not going to happen.

    Also Matt Firor said he's ok with people come and play a new update and leave to play other game's in a stream this year. Seems like ESO is a real massive singleplayer online role play game.

    I mean what the f** is the point about content like malestorm arena in a MMORPG? What's the point about being in a guild beside trading an trail scores? When did they implement content for guild's? When did ZOS stuff to force players to be social? Where are the Q&A stream's with famous guild leaders?
    PC EU - DC only
  • Koensol
    ChefZero wrote: »
    Vapirko wrote: »
    This performance improvement was changing the way memory was managed. Also, DO NOT, expect any of the upcoming "performance updates" to improve the game for you. All that ZOS has ever said in all the years of supposed performance improvements that they've rolled out was that some players may see a small increase in FPS especially on older machines. THATS IT. I challenge you to find anything more. Also theres no reason not to cancel your subscription now. You can always start it back up if you really need to or things somehow do get better, but its not going to happen.

    Also Matt Firor said he's ok with people come and play a new update and leave to play other game's in a stream this year. Seems like ESO is a real massive singleplayer online role play game.

    I mean what the f** is the point about content like malestorm arena in a MMORPG? What's the point about being in a guild beside trading an trail scores? When did they implement content for guild's? When did ZOS stuff to force players to be social? Where are the Q&A stream's with famous guild leaders?
    You should never 'force' things upon the community. That never works, also in the real world. People will do wtf they want anyway in games, and if their freedom to do so is being removed, they will leave. Trying to force players to be social is both naive and stupid from a business POV as well as a gameplay POV.
  • Kadoin
    ZOS is under the misguided impression that it is better to cater to those that might play instead of those that do. It really is a strange business model they have, but hey...
  • iCaliban
    EtTuBrutus wrote: »
    If you're a pvp main and you pay for this performance, you're part of the problem. Money talks.

    Except pvp doesn't sell eso, trials do

    The number of players increases but the number of pvpers decreases.

    Not to mention is there a feedback button for folks that unsub?

    I aint gonna lie
    They got me with the crafting/bank.

    Whimpers. Almost ashamed to admit it.

    The end game pvp community is considerably larger than pve. This is due to the entry level to pvp is lower than the skills required to complete non crag vet trials.

    The majority of players are questers, like it or not. Not godslayers, not grand overlords.
  • Stratforge
    jcm2606 wrote: »

    Except pvp doesn't sell eso, trials do

    The number of players increases but the number of pvpers decreases.

    Not to mention is there a feedback button for folks that unsub?

    I aint gonna lie
    They got me with the crafting/bank.

    Whimpers. Almost ashamed to admit it.

    Trials don't even sell. The end game PvE community is just as unhappy as the PvP community, due to the meta being fundamentally shaken up twice in the last 4-6 months, with each shake making it less fun and less engaging, as well as a lack of any new content with Dragonhold.

    Questing, housing, everything casual is what sells. The number of newer players and the number of casual players increased, while the number of dedicated players decreases.

    Why would people act like eso plus was introduced to support server performance? What a joke. And how naive of a thought.

    If you’re getting lippy with me I strongly suggest you learn to read as I never suggested that ESO plus was introduced to support server performance, and I don’t think anyone else in this thread did either.
    EtTuBrutus wrote: »
    If you're a pvp main and you pay for this performance, you're part of the problem. Money talks.
    Thanks genius. I am a PvP main. Like many PvP mains, I have paid the small monthly fee for Plus because of the crafting bag. Many of my friends do the same. The reason I posted this thread is that I’m considering canceling Plus due to awful performance.

    Also I disagree with your assertion that if hardcore PvPers stopped paying for Plus anything would change (I doubt we have the numbers to move the needle for ZoS), but I’m willing to find out.
    PC NA
    Xbox One NA (retired)
  • Metemsycosis
    Wow. Home skillet we dont know each other. I answer these threads with my own time and am usually genuine even if mistaken. Just so you know, I have a masters degree in english. Learning to read is the last thing on my agenda.

    My point is and was very simple, "genius": eso plus and pvp land are imo non overlapping magisteria. They dont have too much to do with the other. One was added as a supplemental money maker, the other doa (but already paid for).
    Terethea Magdalena, Breton Nightblade
    A Dark-Adapted Eye, Imperial Necromancer

    sanguinare vampiris

  • chrightt
    Wow. Home skillet we dont know each other. I answer these threads with my own time and am usually genuine even if mistaken. Just so you know, I have a masters degree in english. Learning to read is the last thing on my agenda.

    My point is and was very simple, "genius": eso plus and pvp land are imo non overlapping magisteria. They dont have too much to do with the other. One was added as a supplemental money maker, the other doa (but already paid for).

    I think you mistakenly correlate PVP with only PVPing, so you don’t realize that PVPers that really PVP almost always owns ESO+ because it helps minimize unneeded time to do something that’s not PVP like organizing bag space for trivial crafting mats across characters. They would just pay ESO+ to save time earning money/doing non PvP stuff and PVP. Also, before imperial city was free for everyone ESO+ granted access to IC for decent farm.
  • Karivaa
    I’ve been taking a break because of the bad performance.
  • EtTuBrutus
    jcm2606 wrote: »
    EtTuBrutus wrote: »
    If you're a pvp main and you pay for this performance, you're part of the problem. Money talks.

    Except pvp doesn't sell eso, trials do

    The number of players increases but the number of pvpers decreases.

    Not to mention is there a feedback button for folks that unsub?

    I aint gonna lie
    They got me with the crafting/bank.

    Whimpers. Almost ashamed to admit it.

    Trials don't even sell. The end game PvE community is just as unhappy as the PvP community, due to the meta being fundamentally shaken up twice in the last 4-6 months, with each shake making it less fun and less engaging, as well as a lack of any new content with Dragonhold.

    Questing, housing, everything casual is what sells. The number of newer players and the number of casual players increased, while the number of dedicated players decreases.

    Honestly that doesn't change much of what i said.

    Pvp server performance is still largely (completely) irrelevant wrt selling the game. I am not sure i have personally ever experienced lag in a dungeon that wasnt a dc too, but lag has been a staple of cyrodiil since day one.

    Why would people act like eso plus was introduced to support server performance? What a joke. And how naive of a thought.

    My most consistent gripe with this game is and will always be the lag.

    But i like it despite this glaring flaw.

    It wasn't created to help pvp performance. But by throwing money at them you're telling then it's ok to ignore performance fixes. If you give a dog a bone for taking a dump on your shoes, don't be surprised when youre stepping in crap.
    Edited by EtTuBrutus on November 19, 2019 4:04PM
  • EtTuBrutus
    Stratforge wrote: »
    jcm2606 wrote: »

    Except pvp doesn't sell eso, trials do

    The number of players increases but the number of pvpers decreases.

    Not to mention is there a feedback button for folks that unsub?

    I aint gonna lie
    They got me with the crafting/bank.

    Whimpers. Almost ashamed to admit it.

    Trials don't even sell. The end game PvE community is just as unhappy as the PvP community, due to the meta being fundamentally shaken up twice in the last 4-6 months, with each shake making it less fun and less engaging, as well as a lack of any new content with Dragonhold.

    Questing, housing, everything casual is what sells. The number of newer players and the number of casual players increased, while the number of dedicated players decreases.

    Why would people act like eso plus was introduced to support server performance? What a joke. And how naive of a thought.

    If you’re getting lippy with me I strongly suggest you learn to read as I never suggested that ESO plus was introduced to support server performance, and I don’t think anyone else in this thread did either.
    EtTuBrutus wrote: »
    If you're a pvp main and you pay for this performance, you're part of the problem. Money talks.
    Thanks genius. I am a PvP main. Like many PvP mains, I have paid the small monthly fee for Plus because of the crafting bag. Many of my friends do the same. The reason I posted this thread is that I’m considering canceling Plus due to awful performance.

    Also I disagree with your assertion that if hardcore PvPers stopped paying for Plus anything would change (I doubt we have the numbers to move the needle for ZoS), but I’m willing to find out.

    No problem Jack.

    Im not saying it will get performance fixed in this game. Im saying that by blindly supporting them with eso plus subscriptions (you realize they built an inconvenience so they could sell the remedy, right?) is the wrong way to send a message. Hit them where it COUNTS, income.

    I also think you're overestimating how many casuals have eso plus.
    Edited by EtTuBrutus on November 19, 2019 4:15PM
  • Metemsycosis
    EtTuBrutus wrote: »
    jcm2606 wrote: »
    EtTuBrutus wrote: »
    If you're a pvp main and you pay for this performance, you're part of the problem. Money talks.

    Except pvp doesn't sell eso, trials do

    The number of players increases but the number of pvpers decreases.

    Not to mention is there a feedback button for folks that unsub?

    I aint gonna lie
    They got me with the crafting/bank.

    Whimpers. Almost ashamed to admit it.

    Trials don't even sell. The end game PvE community is just as unhappy as the PvP community, due to the meta being fundamentally shaken up twice in the last 4-6 months, with each shake making it less fun and less engaging, as well as a lack of any new content with Dragonhold.

    Questing, housing, everything casual is what sells. The number of newer players and the number of casual players increased, while the number of dedicated players decreases.

    Honestly that doesn't change much of what i said.

    Pvp server performance is still largely (completely) irrelevant wrt selling the game. I am not sure i have personally ever experienced lag in a dungeon that wasnt a dc too, but lag has been a staple of cyrodiil since day one.

    Why would people act like eso plus was introduced to support server performance? What a joke. And how naive of a thought.

    My most consistent gripe with this game is and will always be the lag.

    But i like it despite this glaring flaw.

    It wasn't created to help pvp performance. But by throwing money at them you're telling then it's ok to ignore performance fixes. If you give a dog a bone for taking a dump on your shoes, don't be surprised when youre stepping in crap.

    Legit no im not saying it is ok to ignore performance fixes.

    What i am saying is as long as my bank space is doubled, i have a bag just for crafting, get 1500 crowns, access to new dlc when it drops, etc. Then eso plus is worthwhile for me.
    Terethea Magdalena, Breton Nightblade
    A Dark-Adapted Eye, Imperial Necromancer

    sanguinare vampiris

  • EtTuBrutus
    EtTuBrutus wrote: »
    jcm2606 wrote: »
    EtTuBrutus wrote: »
    If you're a pvp main and you pay for this performance, you're part of the problem. Money talks.

    Except pvp doesn't sell eso, trials do

    The number of players increases but the number of pvpers decreases.

    Not to mention is there a feedback button for folks that unsub?

    I aint gonna lie
    They got me with the crafting/bank.

    Whimpers. Almost ashamed to admit it.

    Trials don't even sell. The end game PvE community is just as unhappy as the PvP community, due to the meta being fundamentally shaken up twice in the last 4-6 months, with each shake making it less fun and less engaging, as well as a lack of any new content with Dragonhold.

    Questing, housing, everything casual is what sells. The number of newer players and the number of casual players increased, while the number of dedicated players decreases.

    Honestly that doesn't change much of what i said.

    Pvp server performance is still largely (completely) irrelevant wrt selling the game. I am not sure i have personally ever experienced lag in a dungeon that wasnt a dc too, but lag has been a staple of cyrodiil since day one.

    Why would people act like eso plus was introduced to support server performance? What a joke. And how naive of a thought.

    My most consistent gripe with this game is and will always be the lag.

    But i like it despite this glaring flaw.

    It wasn't created to help pvp performance. But by throwing money at them you're telling then it's ok to ignore performance fixes. If you give a dog a bone for taking a dump on your shoes, don't be surprised when youre stepping in crap.

    Legit no im not saying it is ok to ignore performance fixes.

    What i am saying is as long as my bank space is doubled, i have a bag just for crafting, get 1500 crowns, access to new dlc when it drops, etc. Then eso plus is worthwhile for me.

    It's definately a worthwhile deal/ convenience. I miss it. But im old now, my expectations if what i deserve as a consumer drive my decisions a lot lol.
  • ChefZero
    Koensol wrote: »
    ChefZero wrote: »
    Vapirko wrote: »
    This performance improvement was changing the way memory was managed. Also, DO NOT, expect any of the upcoming "performance updates" to improve the game for you. All that ZOS has ever said in all the years of supposed performance improvements that they've rolled out was that some players may see a small increase in FPS especially on older machines. THATS IT. I challenge you to find anything more. Also theres no reason not to cancel your subscription now. You can always start it back up if you really need to or things somehow do get better, but its not going to happen.

    Also Matt Firor said he's ok with people come and play a new update and leave to play other game's in a stream this year. Seems like ESO is a real massive singleplayer online role play game.

    I mean what the f** is the point about content like malestorm arena in a MMORPG? What's the point about being in a guild beside trading an trail scores? When did they implement content for guild's? When did ZOS stuff to force players to be social? Where are the Q&A stream's with famous guild leaders?
    You should never 'force' things upon the community. That never works, also in the real world. People will do wtf they want anyway in games, and if their freedom to do so is being removed, they will leave. Trying to force players to be social is both naive and stupid from a business POV as well as a gameplay POV.

    Well maybe my english just sucks and 'force' is too strong. Giving people incentive to do something could fit better. :#

    But still ESO lacks tons of stuff, social stuff. And I don't think they will ever change it. Guild's are meaningless in most cases and lack content to give members something to do with each other like guild house, guild achievements or what else. And in general games become easier to dive in for newcomers and content is made easier and easier because they don't have much time for 'having fun'.

    On the other side people who want to do social stuff and so on have to spend more time to get into a funny environment because so many people are busy with their solo stuff and don't react to a "hi guys" at the start of a BG or a dungeon.
    PC EU - DC only
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