Has the next chapter been datamined? It's usually around this time that it gets mined.
If so, link pls
I'm going to assume it's east skyrim - like Morthal/Markarth/Whiterun and Solitude - excluding only Falkreath for obvious reasons. This will be the main expansion.Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »(some part of Skyrim, maybe Solstheim island, we dont know far sure).
Nemesis7884 wrote: »only salt has been mined in recent weeks...
Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »As for now, there is no solid information, aside from tiny hints in Dragonhold & people speculation.
The only thing we know so far is it will be something Nord or Skyrim related (some part of Skyrim, maybe Solstheim island, we dont know far sure).[snip]
Honestly i'm tired of everyone wanting or expecting this game to be a skyrim online and visit the same places. I feel like the dragons were almost peer pressured into the game from people crying so much about wanting them.
i hate those spoilers demanding threads. Stop attaching to leaks, current content is not enough or satisfying? need a reason to come play or what
Honestly i'm tired of everyone wanting or expecting this game to be a skyrim online and visit the same places. I feel like the dragons were almost peer pressured into the game from people crying so much about wanting them.