TriangularChicken wrote: »Nah nothing wrong with playing as a group, i've seen you couple of times in BGs, I'd suggest calling your NB "Stealthblade the Useless". Meditating in stealth for half the match is not how you win in high MMR BGs. If you get caught alone and in the wrong place it's your fault, not enemies lmao.
Here's the thing: you wouldn't be calling my NB (or other NBs) "useless" if it was a 1v1 (or even 1v2 tbh).
Certain classes in this game aren't made for ball group gameplay and there's nothing wrong with that - not everything needs to revolve around getting carried by other people and spamming AoEs. Sure, have that as a playstyle but it should also have its counters just like everything.
The problem isn't really people balling up, it is simply that BG are poorly designed.
Well designed team games split teams to some extent though objectives, so you still have team fights (or as this weird game calls them 'ball groups'), but not the whole team, because that will mean a loss. This not only makes the team fights a bit less cheesy because it isn't the entire team, but also adds variety because it opens up different types of roles and increases the skill cap through things like rotations.
Though granted in a game with 4v4v4 designing a map/mode that works well as in still has plenty of fights/people contesting objectives, rather than too much running round free capping might be difficult, again there is a reason why nearly every PvP team game does with 2 teams, not 3.
There should either be more abilities that scale based on how many enemy players you hit (i.e. abilities similar to Prox Det) or more incentives for players to spread out a little bit in deathmatch BGs.
TriangularChicken wrote: »
Problem is BGs are 4v4v4 not 12 solo NBs fighting each other...and even NBs can be useful in a group - with changes to Power Extraction, Mass Hysteria, Teleport Strike, etc. now more than ever. Heresya is playing a really good NB in BGs (when he actually plays them every 2-3 months xD) ... maybe go ask him for tips on how to be useful.
Just bringing this up again, because it is still a problem.
BGs right now on PC EU consist of nothing else than 4-man groups sticking together and clashing with other 4 man groups, which typically results in endless AoE fiesta where it's like rolling the dice on which sorc with Endless Fury gets the kill for their team when someone eventually drops low from someone else's burst.
That is, unless the other group doesn't stack their four players - in which case the 4-man ball group simply spends the entire BG 4v1'ing people while crosshealing each other with matriarchs, block+BoLs and other garbage just to make sure that one person getting zerged essentially has no chance of turning the table.
Fix. This.
Make BGs competitive rather than a RNG/Xv1 fiesta of tanks and healbots crosshealing each other.
- More counters vs teams stacking four people in close proximity with cross heals & AoEs.
- Weaker cross heals (especially twilight, which heals multiple targets for full value, unlike Templar BoL for example).
- More incentives to spread out in BGs rather than focus all the action on one single place.
brandonv516 wrote: »A two team system would not be any better.
-Two premades vs each other would just be a stalemate.
-One premade vs randoms would just be them staying in their base or quitting.
brandonv516 wrote: »A two team system would not be any better.
-Two premades vs each other would just be a stalemate.
-One premade vs randoms would just be them staying in their base or quitting.
This. 2 teams could work only on modes which are not deathmatch. But 90% of the players plays only deathmatch so no point to be 2 teams. Actually if ZoS make 4 teams could be better solution as it will reduce the healing as ppl will take more damage.
This. 2 teams could work only on modes which are not deathmatch. But 90% of the players plays only deathmatch so no point to be 2 teams. Actually if ZoS make 4 teams could be better solution as it will reduce the healing as ppl will take more damage.
I'll never get tired of beating this horse, and I know that just about everyone who has pvp'd a good amount in other MMOs understands the issues with 4v4v4 just as I do. Hopefully at some point ZOS will also see the light, or maybe poach a WoW or Rift developer, lol.
MurderMostFoul wrote: »I think the real problem is that healing from a dedicated healer in PvP vastly outpaces damage, to the extent that a single tanky healer can keep their entire team alive against a group of fairly competent damage dealers. Thus, players who have even the slightest sense of coordination know to stick near their healer, resulting in frequent ball groups, even with groups of randoms.
If Battle Spirit further toned down healing received from teammates, I think things would get a lot better.
Here's the thing: you wouldn't be calling my NB (or other NBs) "useless" if it was a 1v1 (or even 1v2 tbh).
Certain classes in this game aren't made for ball group gameplay and there's nothing wrong with that - not everything needs to revolve around getting carried by other people and spamming AoEs. Sure, have that as a playstyle but it should also have its counters just like everything.
brandonv516 wrote: »A two team system would not be any better.
-Two premades vs each other would just be a stalemate.
-One premade vs randoms would just be them staying in their base or quitting.
NB being weak in those settings is a large part a spec issue. There’s a magblade theorycrafting thread I made and posted some of the specs I tried using and a lot of magblades laughed at me. Most magblades have no clue how to spec for group play and just roll solo specs, if you do yea, expect to get rolled.
Granted I was a hybrid healer/dps but still. Just try adapting to the situation and you’ll be more successful. Magblades are/were a large part of ball group strategy, they’ve been replaced largely by magnecros but in a ball magblades should be doing well.
In fact it’s worse, a lot worse. I can’t be the only one who had BGs where an entire team dropped and it was 4x4 fighting at one team’s spawn when BGs busted. Only two teams was horrible.
Magblade is probably the only magicka/stamina spec I don't (/can't, alchemist infused pot cooldown glyph vitality+lingering argonian too expensive) play at the moment. Stamblade is what has been my "main" class since 2014.
You're not. Happens atleast once a day to me where one or both enemy teams just quit or sit in their spawn until the end of the game.
I can sympathize with that, no one wants to jump down and get 4v1'd... I try to leave my team alone in such situations to make it more competitive and go solo vs the other team, but that can be... difficult, if the other team quit as well.
The irony is that there's a lot of people who frown upon Xv1'ing people in Cyrodiil, but are happy to do that in a BG (even if the game is already over with a score such as 0-0-300 or such and just a few minutes left in the game). Hypocrisy at its finest.
Oh boy... Dont you understand the combat in ESO is so different and it will not work? In WoW or Rift you have cooldowns in ESO you spam your skills as the CD are replaced with resource management. Once you reach a point where you have nice recovery with stats you outperform your opponents.
I ve played several 4vs4vs1 when the system was bugged. Do you know how it ended? Once we reach 250-10-0 points all we just stay afk and wait for the timers. After we wipe them 3-4 times they just dont come anymore and stay at the base. Every second match will be like this because in ESO it is not possible to make a nice matchmaking. Builds, skills and gear can change whenever you want so the system cannot predict what type do you play.
MurderMostFoul wrote: »I think the real problem is that healing from a dedicated healer in PvP vastly outpaces damage, to the extent that a single tanky healer can keep their entire team alive against a group of fairly competent damage dealers. Thus, players who have even the slightest sense of coordination know to stick near their healer, resulting in frequent ball groups, even with groups of randoms.
If Battle Spirit further toned down healing received from teammates, I think things would get a lot better.
So a team of 4 working as a team of 4 in a 4v4v4 match is a problem?
I read the OP and that question kept running through my mind. My thought is OP wants all teams in BGs to run in a disorganized manner in hopes they will get lucky and accidently win.
Strategy is an important part of group PvP and BGs is in fact group PvP. OP seems to be playing as though it is solo PvP and complaining about when they face an actual team.
There is a difference between "working as a team" and running around in a messy zergball of players randomly pressing heals and AoE abilities while holding block, hoping that the sorc sitting in middle of that ball can get lucky and steal a kill or two for your team.
As it stands, you can face the worst players in the universe and still lose if they've built tanky enough and manage to press their heals often enough.
"Actual team", don't make me laugh.
"Team play" is the exact same argument Cyrodiil zerglings will bring up if you ask why they had to chase you for 20 minutes with 27 players - atleast Proximity Detonation & bombing is a thing over there, added to the game for a very good reason.
What BGs needs is more abilities like that, so if someone wanted to counter the strategy of "stack people up and spam heals while trying to get a lucky execute" they'd have a way to do so.
After all, what is so "strategic" about the current situation if it is the only viable (and definitely not fun for many, as evidenced by the small population of players in BGs) way to play BGs?
You claim there is a difference between working as a team working as a team vs a messy zerg ball but they are clearly doing something right because you are complaining that they are doing better than your ream. You are literally complaining because you are getting killed by a team that runs together when you are running solo instead of as a team.
The fact that you laugh at them being an actual team (when literally that is what they are) while you and your team treat it as solo PvP says it all. If those worst players are out performing your team then they are clearly not the worst players.
To say "ball groups are broken" is wrong on multiple levels. I'm confused as to what your definition of ball group is. A ball group is an organized group of players that stay tight while moving and support/heal each other while killing everything in its path (or attempting to). Nothing about this can be "broken", they are just a group of players playing well together.
You seem to be mad about 4-man BG teams that heal and do damage to players that did not queue as a group. I don't understand what the issue here is. It sounds like you don't have a build that works well in group settings (probably a stamblade?), whether you know the people on your team or not. Everyone should bring something to the table in a 4 man group that helps the group out.
To say there are lack of "ball group counters" is wrong. It doesn't make sense to say there is a lack of a way for 4 players that don't know each other and aren't communicating, nor have the time to comp their group for that match, to be effective against a pre-made 4 man team. There's no counter to good group composition other than better group composition.
You give these people way too much credit - it doesn't take much at all to stay tight while moving & spam heals, even random pugs do this. The brokenness is how overperforming that is compared to other ways of playing 4v4v4, and how it makes BGs boring tank fiestas that tend to end up with less than 300 score for the winning team (usually the team with the most sorcs spamming executes on people sitting in the AoE spamfest).
In other games I've played, that would've been either:
a) impossible, due to collision mechanics
b) a bad way to play, because crossheals don't carry as much in other MMOs and stacking your group would just wind up getting everyone AoE'd down eventually.
In other games (most other MMOs, MOBAs, FPS games etc) it is usually perfectly feasible for a solo player to carry their team, rather than having it be the other way around. This, coincidentally, tends to lead to a much more enjoyable solo queue experience.
You don't also always get to choose your team mates. Sometimes they may be fantastic players, but have no crossheals while the other team has terrible players with crossheals. You can guess which team wins.
Balanced? No, far from it. Fun? Nope.
If this game is to have more than 30 people queueing into battlegrounds, Zenimax needs to make them actually fun to play.
Being automatically targeted by crossheals from 3 other players while standing nearby isn't something that requires team work (or even brains). I think you mistake these players for one of those premade groups that actually sync their ultimates or play around Harmony etc (and yes, there should be a way to counter those groups as well btw).
When I refer to "worst players in the universe", I'm talking of people who lose almost every single 1v1 and get 1vX'd on the daily when not being carried by crossheals from other people.
Many people solo queue into BGs, and instead of getting high health team mates holding block and spamming rapid regen, twilight heal, BoL etc to keep you alive they get people who build around damage (usually stam builds, with no crossheals), but still can't kill anything because other teams did get the crosshealing tanks.
In your mind, are they just supposed to lose the BG because of their chosen playstyle? Even if the actual skill level (movement, reaction time, comboing/weaving etc) of enemy players is vastly inferior?
It is infinitely easier to focus heals on team mates taking damage - in fact the game does that automatically for you, typically you won't even have to face the target of that heal and the heal over times are often applied before any damage is even registered. Compare this to coordinating burst with other damage oriented builds, or even focusing the same target (when not using comms).
It is blatantly obvious crosshealing & ball groups are broken, it takes a very biased view to claim otherwise.
1. If its that easy, then do it. If it still doesn't win you the match, they are just better players than you.
2. This isn't those games. Irrelevant.
3. If they don't have cross heals, they aren't properly spec'd for BGs and should lose to teams that do have cross heals. This isn't Stamblade vs. Stamblade. Its BGs. Its designed to have a group of 4 outplaying other groups of 4.
You're looking at this all wrong. I think you need to either make a character that works well in BGs, or play in Imperial City or the fields around Alessia bridge.