DarkLordLegion wrote: »It is kind of sad that no one could even answer a simple question when it comes to weapons. Yet, when it comes to the armor suggestion, it seems that the further questioning about them was by-pass if people didn't want to answer the questions. Every comment or reply that I have made, was still directing back to the multiple weapons.
DarkLordLegion wrote: »It is kind of sad that no one could even answer a simple question when it comes to weapons. Yet, when it comes to the armor suggestion, it seems that the further questioning about them was by-pass if people didn't want to answer the questions. Every comment or reply that I have made, was still directing back to the multiple weapons.
kringled_1 wrote: »
Several people attempted to answer your question, and pretty much uniformly you told them they had misunderstood you, without really ever providing clarification of what your question was.
[qoute="DarkLordLegion;d-501743"] I am using my main character on ESO as Multiple Weapon Platform. What to do I mean as a Multiple Weapon Platform? My main character is using different types of weapons. [/qoute] I also stated this...DarkLordLegion wrote: »I am looking for information in regards to the second best to the Prophet's items.
DarkLordLegion wrote: »You all can sit there behind your computer in saying, "you don't need this..." I am not interested in hearing about "Oh you need a tank" "Oh you need a DPS" and etc.[/qoute]
I flat out knew what is going to be reply to my posts, when I made my very first posts. You all are basically tell me what I need to use 2 weapons, when I flat out told you I dont want to hear you saying "You don't need this..."
Read this qoute very carefully.....
It is actual, depends, on what kind of weapon you are going to equipped. 2h, staff, and bow uses 1 slot. 1h sword/shield and dual weapons uses 2 slots. Total item slots ranges from 12 to 14. <---- that right there has nothing to do with using 2 weapons. IT IS ABOUT EQUIPPING. Slots might be locked. But weapons are interchangeable in allowing players to choice what type of weapons they want to use.
When I read that right there, I knew once again, I can tell that the information that was provided is related to these pure over-power builds. These builds are base on either strong stamina or strong magicka or even strong health.
I went towards my second choice:
DarkLordLegion wrote: »[snip] Also don't point me towards joining a guild. I'm not going to be spending additional 'Real Cash'
DarkLordLegion wrote: »
Clarification, you really need some kind of clarification.
DarkLordLegion wrote: »I am looking for information in regards to the second best to the Prophet's items.
DarkLordLegion wrote: »
When I read that right there, I knew once again, I can tell that the information that was provided is related to these pure over-power builds. These builds are base on either strong stamina or strong magicka or even strong health.
DarkLordLegion wrote: »
It is actual, depends, on what kind of weapon you are going to equipped. 2h, staff, and bow uses 1 slot. 1h sword/shield and dual weapons uses 2 slots. Total item slots ranges from 12 to 14. <---- that right there has nothing to do with using 2 weapons. IT IS ABOUT EQUIPPING. Slots might be locked. But weapons are interchangeable in allowing players to choice what type of weapons they want to use.
DarkLordLegion wrote: »About these two sets that has been mentioned.. Pelinal's Aptitude and Shacklebreaker. Both of them are light armor to medium armor. Yet, why haven't anyone mention another set? Vastarie's Tutelage ? ? ? Isn't Heavy Armor set stronger then both of light armor and medium armor?
DarkLordLegion wrote: »Jewelry set, that depends if Agility or Willpower or Endurance counts as two pieces (1 necklace, 1 ring) or three pieces or (1 necklace, 1 ring, and 1 ring). If these jewelry can be counted as a three piece, then the next question would be can these items be glyphed?
redgreensunset wrote: »
Um no guild I've ever come across in this game charges real cash for joining or being a member and the only kinds of guilds I've seen have a gold (ie in-game money) requirement is trading guilds which is definitely not the type of guild you would want.
Could you provide some names in non-trading guilds doing this? Because you made me mightily curious what in the world they're charging for.
thadjarvis wrote: »
I'm done. Respectful request to mod to close and delete this thread.
Here's the problem with wanting to be told what the "best" weapon is: It's not that simple. There are too many variables. Just like you can't use the word "best" in cow judging reasons, you can't tell someone what the "best" gear is unless you know what kind of goal they're trying to achieve. So far you've told us that you want to use multiple types of weapons and spread out your stats evenly, and you prefer to take your time going through game content. I don't think anyone is telling you that you can't do those things if that's how you want to play. But you don't need "best" gear to do overland content at your own pace. And you're actively rejecting things that will help you increase damage output, so it's hard to tell what kind of improvements you actually want to make.
Really, the best advice we could give under these circumstances is "Do whatever you want." And people have said that, so if that's not enough for you, that's where being more specific about your questions comes in. Is there anything particular you want to be able to do better than you're doing now? If not, then whatever you're currently using is presumably good enough. If there is, then you can focus on shoring up that particular issue, and that's where we can offer relevant advice that will actually help you.
What this tells me, among other things, is that you haven't done much research on set effects. When I said there was a wide variety of set effects that suit a wide variety of playstyles, that should be a clue that it's not just about stat-based min-maxing. There's a set that makes you run faster when you sprint. There's a set that makes your buff skills last longer. There's a set that lets you ignore the speed penalty of sneak. None of those things are reliant on min-maxed stats.
The idea is that using a set will give you more benefits than not using a set, and that's why people are thinking in terms of full 5-piece sets rather than just telling you what weapon to use. I thought I had explained that, but maybe it didn't get through. You can decide for yourself what set would suit your preferred playstyle best. Here's a page where you can do some research and see what looks good to you.
Keep in mind that even the sets that are focused on combat-type benefits can be useful for a non-min-maxed build, since any damage you get from them is still damage. And some of them come bundled with non-combat benefits too. Do you think it would be funny to watch a robodino bowl over enemies and fling them into the air? Mad Tinkerer will entertain you and help you kill stuff as a bonus!
Okay, so I should have gone into more detail explaining how sets work.
First of all, two-handed weapons like staves and bows count as 2 items in terms of set effects. So if I have a Shacklebreaker bow and no other Shacklebreaker items, I get the 2-piece bonus when I'm on my bow bar. If I have a pair of Shacklebreaker daggers, each of those counts as 1 item, so I get the 2-piece bonus from the pair.
Next important point, the set bonuses only count for what you have on your active bar at any given moment. So the weapon(s) on the non-active bar don't contribute to the item count. That means that even if you have 14 items equipped (let's say you're dual-wielding on both bars), you only have the benefit of 12 slots at a time.
In most cases, this simply means that any weapons you use will be from the same set. That way you'll have the same bonuses regardless of which bar you're on.
Note that some sets give you buffs that will stay on you once they're triggered, even if you switch bars and no longer have the full set on your other bar. Briarheart is one such set.
Those are both crafted sets. Any crafted set can be crafted in any weight or combination of weights. Once again, you decide what you want.
In terms of what's "stronger," again there are multiple variables to consider. You can look at the base armor rating of the armor (heavy having the highest armor rating), but there are also passive skills associated with each armor type that can make a big difference. For example, the passives associated with the light armor line offer benefits to magicka users, so most people with magicka builds will focus on light armor. You can also consider the active skills in each skill line. If you want to use Annulment, you have to be wearing 5 pieces of light armor.
Once again, though, if you don't care about those benefits, then you don't have to feel locked into using anything in particular. Do whatever you want that will get you where you want to be. Spend some time looking at the descriptions of passive skills and see what you like.
The bonus you get simply depends on how many item slots you're using for that set. A single 2-handed weapon or pair of 1-handed weapons will get you the two-piece bonus. Toss on a piece of jewelry too and you get the 3-piece bonus.
Any piece of gear can have an appropriate glyph added to it, if the default enchantment isn't to your liking.
Do what you want.
Do some research on set effects and see if you like what any of them will do for you.
If you're already succeeding at what you want to do in the game, you probably don't need to change your gear at all.
And maybe try less harping on your biases about the people trying to help you and more open consideration of what they're actually saying. You'd probably get more out of it than just the satisfaction of feeling like you're the smartest person in the thread.
kringled_1 wrote: »
I'm sorry, Ilsabet. Your previous post was a heroic effort at being both comprehensive and concise.
DarkLordLegion wrote: »
[Snip]. A donor will spend his or her real money in the crown store. The item from the Crown Store is spent to get gold from the other player. So other words, a Donor is buying in-game gold currency.
hmm...tell me about 'Oh you only need two weapons' is not helping me at all. I will once again tell you all. What you are doing right there
> Majority of players has accounts, which they uses for the purpose of multiple characters. Yet, you all have been mentioning 'use two weapons', which to me, is basically saying 'Single Build' If I know better, I could actual... bring up the weapon combination.... 2h/bow, 1h sword-shield/bow, sword-axe/bow, 2staff....
That has nothing to do with Multiple Weapons System, period. It is more about your stamina character + your health character + your magicka character. Yep all in one single character.
Varanis explained this to you two and a half months ago. Your character can only have two weapons equipped at any given time. That's how the game is designed.
Yeah, people understand that. It's called a hybrid build. A lot of people do it, there are a lot of ways to do it, and people have given you advice on how to do it and sets you can use to do it. What is the problem?
DarkLordLegion wrote: »
What is the problem? It is kind of funny of how I already know that you all would try to push the 'hybrid build' into my post. I also know the reason why as well. You all want to push the Hybrid build, to a point that Hybrid builds can class-locked the weapons and class-locked armor sets.
See, you all failed to advise me when it comes to your suggestions, you did not include four key factors. Weapons has four key factors: power source, trait, gyphic, and weapon attack damage. Armor has four key factors: power source, trait, gyphic and amount of defense.
What's your native language, friend? I wanna see if maybe there's just a lot of things getting lost in translation here. I honestly don't mean this in a rude way, but you have got to understand that your posts are barely coherent and so it's not exactly easy to help you.
kringled_1 wrote: »
I agree, but the OP has previously insisted that English is their 'natural language', while consistently using phrasing that would never be used by a native English speaker.
DarkLordLegion wrote: »
What is the problem? It is kind of funny of how I already know that you all would try to push the 'hybrid build' into my post. I also know the reason why as well. You all want to push the Hybrid build, to a point that Hybrid builds can class-locked the weapons and class-locked armor sets.
See, you all failed to advise me when it comes to your suggestions, you did not include four key factors. Weapons has four key factors: power source, trait, gyphic, and weapon attack damage. Armor has four key factors: power source, trait, gyphic and amount of defense.
VaranisArano wrote: »
LOOT a piece of weaponry or armor.
LOOK very carefully at the tooltip description of that piece of weaponry or armor.
READ every single piece of info you say we "failed" to explain to you about armor and weapons. While you are at it, read the set bonuses if it has one.
Now go to your Skill Lines and look at the Armor skill lines. (If they aren't unlocked, equip 3 pieces of that weight of armor.)
READ the passive descriptions.
SEE the different benefits that light, medium, and heavy armor gives in different situations.
TRY to actively fight with moyore than two weapons once u hit level 15.
SEE that ESO only allows you to actively fight with two weapons at a time.
PLAY another class and discover that no weapon, gear, or set is "class-locked" and instead you can use anything you want in the game.
This info is basic, basic stuff you ought to be picking up from playing ESO. In fact, you'll learn it better from playing the game rather than expecting us to explain basic gameplay to you.
If you don't care about set effects, the "power" of a weapon is based on the quality of the upgrade (what "color" it is, where gold is the best) and the trait and enchantment on the weapon. Those can be customized relatively easily, especially if you have a crafter at your disposal.
Beyond that, the type of weapon(s) you use is entirely up to you and your preferred playstyle.
What's your native language, friend? I wanna see if maybe there's just a lot of things getting lost in translation here. I honestly don't mean this in a rude way, but you have got to understand that your posts are barely coherent and so it's not exactly easy to help you.
Your assumptions that anybody is trying to push anything onto you are so wildly far-fetched. You have a bunch of people here trying really hard to help you, being nice despite how rude and aggressive you've been in return.
You said you wanted a build that uses health, stamina and Magicka equally. I told you that's called a hybrid build. What you're trying to express with "to a point that Hybrid builds can class-locked the weapons and class-locked armor sets" is beyond me. There are no weapons or armor that are class-locked. I also don't know what you consider the "power source" of a weapon -- you mean whether it's based on Stamina or Magicka? No such thing exists for armor. On weapons the base damage of weapons of the same level is the same, there is no difference just from item to item.
The amount of resistance armor gives you depends on whether it's light armor, medium armor or heavy armor. The trait Reinforced can amplify this. Other than that, traits a d glyphs are kind of details, and depend on the rest of the build.
Anyway, I really don't think anything will come out of this given the language barrier. It would be best if you find someone who can explain it to you in your mother tongue, honestly.
On weapons the base damage of weapons of the same level is the same, there is no difference just from item to item.
VaranisArano wrote: »This info is basic, basic stuff you ought to be picking up from playing ESO. In fact, you'll learn it better from playing the game rather than expecting us to explain basic gameplay to you.
I'll be honest -- after the last post my first thought was "I don't think this person has actually ever played a single minute of the game." Seems like preemptive question asking base on a complete lack of understanding.
DarkLordLegion wrote: »
I speak American English, thank you very much. I know for fact that majority of eso players uses Hybrid builds. Hybrid build is basically 2 different armor names to make 7 piece armor set, while the weight of the armor piece is divided among the three weight: Heavy, Medium, and Light. While Hybrid build is also using two weapons only. Nothing more then two weapons. While the attributes are mixed up, instead of using one attributes. That right there is a 'single' build. A 'Single' build means not changing the equipment, which includes armor pieces and weapons. That right there is class-locked weapons and class-locked armor set, especially when it comes to what class character you are going to be dealing with.
That right above is the reason why I don't want to hear about hybrid builds.
Actual there is, a sword in a green color has a different damage, then a sword in purple color. White, Green, Blue, Purple, Gold are the stages of weapons.
Basic info that has been stated has always been about Hybrid. How many times do I need to remind you all that I am not into Hybrid discussion?
I have not mention what my character level in this game is, nor I am going to make a little banner in my heading to tell you what my class level in this game.
Pre-emptive question asking base on a complete lack of understanding? Hmm, let's see.. I flat out see a challenge.
Khajiit race is the only race in this game that has all three: Stamina, Magicka, and Health. Yet, Khajiit is the only race in
ESO that has ICD and CH. Khajiit's ICD can be used in either Stamina and Magicka. Khajiit's CH uses Magicka.
"They are known for their high intelligence and agility, making them not only very good thieves and acrobats, but also fearsome warriors. However, they are rarely known to be mages."
---- https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Khajiit