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Newbie to PVP

I’ve played eso since it was first released, but have never ventured into PVP. I’d like to give it a go and was wondering which class is the easiest to use. I have fully levelled up mag sorc, mag Templar, mag Nightblade, mag warden, mag Necro and stamina warden. I play solo mainly too. Thanks.
Edited by Psiion on December 31, 2022 9:51PM
  • FierceSam
    Play the one you feel most comfortable playing. You will end up adapting it significantly in terms of gear, skills, attributes and play pattern as you adapt. It’s a very steep learning curve.

    Be prepared to die. A lot. Try not to take it seriously/personally.

    Give a lot of thought to joining a PvP guild if you want to progress. It’s a lot easier to learn how to adapt to PvP if you are working with players who know than doing it on your own.

    Good luck and have fun.
  • Kel
    A few tips off the top of my head.

    Wear impen...for the love of the 8. USE IMPEN

    Having said that, you will still die. Frequently. So often, you'll wonder what the hell you're doing in Cyrodiil. Don't let it discourage you...happens to us all.

    The learning curve is steep. You cannot go into PvP thinking it's all about slinging damage. At least, not at first. Keep up your buffs, keep up your healing. Using potions are what separates the average from the good.

    Do not go into PvP thinking fights are fair. If you're solo, you will be jumped on and outnumbered constantly. Players like to bellyache about getting zerged all the time, but forget the saying "All's fair in love and war". Go in knowing no one is going to take it easy on you. Have the thickest of skin.

    As far as easy...not really sure there's a right answer. Go with what you know and what you're comfortable with. Stick with it. Find a build that works for you and tweak it. Don't expect youtube builds to be the answer...that works for that player and may not be a playstyle you want or enjoy. They can be a good start point though, don't be afraid to change it to something more suited to your playstyle.

    Hope this helps. Welcome to the jungle!!
  • php64
    Thank you for the advice. My main character is a Magicka Templar so I might stick with her.
  • L_Nici
    Magsorc is a pretty save class to pick, amazing shields, amazing heals from Pets and amazing combo possibilities with Curse, Frags and Rage and the wonderful oh *** button streak, you can make so much distance with that.
    Magplar is pretty much easy mode right now, at best with sword and board even with no experience you will stand for ages.

    Then of course most of your armor has to be impen or you will get critted to dust by NBs or Stamsorcs and adjust your CP, you will need more Critresistence and regen, as well as more healing taken.
    Edited by L_Nici on November 11, 2019 12:55PM
  • Cirantille
    It really depends on your playstyle and investment.
    I have played Mag sorc since the beginning so I know ins and outs, weaknesses and strengths of it more.
    I'd say pick the one you are more familiar with.

    Playing solo might be a pain against 30+ zerg which you will see a lot.
    Get some invisibility potions or cloak if you are nb for such situations.

    I'd say watch what other players are doing, and in time you will recognize skills and how to counter them easier.

    It will be a lot of fun when you get used to it! :)
  • scubasteve28
    I'd say magplar is pretty damn easy this patch. But that's coming from someone who only really pvps. As others said impen is a must. Also learning rotations is key. I'd recommend practicing in duels with a friend, or training dummies if you are forever alone. Each class has burst combos, for templar its dot them up purifying light toppling charge sweeps jabs. Magsorc is haunting curse ult streak frags. If you want you can add me in game and I may be able to help a bit with rotations and gear. Good luck, and don't get discouraged, it's a steep learning curve
  • NBrookus
    Easiest classes this patch: magplar, stamden, mag sorc. All 3 are very forgiving of mistakes.

    Pick whichever you are most comfortable on. Magblade, magden and magcro are all kind of hard mode for solo play.
  • furiouslog
    The approach I took when I first started was to play no-CP with my main. It basically comes down to skills/morphs and gear, so you can be a lot more flexible about what you want to specialize in without having to tweak CP to optimize, and you can preserve CP for your PvE context. You just need to find the right gear and skills sets and level them up.
  • Strider__Roshin
    Magplar is and always will be the easiest class to use.
  • ZOS_FalcoYamaoka

    Some posts were removed from this thread due to violating our community rules on bashing and shaming. Please keep the forum constructive and civil.
    Staff Post
  • php64
    I’d love to know what the comments were that Zos removed.Think I’ll give pvp a miss.
  • Sarousse
    Whatever your choice is, you'll die to the lag.
  • Kel
    php64 wrote: »
    I’d love to know what the comments were that Zos removed.Think I’ll give pvp a miss.

    I think they got this post mixed up with another, since I'm seeing no posts actually removed.

    Shame to hear you'll be giving PvP a miss...
  • Waseem
    Why play PVP when PVP itself don't want you to play it?( world's best performance in a videogame)
    PC EU

  • marius_buys
  • marius_buys
  • marius_buys
    Orc Stamsorc bow & sword and board
  • maxjapank
    Daus wrote: »
    Magplar is and always will be the easiest class to use.

    Interestingly, as a magplar main for 4+ years, I'm finding magsorc remarkably easy. So much so that I'm wondering just how op they were before they were "nerfed." I must have missed out big time. They play style I've developed is probably a bit different as I use RAT instead of streak. But I've enjoyed it so much that I'm now considering a similar build on my magplar...being more of a rangeplar.
  • Jeremy
    php64 wrote: »
    I’ve played eso since it was first released, but have never ventured into PVP. I’d like to give it a go and was wondering which class is the easiest to use. I have fully levelled up mag sorc, mag Templar, mag Nightblade, mag warden, mag Necro and stamina warden. I play solo mainly too. Thanks.

    For solo... I'd probably say Nightblade. Though it's not the "easiest" to play, it's well-suited for solo work and can escape more effectively than other classes can when faced with uneven odds (which is going to be your biggest obstacle, especially when solo).

    PvP on this game (and most others for that matter) is mostly about ganging up on other people.
    Edited by Jeremy on November 12, 2019 11:35PM
  • Mr_Walker
    Join a good pvp guild.

    Don't expect to be as good as the YT videos, they're all heavily edited and frequently staged.

  • Ffastyl
    Crits hurt a lot and happen often so stack impen, no other gear trait will do. 2.5k critical resistance is arguably comfortable in CP enabled PvP (Duels, most Cyrodiil servers), but just go as high as you can with the impenetrable trait in no-CP (battlegrounds, one Cyrodiil server).

    You will need stuns of your own to prevent enemy healing or DPS, and your own defense and healing to stay alive. Beyond this it is generally about building for DPS (or heals if you're supporting a group, or tank if you're trolling a group). In the realm of DPS, the usual sustained damage that works best in PvE still works alright in PvP, but burst damage is preferable. Players, especially dedicated healers, can heal 90% of their HP in one ability usage, so dealing rapid damage they don't have time to respond to is preferable. ...ESO isn't balanced for 1v1s. Or even group fights. It's not really balanced. Wheeler's working on the mess Wrobel spent 5 years making. So yeah, expect fights you cannot possibly win for whatever reason (instagibbed from stealth, outhealed no matter what, so tanky you can't dent their HP bar, etc.).

    Each class has their strengths and weaknesses and while you can fit each and every class into your playstyle, the more work you have to do to make it work, the less payoff it will have, generally. Some niche builds really take off, but usually you should play to your class's strengths and not the other way around.
    "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."

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    Ffastyl - Level 50 Templar
    Arturus Amitis - Level 50 Nightblade
    Sulac the Wanderer - Level 50 Dragonknight
    Arcturus Leland - Level 50 Sorcerer
    Azrog rus-Oliphet - Level 50 Templar
    Tienc - Level 50 Warden
    Aldmeri Dominion
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    Champion Rank 938

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    "My strength is that I have no weaknesses. My weakness is that I have no strengths."
    Member since May 4th, 2014.
  • Marcus684
    php64 wrote: »
    I’d love to know what the comments were that Zos removed.Think I’ll give pvp a miss.

    I get that you’re nervous about PvP, but I’d highly recommend giving it a try. I completely avoided PvP in previous MMOs, but decided to try it in ESO, and I’m so glad I did. The first time I and a bunch of random allied players rode to an enemy keep and sieged it was one of the most uniquely thrilling things I’ve ever experienced in a game.
  • GhostofDatthaw
    php64 wrote: »
    I’ve played eso since it was first released, but have never ventured into PVP. I’d like to give it a go and was wondering which class is the easiest to use. I have fully levelled up mag sorc, mag Templar, mag Nightblade, mag warden, mag Necro and stamina warden. I play solo mainly too. Thanks.

    Don't even go man, seriously. You're 4 years late for cyro. The alliance war is dead and cyro is a zergy lag fest. Really dude stay with pve.
  • Psiion

    As this thread is over 2 years old, and contains some outdated information, we have gone ahead and closed it down. If anyone would like to continue this discussion, with new and up to date information, please feel free to create a new thread to do so.
    Staff Post
This discussion has been closed.