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[Crafted Sets] - Lore and Combat Suggested Changes to Crafted Sets

Hello all,

I've been playing this game almost since beta, and as new content roles out, I feel like crafted sets get neglected quite a bit. Adding insult to injury, many of the sets that take 9 traits, which implies months/a lot of gold to research, are completely useless. So below are the changes that I would implement to crafted sets or simple comments on how they can be tweaked. The changes I suggest are mindful of the lore and the name, altering the traits accordingly. My comments are after ***. I do, however, understand that some sets that have particular names dont exactly match the lore but I still think the set are well designed:
Innate Axiom - 2 traits

Naga Shaman - 2 traits

Night's Silence - 2 traits (since its typically used as a stealth set for DB/TG dailies/gameplay)

Seducer - 3 traits

Assasin's Guile - 3 traits

Torug's Pact - 3 traits (even though, in my opinion, it doesn't fit the lore very well, its a good set)

Vastarie's Tutelage - 3 traits

Fortified Brass - 4 traits

Magnus' Gift - 4 traits (though I would like to see a buff to 10% similar to what seducer's set got; it would make it a lot more used this way)

Tava's Favor - 5 traits (I would add more stamina recovery/max stamina to compensate the changes done, since its no longer used by tanks anymore)

Hunding's Rage - 6 traits

Law of Julianos - 6 traits

Mechanical Acuity - 6 traits

Night Mother's Gaze - 6 traits

Shacklebreaker - 6 traits

Ancient Dragonguard - 6 traits

Willow's Path - 6 traits (only suggestion would be to increase the last trait with 3% more, but its still a good recovery set)

Clever Alchemist - 7 traits

Kagrenac's Hope - 8 traits

Armor Master - 9 traits

Eternal Hunt - 9 traits

New Moon's Acolyte - 9 traits

Nocturnal's Favor - 9 traits (I'ld prefer to see more stamina and recovery to accompany the role dodge 5th trait. Not a big problem since health is always welcome, but I think that helping these pools further help the last trait)

These are the sets I think should change:
Ashen Grip - 2 traits

2 – 833 Spell Critical
3 – 1096 Max Magicka
4 – 833 Spell Critical
5 – When you deal damage with a flame attack, you deal an additional 8380 Flame Damage over 4 seconds. This effect can occur once every 4 seconds.

Death's Wind - 2 traits

2 – 1487 Armor
3 – 1487 Armor
4 – 1096 Max Health
5 – When you take damage while you are under 35% Health, you apply Major Defile to your attackers for 4 seconds and gain Major Fortitude for 4 seconds, increasing your health recovery by 20%. This can occur every 10 seconds.

***This set’s name implies that you’re getting a second chance at escaping death. Knocking enemies back, as the set used to do, doesn’t quite accomplish this since CCing is very easy and your enemies weren’t harmed/maimed in order to help you escape death (as the name implies). This new set give you a chance with better resistances and health benefits.

Adept Rider - 3 traits

2 – 1096 Max Stamina
3 – 129 Stamina Recovery
4 – 129 Stamina Recovery
5 – When you roll dodge an attack, gain Major Evasion, reducing your damage from area attacks by 25% for 12 seconds. Successfully roll dodging an attack, spawns a cloud at your position for 12 seconds that deals 1766 Physical Damage every 1 second to enemies who stand inside it. You and group members inside the dust cloud gain Major Evasion. Dust cloud can be created once every 12 seconds and there can only be 1 dust cloud active at any time.

***The original set would never be proced in PVE/PVP situations. Rare is it that the situation that you can mount to proc the set in PVE, let alone PVP. This set gives a more useful group benefit to the user of the set. Unless they come out with changes to mounting or if 12+ people rid into combat with there mounts, dismount in front a keep being sieged would I see a tangible use to the original set, and this is grasping at straws. The change I suggest maintains the uniqueness while still giving it a more usable function.

Daring Corsair - 3 traits

2 – 129 Weapon Damage
3 – 129 Stamina Recovery
4 – 1096 Max Stamina
5 – Reduce the cost of your non-class and non-Ultimate abilities by 4% for you and up to 11 other group members within 28 meters of you.

***I prefer this change to the old one since it gives an interesting buff, but then again Im open to suggestions on this one.

Trial by Fire - 3 traits

2 – 1096 Max Magicka
3 – 1487 Armor
4 – 4% Healing Taken
5 – When you take damage from a fire based ability, gain 7730 Spell Resistance and increase your flame damage done by 4% for 4 seconds.

*** Adding a tanky/damage inclined change to this set would benefit the wielder more than being resistant to an element nowadays, since many players run multiple element attacks (frost+flame, shock+flame, …). This way not only does the name make more sense now since a trial by fire implies the use of fire OR the testing of your abilities against fire, it also give you a damage and survival buff to a relatively useless set.

Twilight's Embrace - 3 traits

2 – 1096 Max Magicka
3 – 833 Spell Critical
4 – 129 Spell Damage
5 – When you critically heal an ally, you gain a twilight’s blessing granting you and your allies within 28m Major Courage, increasing their spell and weapon damage by 258, for 5 seconds.This can occur every 5 seconds.

*** It has always bugged me about ESO that a person that wants to be a healer and that doesn’t have any DLCs can’t properly be considered “meta” if they don’t give major courage out to there group. This wouldn’t be a problem for me if ESO hadn’t locked out this buff to DLC payed content. This way, this rather useless set now gains a very usefull function, that not only can be crafted but also doesn’t have as much uptime as SPC, let alone Olorime. Making Major Courage a buff accessible to all.

Hist Bark - 4 traits

2 – 1487 Armor
3 – 129 Health Recovery
4 – 1206 Maximum Health
5 – If you successfully block an attack, summon the forces of the hist to grant you and your allies within 28m a 5% reduction of damage taken. If you are under 30% health, the damage reduction granted is 10%.

*** Hist Bark is a durable husk on a very powerful and respected being for argonians. The hist trees main objective is to protect and give wisdom to those that are willing to hear it. This change gives a once very used set, a new function that aids in group and speaks better to its name.

Might of the Lost Legion - 4 traits

New: Might of the Lost Legion change to “Might of Wuju-ka”
2 – 1096 Max Stamina
3 – 1096 Max Stamina
4 – 129 Weapon Damage
5 – When you take damage, you have a 50% to launch a piece of voriplasm at your attacker, dealing 5000 Poison Damage over 6 seconds. After the enemy is hit with 3 voriplasm’s, the enemy is stunned for 3 seconds and has their movement speed reduced by 15%.

***From my understanding, this set refers to the imperial’s ninth legion that was “lost” in a murkmire cave (won’t go too much into it for spoilers to those that haven’t done murkmire). Since the legion is no longer alive, it would make more sense to relate it as much as possible to the storyline while also giving it uniqueness to the set, instead of having a useless 5th trait.

Whitestrake's Retribution - 4 traits

New: Whitestrake’s Retribution change to Whitestrake’s Madness
2 – 1206 Maximum Health
3 – 129 Weapon Damage
4 – 129 Health Recovery
5 – While you are under 50% Health, gain 300 Weapon Damage.

***This change speaks not only works better for the set but also speaks better about Pelinal Whitestrake. This warhero (to the imperials/nords) or war lord (to the high elves/khajiits) was prone to madness driven rampages where he would raze cities and kill everything in sight. Lorewise, the only retribution pelinal suffered was being killed by those that were against the slave queen. Even this was, splitting his body into pieces while his head was left behind. In my opinion, pelinal’s retribution shouldn’t be spoken of in a set, but rather what he was known for – madness and ultimate strength. Even when he was wounded, he still killed his enemies with undying rage. Renaming it to madness and giving it this buff when at a low health gives a more “damage on dying” giving a better use for PVP, rather then not being used for either PVE or PVP.

Alessia's Bulwark - 5 traits

2 – 1487 Armor
3 – 1487 Armor
4 – 4% Damage Reduction
5 – When you take direct damage, you have an 8% chance to negate the next direct damage attack.

***This change describes the set’s name better while also retaining a more defensive stance then reducing enemies damage, since the later would be better described as a maim to the enemy, not a defensive stance, that bulwark would infer. Another suggestion I can see for this set is “When you block and attack, …” as a change to my suggestion, to retain the name bulwark.

Noble's Conquest - 5 traits

2 – 1206 Maximum Health
3 – 129 Spell Damage
4 – 4% Healing Taken
5 – When an enemy you damaged within the last 10 seconds die’s, gain 2 ultimate every second for 3 seconds.

***This makes more sense for the name of the set, since a noble’s conquest would give glory to the yielder instead of being a heal debuff hybrid set.

Senche-Raht's Grit - 5 traits

2 – 4% Healing Taken
3 – 1206 Maximum Health
4 – 4% Damage reduction
5 – After being damaged by a damage over time ability, increase your health recovery by 6% and increase your weapon and spell damage by 165 for as long as the duration of the damaging ability.

***Senche-rahts are strong khajiits that don’t get taken down easily, even when maimed. Not only would this change the set to better accommodate its name but it would also help against DoT heavy fights, instead of increasing resistances.

Song of the Lamae - 5 traits

New: Change name to "Lamae's Song"
2 – 129 Magicka Recovery
3 – 129 Magicka Recovery
4 – 1096 Max Magicka
5 – When you cast a magicka ability you have a 30% chance to gain Lamae’s Blessing increasing your stealth detection by 5 meters for 10 seconds or Lamae’s Sorrow increasing you direct damage by 7% for 10 seconds.

***This set actually makes it sound like abilities Lamae would have or give to there followers. Vampires have swift attacks, especially Lamae (read Lamae’s attack on nomads) and great vampiric vision.

Vampire's Kiss - 5 traits

2 – 4% Healing Taken
3 – 129 Stamina Recovery
4 – 1096 Max Stamina and Max Magicka
5 – When you deal damage to an enemy, you apply minor lifesteal, healing you and your allies for 600 health every 1 second for 6 seconds when damaging them. If they die, you gain 6000 Health over 6 seconds.

Sload's Semblance - 6 traits

2 – 1096 Max Magicka
3 – 129 Spell Damage
4 – 129 Magicka Recovery
5 – When you kill an enemy, revive the shade of your victim to do your bidding. The shade deals 3% of the nearest target’s Max Health as Oblivion damage every 1 second for 6 second. There can only be a maximum of 3 Shades up at once. This can deal a maximum of 3000 Oblivion Damage per tick.

Grave-Stake Collector - 7 traits

2 – 129 Magicka Recovery
3 – 129 Magicka Recovery
4 – 1096 Max Magicka
5 – When an enemy you damaged dies, you have a 20% chance to drop a grave-stake for 6 seconds on there corpse. This grave-stake restores 1000 stamina and magicka to those within in 5 meters of it. Only one grave-stake can appear at a time.

Redistributor - 7 traits

2 – 1206 Max Health
3 – 1096 Max Stamina
4 – 1096 Max Magicka
5 – When your highest resource drops under 50%, transfer 50% of your lowest resource pools total value to replenish your highest pool. This can occur every 8 seconds.

Varen's Legacy - 7 traits

2 – 129 Magicka Recovery
3 – 1096 Max Magicka
4 – 4% Healing Done
5 – When an ally you healed falls under 50% health, call upon The Emperor’s Blessing. The staff heals 1000 Health and applies minor courage, increasing your weapon and spell damage by 129, to all allies that are in radius (6 meters). This can occur every 4s.

*** Varen left Tamriel and became a moth priest and had the main role as a healer and guide to the companions. These set changes give it more justice to the lore and give a proper group buff with limitations.

Coldharbour's Favourite - 8 traits

2 – 1096 Max Magicka
3 – 1096 Max Stamina
4 – 129 Stamina and Magicka Recovery
5 – When you cast an ability, you have a 50% chance to summon Cadwell’s noble mount, Honor. After 2 seconds, Honor can either heal you and all allies around him (5 meters) for 10000 Health or attack a nearby enemy for 10000 Magic Damage. This can occur every 8 seconds.

*** I understand the joke/”lore” they wanted to give this set but the functionality is very limited and often negligible. This gives it a little bit more use as a heal and DD without the annoying “where is the damn thing” happening every 10 seconds.

Daedric Trickory - 8 traits

2 – 1206 Max Health
3 – 1096 Max Stamina
4 – 1096 Max Magicka
5 – While in combat you gain one of the 5 random Major Buffs for 10 seconds every 20 seconds. Eligible buffs are Courage, Protection, Mending, Vitality or Force.

***Interesting set but the buffs were lacking. Force and Courage make this more appealing.

Eyes of Mara - 8 traits

2 – 129 Magicka Recovery
3 – 1096 Max Magicka
4 – 129 Spell Damage
5 – Reduces the cost of your Restoration Staff abilities by 15%. Increase the Major Mending and healing done, by the passive Essence Drain from the Restoration Staff skill line, by 2 seconds and 20%, respectively.

Oblivion's Foe - 8 traits

2 – 129 Spell Damage
3 – 129 Weapon Damage
4 – 129 Magicka and Stamina Recovery
5 – Your Soul Magic abilities gain 1000 Weapon and Spell Damage

*** Makes it more appealing since it now includes the ultimate and makes it an interesting set if they ever add more abilities to this skill line.

Shalidor's Curse - 8 traits

New: Change to Sheogorath's Curse
2 – 129 Weapon Damage
3 – 129 Spell Damage
4 – 1487 Armor
5 – Whenever you take damage you have a 20% to either transform into a Golden Saint or a chicken. While in the Golden Saints form, your Weapon Damage, Spell Damage and Maximum resources are increased by 20%. While in chicken form, you have 1 health, become immortal, your attacks deal 1 damage and your movement speed is increased by 50%. You can revert back to your original form after 10 seconds.

*** Now this is what I call a curse from the cheese god!

Specter's Eye - 8 traits

2 – 1487 Armor
3 – 1096 Max Magicka
4 – 1096 Max Stamina
5 – When you damage an enemy, summon a specter copy of yourself for 6 seconds. This copy casts all the abilities you cast it and damages the same enemy you’re attacking. The damage the specter takes is distributed to you. This can occur every 6 seconds.

***I also that this last set would fear instead of the specter copy ability. Let me know what you think.

Way of the Arena - 8 traits

2 – 1206 Max Health
3 – 1096 Max Stamina
4 – 1096 Max Magicka
5 – While in combat, when you take damage from the front or from behind gain a defense stack, reducing 1% of damage taken and increasing your damage done to enemies in this position by 1%. There can be a total of 8 defense stacks. This effect can occur every 8 seconds.

Morkuldin - 9 traits

2 – 1487 Physical Penetration
3 – 129 Weapon Damage
4 – 1096 Max Stamina
5 – When you take melee damage, you have a 20% chance to damage all nearby enemies for 1000 Bleed Damage every 1 second for 5 seconds, healing you for 100% of the damage done. Each enemy hit, increases your weapon damage by 50, to a maximum of 300. This can occur every 8 seconds.

***Fits much better with the blood magic storyline and makes it a nice alternative to other similar sets like Seventh Legion, while damaging and healing. I also strongly feel that 9trait sets should definitely be good to compensate for the fact that you spent months researching traits, to get them unlocked.

Pelinal's Aptitude - 9 traits

2 – 129 Weapon Damage
3 – 129 Spell Damage
4 – 1096 Max Stamina and Magicka
5 – Your maximum pools, damage and critical become the highest of the two values.

***I like this set and at the same time I have a major problem with it. I’m not someone that makes hybrids but this change gives a better chance to those that want to play this style. The name better suits this change.

Twice-Born Star - 9 traits

2 – 129 Spell Damage
3 – 129 Weapon Damage
4 – 1096 Max Magicka and Stamina
5 – You can have two Mundus Stone boons at the same time. When you have two boons active, increase their potency by 5%.

These are my suggested changes for the crafted sets currently (Dragonhold) available.
If you have any opinions on my suggestions or if theirs a CRAFTED set that you would like changed leave it down below. Lets have a healthy discussion.
Edited by SimensJacket on November 5, 2019 4:03PM
  • HjorrMundGandr
    I love the changes to Pelinials Aptitude and Redistributor. Shalidor's curse rework to Sheogorath's Curse is hilarious and I actually see it potentially working for a way to hilariously combating destro train groups. HAahah

    I really never understood what Varen's legacy was.... the new set seems more suited to be from the late emperor.

    The lost legion set is great with the new change you stated. It had nothing to do with the legion at all with the original.

    Really nice work on all the detail of each set you went through.
  • TriangularChicken
    Sets, skills and races should never be buffed/nerfed because of lore reasons. The changes should be there to balance the game...

    ..but.. it's a nice idea to buff some of the crafted sets so thanks for the effort!

    Pretty sad actually that players have to come with set ideas - the 3 people that work at ZOS would never think of buffing the old useless crafted sets...
  • Starlock
    I didn't review all of these, but of those I did most seem too strong and/or very significant deviations from the set's current functions. There's a rationale given, granted, but completely changing how a set works - or how anything works in this game frankly - needs to be done with great caution. A lot of character identity comes from sets and changing how sets work can ruin people's characters. Arguably this should not be the case - it's certainly an argument I would make - that situation will not change for quite some time (probably the lifetime of this game).
  • SimensJacket
    Sets, skills and races should never be buffed/nerfed because of lore reasons. The changes should be there to balance the game...

    ..but.. it's a nice idea to buff some of the crafted sets so thanks for the effort!

    Pretty sad actually that players have to come with set ideas - the 3 people that work at ZOS would never think of buffing the old useless crafted sets...

    Well I understand where you're coming from. When ZOS says they're doing "lore" changes it always means a massive nerf or buff, nothing in between xD

    My meaning behind lore changes were to just make the name fit the lore better with the traits. Every time I see new craft sets I always come to 2 quesitons: "Why is this set called this when the traits have nothing to do with the name of the set/storyline of the province?" and "Why did I spend so long researching traits? There's no good sets to craft"

    Its frustrating but it is what it is. Maybe with Mara's grace someone from ZOS will see this and say "maybe in the next 5 patches we'll change some older sets, instead of just making new meta with every chapter" xD One can wish.

    Thanks for the comment, nice to see people noticing more then just the angry posts on here :smiley:
  • HjorrMundGandr
    Starlock wrote: »
    I didn't review all of these, but of those I did most seem too strong and/or very significant deviations from the set's current functions.

    Which ones in particular did you think were too strong?
    From the sets I read, most seem to be borrowing out of the Stam version or mag version vice versa or building upon the idea of a set ie, SPC and allowing a crafted variant with lesser so stats. I don't think I saw any that were "very significant deviations" unless the lore called for a change to be had. Really some of the sets names have nothing to do with what the character/npc/fallen hero's actions at all. I'm looking at you Varen
    Starlock wrote: »
    A lot of character identity comes from sets and changing how sets work can ruin people's characters
    Hummmnn this literally happens with every major update and people seem to find a way to develop and adapt to new improved/altered play-styles.
  • Starlock
    Which ones in particular did you think were too strong?

    Adept Rider was one. My eyes kind of bugged out of my skull. 100% uptime on major evasion for yourself that's easily granted to allies with a dodge-activated (note - easy to do) damage proc? That's way too much. It's like two 5-pc set bonuses in one set. :D
    Hummmnn this literally happens with every major update and people seem to find a way to develop and adapt to new improved/altered play-styles.

    It does? With a few exceptions, changes to sets have been minor numbers/proc adjustments, not total revamps of what the set does entirely. I twitched hard inside at your gutting of Whitestrake's Retribution in particular because I used that set for a very long time when learning how to tank and still think it's a great (and underutilized) set.
    Edited by Starlock on November 4, 2019 8:58PM
  • Soella
    Sorry, I did not read through all your suggestions, but generally - I don't think they should be improved performance wise. Crafted sets supposed to be entry level sets now. Sigh, it was promised other way around... but I understand why it is necessary, my new toons are getting crafted/BoE sets as soon as they are 50.

    But there is no reasons why crafted sets are not best in slot for niche usage or solo game. For example, "fishing set" - improve chance on rare fish. Or improve pickpocket. Or bonus if you are in a party of 2 people - a lot of permanent duos will be happy.

    Such sets will make crafting more viable without affecting game balance at all. ZOS sure have statistics what sets are used and what not, sure there are quite a few which are not used at all - they can be modified.
  • Lumenn
    Personally I'd like to see crafting take more of a useful role aside from potions and golding certain dropped sets. Especially the 9 traits. But then I think if you've 9 traits in EVERYTHING, you should be able to craft equivalent to vet dungeons(not trials)
  • HjorrMundGandr
    Soella wrote: »
    For example, "fishing set" - improve chance on rare fish. Or improve pickpocket. Or bonus if you are in a party of 2 people - a lot of permanent duos will be happy.

    That would be great if they did something for fishing and thievery. Not necessarily together though, hahah or maybe you could steal fish from a market or a chance to steal roe from NPC's???...... hmmmmmnn.

    Edited by HjorrMundGandr on November 4, 2019 9:29PM
  • GlorphNoldorin
    I liked some f these but agree with above that some are just way to strong.

    Whitestake....double weapon damage under 50% health...I mean in pvp if you have 5k wpd which isn't a lot these get 10k?

    Maybe a sliding scale like Pariah but some of these look better than the ideas zos has.

    If they cant balance with their current methodology maybe they should just satisfy lore?
  • MrGhosty
    Right now you can reliably put one crafted set with a dropped set as the "entry" point onto the gear treadmill (i.e. before farming trials) but I would like that to be expanded a bit. I don't think such gear should ever best trials gear, as the hardest content should always have the best reward. I see no reason why shouldn't be equal to dungeon sets though.

    From the view I looked at OP, I like the look of. I would also be down to see some sets setup as utility gear sets with 5pc bonuses tooled towards non endgame activities like a previous poster suggested.
    "It is a time of strife and unrest. Armies of revenants and dark spirits manifest in every corner of Tamriel. Winters grow colder and crops fail. Mystics are plagued by nightmares and portents of doom."
  • idk
    Zos continuously adds new sets, both crafted and drop, year. Granted, the pace is pretty fast but as a result I think it is a waste of time to try to keep all sets updated. Besides, we know it is a waste of time to try to appease everyone as we tent to not be able to agree.
  • Sordidfairytale
    Nice work.


    Eyes of Mara
    I would suggest keeping the cost reduction to restoration staff skills and add in a 2 second increase in duration to restoration staff abilities.

    Way of The Arena
    Reworking your idea a little. While in combat, the wearer gets an 8% buff to damage dealt in front of them while also reducing damage from attacks originating from the sides or behind the wearer by 8%. Each opponent beyond the first increases the buff and the reduction by 3% up to an additional 12% for a total of 20%.
    The Vegemite Knight

    "if the skeleton kills you, your dps is too low." ~STEVIL

    The Elder World of WarScrollCraft Online ~joaaocaampos
  • Girl_Number8
    Lore never should enter into things that affect combat, not ever.

    Zos, broke away from lore for money a long time ago. Also, PvP and PvE are far to in conflict to have any nice medium to change anything without nerfs being called forth.

    Zos always adds new sets anyways, so that is where their heads are.

    I have several master crafters and this would be just too much for them to deal without destroying everything. With how Zos is now, I would rather keep the viable sets viable, then risk losing them too.
  • SimensJacket
    MrGhosty wrote: »
    From the view I looked at OP, I like the look of. I would also be down to see some sets setup as utility gear sets with 5pc bonuses tooled towards non endgame activities like a previous poster suggested.

    Thank you. I do agree. Crafted sets should be something that you make until you get something trail related. Example: you craft hundings+NMG so that you can farm relequen and/or VO, then you use this to farm lokke, etc... These sets I "altered" had in mind newcomers that want to do damage but never as good as a "higher" grinding/dificulty set, such as trial drops.
    Whitestake....double weapon damage under 50% health...I mean in pvp if you have 5k wpd which isn't a lot these get 10k?

    If they cant balance with their current methodology maybe they should just satisfy lore?

    Hmmm that is true. Ill change it to better suit that situation. Thanks for the input! :)

    idk wrote: »
    Zos continuously adds new sets, both crafted and drop, year. Granted, the pace is pretty fast but as a result I think it is a waste of time to try to keep all sets updated. Besides, we know it is a waste of time to try to appease everyone as we tent to not be able to agree.

    I do agree to an extent. They could at least change the current crafted sets to add variety for PVP play. Some of the sets I suggest had that in mind.
    Nice work.


    Eyes of Mara
    I would suggest keeping the cost reduction to restoration staff skills and add in a 2 second increase in duration to restoration staff abilities.
    Way of The Arena
    Reworking your idea a little. While in combat, the wearer gets an 8% buff to damage dealt in front of them while also reducing damage from attacks originating from the sides or behind the wearer by 8%. Each opponent beyond the first increases the buff and the reduction by 3% up to an additional 12% for a total of 20%.

    I like those suggestions. Ill change Eyes of Mara back to what it had but keep the 2nd bonus.
    I do like your Way of the Arena suggestion. I'm wondering if it is too strong, considering a warden/necromancer that has major and/or minor protection, this set could be too tanky. Maybe go the Z'ens's Touch route and have it stackby 1%? What do you think?
    Starlock wrote: »
    Adept Rider was one. My eyes kind of bugged out of my skull. 100% uptime on major evasion for yourself that's easily granted to allies with a dodge-activated (note - easy to do) damage proc? That's way too much. It's like two 5-pc set bonuses in one set. :D

    Well, if you look at the original set the changes I suggest are simple: major evasion at all times instead of while mounted. The original set already gave major evasion to your group, all I added to the set was 100% uptime. But I do understand that not many sets give you 100% uptime buffs (with the exception of heroism). Ill add a timer to it.

    As for Whitestrake, I commend you for finding use in this set but to nowadays group play, "selfish" sets aren't advised for endgame PVE content. I do understand that not everyone aims for this but I can't see how damage shields that can be consumed with Dawnbreaker or a Zmaja heavy attack are useful for where the game currently is. I'm not even taking in the fact that it has a 7 second cooldown. Maybe the current Whitestrake could be used for roleplaying but it doesn't fit the lore of Whitestrake. Nonetheless, I do see how my suggestion is overpowered, as said above I'll change it to suit more current sets.
  • Urzigurumash
    I cannot support a change to the fundamental function of any crafted set which has been in this game for years. Adjust that function to make it more viable, yes, but do not completely dismantle it. Some of us run wack builds in PvP that depend on that functionality.

    However, as for new additions to this game that nobody has been using for years, some of them strongly need something.

    Mostly Grave Stake. Might of the Lost Legion may have some use for people who both block and LA weave. I can't imagine anybody uses Grave Stake.

    The improvement to Pelinal's would be great. Who doesn't want a hybrid meta?
    Xbox NA AD / Day 1 ScrubDK / Wood Orc Cuisine Enthusiast
  • Urzigurumash
    Things like Noble's Conquest might not be used often, but it is the only source of Minor Vuln for many builds. Change the proc condition to something more accessible, but don't change the fundamental functionality.

    Edit: of course I'm all for a more reasonable proc condition on Scavenging Demise and changing Noble's altogether so non-Necro stam have reliable access to this debuff, and there are alchemical poisons which offer this, but you get my point. Keep the essential functionality, on most of these you have but there's a few that are fundamentally changed.

    Edited by Urzigurumash on November 5, 2019 1:02AM
    Xbox NA AD / Day 1 ScrubDK / Wood Orc Cuisine Enthusiast
  • Jimmy_The_Fixer
    Overall, fairly balanced sets, redistributor and Alesia’s bulwark are crazy in PvP though. But nothing else looks too far out of line.
  • Sordidfairytale
    I'm wondering if it is too strong, considering a warden/necromancer that has major and/or minor protection, this set could be too tanky. Maybe go the Z'ens's Touch route and have it stackby 1%? What do you think?

    From behind the damage reduction could get pretty powerful, sure. But if you were in front of the wearer there would be no damage reduction at all.

    Make the effect apply after breaking free for a short duration? That way it's not constantly up.

    The Vegemite Knight

    "if the skeleton kills you, your dps is too low." ~STEVIL

    The Elder World of WarScrollCraft Online ~joaaocaampos
  • starkerealm
    Soella wrote: »
    Sorry, I did not read through all your suggestions, but generally - I don't think they should be improved performance wise. Crafted sets supposed to be entry level sets now. Sigh, it was promised other way around... but I understand why it is necessary, my new toons are getting crafted/BoE sets as soon as they are 50.

    Back at launch, it was the other way around. Crafted sets had a hidden +2 level/+1VR adjustment that meant they were significantly better than drop gear. The problem was that there wasn't a lot of incentive to run group content if the stuff you could craft would outperform it.

    So, that was a plan that got walked back.
  • SaucyMcSauceface
    Specter's Eye - 8 traits

    2 – 1487 Armor
    3 – 1096 Max Magicka
    4 – 1096 Max Stamina
    5 – When you damage an enemy, summon a specter copy of yourself for 6 seconds. This copy casts all the abilities you cast it and damages the same enemy you’re attacking. The damage the specter takes is distributed to you. This can occur every 6 seconds

    If I am reading that right, your proposal for this set would essentially be a 100% dps boost that would be kept up 100% of the time. That would be the definition of OP.
  • HjorrMundGandr
    Specter's Eye - 8 traits

    2 – 1487 Armor
    3 – 1096 Max Magicka
    4 – 1096 Max Stamina
    5 – When you damage an enemy, summon a specter copy of yourself for 6 seconds. This copy casts all the abilities you cast it and damages the same enemy you’re attacking. The damage the specter takes is distributed to you. This can occur every 6 seconds

    If I am reading that right, your proposal for this set would essentially be a 100% dps boost that would be kept up 100% of the time. That would be the definition of OP.

    But you would also take 2x more damage. So focused damage on you and your specter would be insane. You would not last very long. Maybe the specter has a capped HP based off of a percentage of your HP, so that if you take no damage but your specter was targeted and killed, to take that damage bringing you to an executable range. Something in that ballpark. Very interesting idea. Just because a set seems OP in the damage area does not mean its game breaking, you have to look at the negatives as well.
  • redlink1979
    I don't agree with all the changes you propose but I sure agree that the old crafted sets should be revised in order to become more viable.
    "Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear"
    • Sons of the Night Mother [PS5][EU] 2165 CP
    • Daggerfall's Mightiest [PS5][NA] 1910 CP
    • SweetTrolls [PC][EU] 1950 CP
    • Bacon Rats [PC][NA] 1850 CP
  • HjorrMundGandr
    Lore never should enter into things that affect combat, not ever.

    Overwhelming charge, Alkosh, Mechanical Acuity, Meridias Blessed Armour just to name a few. I have been seeing a few people comment that lore should not be a factor. Lore should be the main factor....? We are literally playing a game where Deity's litter around relics, gifts from the gods, for us to use and wield, heroes from all over Tamriel and beyond have donned Armour with magical properties. It would be pretty bleak otherwise.
    Zos, broke away from lore for money a long time ago.

    All traits meet lore or just the 5th trait?
    All sets meet lore in their names at least since Vvardenfell.
  • HjorrMundGandr
    Overall, fairly balanced sets, redistributor and Alesia’s bulwark are crazy in PvP though. But nothing else looks too far out of line.


    This is ingame and has a 25% chance.....?
  • srfrogg23
    I sincerely doubt the majority of those sets will ever be looked at or changed.

    Most sets are not balanced for endgame.

    Many are intended to be used temporarily while leveling. They are weak because they're easy to get and easy to trash.

    A lot of sets are not meant for pve, they're for pvp.

    A lot of sets are not meant for dps, they're tanking or healing sets.

    Some sets are hybrid sets for the tinkering types.
  • Luckylancer
    Low skill crafting sets should be noob sets untill they get better stuff. High skill level ones should be viable in some way.

    Changes are good and creative. Most of them require bit balancing in pts, your alessia's bulwark is permanent direct damage immunity. It needs cooldown.
  • Jimmy_The_Fixer
    Overall, fairly balanced sets, redistributor and Alesia’s bulwark are crazy in PvP though. But nothing else looks too far out of line.


    This is ingame and has a 25% chance.....?

    Blocking a spell projectile is a pretty specific activator, you’d have to make a build specifically to spend a lot of time blocking, and even then it would only be effective against classes that made significant use of spell projectiles, so Nikulas is a Niche set at best and a bad set in the vast majority of cases.

    8% chance on any damage to negate the next direct damage source is, however, ridiculous. That will proc as often as blood spawn since it proc’s off dot ticks and can passively negate ultimates as well as spammables.
  • redlink1979
    Overall, fairly balanced sets, redistributor and Alesia’s bulwark are crazy in PvP though. But nothing else looks too far out of line.


    This is ingame and has a 25% chance.....?

    Not as good as it might seem imo.... How many people do you know that use this?

    Edited: typo
    Edited by redlink1979 on November 5, 2019 2:34PM
    "Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear"
    • Sons of the Night Mother [PS5][EU] 2165 CP
    • Daggerfall's Mightiest [PS5][NA] 1910 CP
    • SweetTrolls [PC][EU] 1950 CP
    • Bacon Rats [PC][NA] 1850 CP
  • HjorrMundGandr
    Overall, fairly balanced sets, redistributor and Alesia’s bulwark are crazy in PvP though. But nothing else looks too far out of line.


    This is ingame and has a 25% chance.....?

    Not as good as it might seem imo.... How many people do you know that use this?

    Edited: typo

    Right. not many people run this at all. Maybe since the dragon knight flappers changed. but my point exactly. if this set has a 25% and no one uses it when it is basically doing the same trait. Then why are people calling 8% on Alesia's OP....? I don't understand....

    Edited by HjorrMundGandr on November 5, 2019 3:16PM
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