the1andonlyskwex wrote: »By the way, one way (possibly the only way) to fix the problem with the meta is to nerf Templar and Warden healers into the ground for one patch. Then people will adjust their builds and realize that other healers aren't so bad. After a few months of that, ZOS could then buff Templars and Wardens back up (without nerfing other healers in the process) and maybe you'd see a more balanced distribution of healer classes going forward.
I used to play dk healer to try it but i was very disapointed by the facts that it has too much problem like :
- his regen
- cauterize which was completely useless in 90% of the case
- cinder storm that heals nothing on a really small aoe for what it cost for exemple...
- Fragmented shield is cool because major mending is a unique feature for DK (by that i mean easy to access, i know every one can have it with resto staves HA), but the shield is too tiny in my opinion, i would prefer 1000 times a spell that give you major mending for 2.5 sec instead of 5 but give your mates a shield any sec like Illustrous Healing if you see what i mean)
Can't talk about nb because i never played them, just theory crafting (in my opinion that should have major life steal for class identity and be more relevant but if someone disagree pls explain !)
SO, did someone here try hard dunjeons or trials content on the PTS ? and if so, can you gave me your build (set and bars) plus a feedback? in order to let me think about it !
Do you think it is possible to play DK with shields ?
Thanks everyone !
universal_wrath wrote: »I used to play dk healer to try it but i was very disapointed by the facts that it has too much problem like :
- his regen
- cauterize which was completely useless in 90% of the case
- cinder storm that heals nothing on a really small aoe for what it cost for exemple...
- Fragmented shield is cool because major mending is a unique feature for DK (by that i mean easy to access, i know every one can have it with resto staves HA), but the shield is too tiny in my opinion, i would prefer 1000 times a spell that give you major mending for 2.5 sec instead of 5 but give your mates a shield any sec like Illustrous Healing if you see what i mean)
Can't talk about nb because i never played them, just theory crafting (in my opinion that should have major life steal for class identity and be more relevant but if someone disagree pls explain !)
SO, did someone here try hard dunjeons or trials content on the PTS ? and if so, can you gave me your build (set and bars) plus a feedback? in order to let me think about it !
Do you think it is possible to play DK with shields ?
Thanks everyone !
I did have a DK 2 years ago in PS4. I remmeber i used to use trinimace valor when it has a chance to proc since used opaidion shield a lots as when as combat physician with nightflame. Lots of shields and heals.
DK cautirize and f|$ting heals were most wilcomed changes back then when they were first inturduced.
the1andonlyskwex wrote: »By the way, one way (possibly the only way) to fix the problem with the meta is to nerf Templar and Warden healers into the ground for one patch. Then people will adjust their builds and realize that other healers aren't so bad. After a few months of that, ZOS could then buff Templars and Wardens back up (without nerfing other healers in the process) and maybe you'd see a more balanced distribution of healer classes going forward.
I started as a magblade dps in trials, went magblade healer, got my templar to 50 and preferred PvE healing on my templar, switched to PvP NB healing. That’s how I’ve played the game so my experience is outdated and pre-resto staff ability changes.
the1andonlyskwex wrote: »By the way, one way (possibly the only way) to fix the problem with the meta is to nerf Templar and Warden healers into the ground for one patch. Then people will adjust their builds and realize that other healers aren't so bad. After a few months of that, ZOS could then buff Templars and Wardens back up (without nerfing other healers in the process) and maybe you'd see a more balanced distribution of healer classes going forward.
i really dont think that is a solution, it s already hard for most groups to do their job correctly, do not nerf them to the ground, instead, better address the problems of this classes (people enumerate them if you look at the answer i got on this thread).
We shouldnt ask (sometimes yes) "why those one are so strong", but "one those one are so weak". This mentality would help to solve the problem of helping beginner without affecting the elite.
Have not healed in a while in this game, did lots in the past, but don't see how permanent major expedition on the team, the health based spot heal with permanent minor mending and bolstering darkness, with this patch AOE minor vulnerability, don't make NBs at least competitive with all other classes for that role, especially in four man where there may not be another NB for hemorrhage.
Healing in ESO is essentially two HOTs (usually one resto, one class, but can be two resto), Combat Prayer, Orb and a Spot Heal, then debuffs and buffs from skills, ults, passives and gear. Not really that complicated, and it doesn't seem any class has "winner winner" skills, passives and ults over any other. Far more important are resource management and map awareness/familiarity. The player, not the class, determines both of those.
Someone please spell out to me -specifically- how ANY class does that better than ANY other class at healing as the game exists currently. Please don't blithely toss out the "X class simply has better tools for healing," as that's nebulous and IMO not true. It seems that healing with this or that class is merely tradeoff selection, "you either get this for the team or this for the team," with no hierarchy at all, unlike the past.
universal_wrath wrote: »I used to play dk healer to try it but i was very disapointed by the facts that it has too much problem like :
- his regen
- cauterize which was completely useless in 90% of the case
- cinder storm that heals nothing on a really small aoe for what it cost for exemple...
- Fragmented shield is cool because major mending is a unique feature for DK (by that i mean easy to access, i know every one can have it with resto staves HA), but the shield is too tiny in my opinion, i would prefer 1000 times a spell that give you major mending for 2.5 sec instead of 5 but give your mates a shield any sec like Illustrous Healing if you see what i mean)
Can't talk about nb because i never played them, just theory crafting (in my opinion that should have major life steal for class identity and be more relevant but if someone disagree pls explain !)
SO, did someone here try hard dunjeons or trials content on the PTS ? and if so, can you gave me your build (set and bars) plus a feedback? in order to let me think about it !
Do you think it is possible to play DK with shields ?
Thanks everyone !
I did have a DK 2 years ago in PS4. I remmeber i used to use trinimace valor when it has a chance to proc since used opaidion shield a lots as when as combat physician with nightflame. Lots of shields and heals.
DK cautirize and f|$ting heals were most wilcomed changes back then when they were first inturduced.
i used to play them like that, but now i dont think this is really possible i mean you cant be as effective as a templar/wardenthe1andonlyskwex wrote: »By the way, one way (possibly the only way) to fix the problem with the meta is to nerf Templar and Warden healers into the ground for one patch. Then people will adjust their builds and realize that other healers aren't so bad. After a few months of that, ZOS could then buff Templars and Wardens back up (without nerfing other healers in the process) and maybe you'd see a more balanced distribution of healer classes going forward.
i really dont think that is a solution, it s already hard for most groups to do their job correctly, do not nerf them to the ground, instead, better address the problems of this classes (people enumerate them if you look at the answer i got on this thread).
We shouldnt ask (sometimes yes) "why those one are so strong", but "one those one are so weak". This mentality would help to solve the problem of helping beginner without affecting the elite.
I started as a magblade dps in trials, went magblade healer, got my templar to 50 and preferred PvE healing on my templar, switched to PvP NB healing. That’s how I’ve played the game so my experience is outdated and pre-resto staff ability changes.
Yeah the nb healer in pvp is a monster but never tried it, i should cause i have one ready, just waiting for his stuff !How do you run it? i would imagine something like transmutation, earthgore (this set still rule pvp no?) and my vbrp resto staff ? (but i dont know how good the staff is know that the shield have been change...). And for the last set spot maybe something like shacklebreaker?
Thanks every one for the answer, it s good to have your thought about the problem!
WrathOfInnos wrote: »Have not healed in a while in this game, did lots in the past, but don't see how permanent major expedition on the team, the health based spot heal with permanent minor mending and bolstering darkness, with this patch AOE minor vulnerability, don't make NBs at least competitive with all other classes for that role, especially in four man where there may not be another NB for hemorrhage.
Healing in ESO is essentially two HOTs (usually one resto, one class, but can be two resto), Combat Prayer, Orb and a Spot Heal, then debuffs and buffs from skills, ults, passives and gear. Not really that complicated, and it doesn't seem any class has "winner winner" skills, passives and ults over any other. Far more important are resource management and map awareness/familiarity. The player, not the class, determines both of those.
Someone please spell out to me -specifically- how ANY class does that better than ANY other class at healing as the game exists currently. Please don't blithely toss out the "X class simply has better tools for healing," as that's nebulous and IMO not true. It seems that healing with this or that class is merely tradeoff selection, "you either get this for the team or this for the team," with no hierarchy at all, unlike the past.
Templar is an easy one. Ritual of Retribution is much better than Refreshing Path because it has a larger area, a heal/purge synergy and deals damage (like Refreshing Path used to before it was butchered). Breath of Life hits 2 other players instead of Offering’s 1, and can be controlled better since it is a frontal smart heal. Power of the Light is an important debuff (Minor Breach and Fracture) that only a Templar can provide with good uptime. And Shards can be a nice alternative to Orbs to give both resources to a tank, especially from a long distance. They also provide Minor Sorcery to the group, but this is balanced with Nightblade’s Minor Savagery.
The AoE Minor Vuln will be nice on Nightblade, but this has never really been a problem with IA. After the patch, I would bet that Wardens will be taking care of Minor Vuln with Swarm. Speaking of Wardens, they bring some nice utility as healers too: Minor Toughness, Major Ward/Resolve, Minor Intellect and Endurance, the Harvest synergy, and easy access to Major Mending.
WrathOfInnos wrote: »Templar is an easy one. Ritual of Retribution is much better than Refreshing Path because it has a larger area, a heal/purge synergy and deals damage (like Refreshing Path used to before it was butchered).
WrathOfInnos wrote: »Templar is an easy one. Ritual of Retribution is much better than Refreshing Path because it has a larger area, a heal/purge synergy and deals damage (like Refreshing Path used to before it was butchered).
Not really what I asked. I'm well aware of what Templar skills and passives do, when I did heal this game, it was on a Templar. And I'm looking for objective, not opinions with some deck-stacking by not properly giving NB its due in the comparison.
Path is about the same size as ROR actually, which heals for less, can draw unwanted aggro, and doesn't give major expedition, so it comes down to major expedition and better heal or another synergy/purge. If a purge is required, NB can slot Purge and use some of that saved magicka over BOL to cast it when/if needed. RE synergies, have never had anyone complain about the amount of synergies in the team when orb is always cast on CD. What I find mostly as a tank is that the ROR synergy is a hindrance overlaying another synergy I want more. But I don't tank many trials. When I have, there's usually way too many synergies to pick them all up and I never have any sustain problems. IIRC, everyone can hit orb on its way through now. If there's some cutting edge trial team that needs a synergy every three seconds, I won't ever be on it, been there, done that for years, never again. YMMV.
POTL is nice for minor breach/fracture, so in a group, it's nice to have -one- Templar somewhere in some role using it. Just like it's nice to have a NB for hemorrhage in the team too. Lots of folks running Shadow mundus and esp in 4 man, there is often not another NB in the team. You didn't mention hemorrhage at all, if no NB in team, and it happens, it's at least as good as minor b/f.
The reason I asked originally is I'm going to do some more healing in ESO, but probably on a NB this time, and built for fast ult, bolstering dark on one bar and WH on the other. I have a fast ult generation Templar build for major maim via solar disturbance, but it's not as fast as the NB at getting the mitigation ult back up due mostly to the 25% higher cost of the ult. If I can heal just fine with orbs, combat prayer, springs (or whatever mutagen is now) and a health based spot heal, while speeding the team up and dropping major protection every 20 seconds or so in tougher content, why not do that?
PullaStormy wrote: »
One thing, refreshing path is considerably smaller then RoR. It’s still necessary to give yourself more reaction time for healthy Offering.
If you’ve healed dungeons as a templar you’ll have no issues doing it on a NB. Just don’t use funnel health, ever. It’s the ability that make people think NBs aren’t good healers.
- You’ll notice the dps is lower on a NB them a templar. Usually I hit 10k ST and 30k aoe but ST is a little lower on a NB.
PullaStormy wrote: »
One thing, refreshing path is considerably smaller then RoR. It’s still necessary to give yourself more reaction time for healthy Offering.
If you’ve healed dungeons as a templar you’ll have no issues doing it on a NB. Just don’t use funnel health, ever. It’s the ability that make people think NBs aren’t good healers.
Refreshing Path is still a very decent aoe, it is not as good as ROR because it doesnt have a synnergy for ally, but in my memories in terms of hps this patch it s higher than ROR cause ROR heal every 2 sec.
Funnel health is kind of sad, that is the kind of unique ability NB healer need to have rework + a unique debuff (Major Life Stealing looks perfect for them). Imagine if Funnel Health could heal let s say 6 person any second but the healing output is based on a smaller %of your damage, it could be great really, like if it s a new hot but only for NB....
The new aoe minor vuln has to be take into account now, do we want to have a nb healer in the group for this? or do we accept that we have less uptime of minor vuln with the common healer and wall of element? And we still need to run wall for the off balance effect!
- You’ll notice the dps is lower on a NB them a templar. Usually I hit 10k ST and 30k aoe but ST is a little lower on a NB.
Thanks for the tips. The above is what I'm more worried about on a NB healer in non elite content. Ironic that the "healing class" can so easily out dps the "rogue class" in this game. And yes, unlike other classes' executes, the NB's seems clunky in comparison and even inferior. Again, irony in the rogue class, which is usually the king of ST dmg in these games.
PullaStormy wrote: »
Healer dps is important though, too many healers focus purely on healing which is why groups prefer 1 tank and 3 dps.
PullaStormy wrote: »
Healer dps is important though, too many healers focus purely on healing which is why groups prefer 1 tank and 3 dps.
99% of the time they just dont take a healer beacause the tank can self sustain and if the dd are not stupid then can take care of them selves, and the damage produce by a healer (his own damage and the damage produce when his mates are boosted) is lower than when you take a new dd
NB :
I play my NB healer as a buffer/debuffer and heal a bit (no need alot when dps are good).
- Chudan/Symphony of Blade (I love chudan since it give easy access to the lack of M. resolve on NB)
- Olorime
- Master Architect
- Double resto precise
- Thief mundus
1st bar :
- Healing Ward (I don't like Offering, can put you in very dangerous situation sometime)
- Sap Ess
- Prayer (the other morph is amazing if you need more healing)
- Spring (for olo)
- Inner light (flex)
- Soul Harvest
2sd bar :
- Phantasmal escape
- Siphon / path (sustain, utility : flex)
- Mystic Orb
- Lotus Fan / path (flex)
- Inner light (flex)
- Soul Harvest (best uptime for MA, can be flex)
Amazing result in all 4 man content including all vet arena/hm.
For Raid I switch MA for Hollowfang gonna help magicka alot with the lower sustain they got this patch.
I'll of replace both Soul Harvest for Bolstering Darkness + War Horn.
And ofc adjust the skill bar a bit and it work fine.