Cirantille wrote: »I am actually starting to wonder is it that worse comparing to other games? Because this is the first and only mmorpg I played.
I really like the tes world and alliance war aspect of the game but it is starting to getting on my nerves. I am trying to activate powers and can't, I even get a warning "This person is busy"
Yes, this person is me and I am supposed to be busy fighting.
If you don't activate my shield, I die. If I get stunned by my own streak I die. It is supposed to stun the enemies! Not me!
Letting alone getting non-laggy pvp server, right now can't even log in to do my daily crafting writs because PC-EU server is broken.
I am really annoyed at this point.
in my 5 guilds (except the trading one) there are usually +50 online players at every time.
this afternoon i was trying to up a vSS farm, looked at my pve guilds for members to form a group and found that there is only 10-15 online.
this is on my 4 pve guilds, no joking ...
what's happening ???
Been playing other games that have less bugs (like many skills that have been broken for years, so good luck with a timely Blast Bones fix), better server performance, and aren't constantly shift the ground under my feet to make balance changes. Right now ESO is just a log in simulator for me. Kind of sad, honestly. Love the game, but just struggle to enjoy it.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »slicksteezin wrote: »Taleof2Cities wrote: »Ah, another useless doom & gloom thread.
Right on time though ... we usually get one once per week
Ah, another useless comment defending against a doom & gloom thread.
Yes, people are leaving ESO in droves. It's nothing more than delusion if you choose to believe otherwise .
The game could be down to 500 concurrent players, and the fanboys/girls would still be here to tell you there is nothing to worry about. That's how MMO forums have always been.
"less and less players" forum threads since 2015. With such logic there is probably only me left in this game.
it's not an ideology, just dry facts.uFuqinwitme wrote: »If you continue this ideology and Zenimax continues their path
darthgummibear_ESO wrote: »The 4 guilds I'm in always have a bunch of people online. If you are talking about Elsweyr, not that many people are doing dragons now because ESO dragons are inherently stale. Once the initial honeymoon period wore off(less than a month after launch) most people I've talked to just seem to think they aren't worth the hassle.
Still same amount of people in Craglorn and any capitals especially primetime. If any event then it's zerged by players. And i didn't account PvP.
Thinking about quitting myself, I go and build a character that`s suppose to do 40K dps and get to trial boss and look over, I`m doing 15k. That really pisses me off because I put so much work into these characters and practice on dummies then, BAM all that work for 15k. JUST PISSES ME OFF! REALLY THINKING OF QUITTING!
Waffennacht wrote: »I've been playing less.
The less viable PvP builds the less I wanna play