It's with a heavy heart that I've turned over guild lead of TD to another member and I'm taking a break from the game. I've been MIA for a bit and it isn't fair to my members to hang onto a guild and not be present. With that said I've been in ESO for five years, since day one really. Loved this game. I've been guild leader for three now when the former leader got perma banned and I took it over. I've been a guild leader before but never of a pvp guild and fumbled a bit. But thanks to the many wonderful AD leaders who took me in, taught me what they knew and guided me, I was able to to reach my goals. My target goal has always been to teach the pugs the basics of pvp and then send many of them off to more advanced guilds. I did that for years. But this last year or so, I've been mostly MIA and it's time to cut ties.
So I have to thank a few people: first and foremost, my guild members. Many of you stayed simply because you had fun and love me. That feeling is mutual. We had some awesome times together. Maybe I'll see you in other games soon. Much love to each of you.
Many other guild leaders took me under their wing and offered advice. Guilds like DD, DIG, RUIN, COH, Mechanical Sentients, and even
@Zheg from Omni. So thank you so much. It was very appreciated.
For the most part members of the other factions have been phenomenal overall. I've never had many issues over the years with the opposite faction. You guys are great. You always have those few but that's life. But I have to mention a few names of memorable peeps.
@Scipio2666 you will always be my favorite to clam slam. I'm quite certain you enjoyed tea bagging me in return. Good times.

@Sennared you, sir, are the kindest, sweetest EP I've met in game. Thank you for your support.
@xylena, so much fun to go against you guys.There are probably too many to mention here but you all know who you are.
Thank you for the many years of adventures, flirtations, and pvp. It was fun.

"The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for ...”
― Tucker Max
Domina'trix ~ Mag DK
Dominatresse ~ NB
GM of Total Dominionation Vivec NA PC