This is basically an argument for why changes to sustain and the damage of various skills is just as bad for non-optimised builds and groups as it is for the top end. I'm mostly talking about pve, but I think it applies for pvp builds too for optimised builds/groups vs beginner and mid tier setups.
I'm not going to talk about ease of rotations, which are also a factor, just the basic damage formula and how recent changes work (or don't) with them. The effective damage formula is basically something like:
effective_damage = base_damage * average_crit_scaling * damage_done * damage_received_multiplier
We have four things there that multiply. We can stack heavily into all of them at the same time with optimised builds/groups. Non-optimised groups with less good gear are much less effective at stacking into these so they get a much small effective damage.
- We have lots of ways to stack into base weapon/spell damage and stam/mag from sets, enchants and racial passives.
- Commonly high crit rates and the shadow and crit damage cp stack heavily into the crit part.
- CP and new sets (read as lokkestiiz) stack heavily into damage done.
- Necro ults and new sets/set changes (vulnerbility, zen, martial knowlege) strong add to damage through damage received multipliers.
Nerfing the base damage multiplier for skills will not change the damage difference between the damage floor and ceiling, it will just scale everyone down in the same way. Nerfing sustain will require more regen for all players and will not reduce the difference between floor and ceiling either, we all just have to find a bit of sustain from somewhere. So long as we continue to get ever stronger stat bonuses and more damage done/received buffs the damage ceiling will continue to go up while those without optimal setups will stay in the same place or even get worse with attempts to lower the ceiling.
TLDR: A lot of the recent changes to reign in top end dps affect everyone equally, top end, mid tier and beginner. If the developers want to pull down the dps ceiling without affecting other players then they need to think twice about releasing crazy high max stat and buff/debuff sets and skills that let us stack heavily into everything at the same time. These things multiply and disproportionaly raise the ceiling.