He also killed his children with Molag Bal...
Yeah I would say Vivec's a real monster. Holding his people hostage with Baar Dau; "I would have done so myself if I wanted, silly Hortator. I shall keep it there with its last intention intact, so that if the love of the people of this city for me ever disappear, so shall the power that holds back their destruction." After the events of ESO's Morrowind, he still keeps it there, even when he knows his power is weakening in TESIII Morrowind, he still leaves it there. Before the Nerevarine destroys the heart, I'm sure Vivec still has the power to destroy it, since he can still keep it afloat. And as he was complicit in the killing of his friend, Nerevar, to obtain the power of the Heart of Lorkhan.
Regarding why the statuette of Vile is there is because, after Vivec's disappearance and Baar Dau's descent starts again, the Dunmer people looked for a way to keep it from crashing into Vvardenfell. Someone made a pact with Vile, who gave them a machine, the Ingenium, that was able to keep Baar Dau back, but at the cost of people's souls, meaning it needed sacrifices. If you want to know more, read the real books "The Infernal City" and "Lord of Souls".
The Dunmer do not envision Lord Vivec as a creature of murder, sex, and secrets. Rather, they conceive of Lord Vivec as benevolent king, guardian warrior, poet-artist. But, at the same time, unconsciously, they accept the notion of darker, hidden currents beneath Vivec's benevolent aspects.
The public face of Vivec is benign, sensitive, compassionate, and protective of his followers. At the same time, the Dunmer seem irrationally comfortable with the hidden aspects of Vivec, the darker components of violence, lust, and conspiracy associated the more primitive and ruthless impulses of the Anticipations.
Vivec is many things. In the same way he portrays himself as a dual entity, half-chimer and half-dunmer, it wouldn't be out of character for him to act monstrous to contrast with his benevolence. His anticipation was Mephala after all, who in some respects, is more monstrous and sinister than Molag Bal.
Actually, this issue on whether Vivec is as benevolent as he portrays himself to be is discussed in an existing lorebook: Vivec and Mephala.
Two quotes from the book:
And this one:
So, yes, you are correct. Vivec is a monster, but he is also benevolent. You have to remember that while they may be false gods in the eyes of their detractors, they are living gods; specifically, daedric gods, so don't put it past Vivec to act in a way that may seem malevolent.
TheRealPotoroo wrote: »Monster or not, Vivec has to be the most pompous NPC in the game.
SpacemanSpiff1 wrote: »
He'll have to fight Vanus Galerion for that title.
VaranisArano wrote: »
It's pretty hilarious to consider that Vanus Galerion and Mannimarco were basically college roommates. Mannimarco is another one who is best described by the words of Abnur Tharn: "I find it hilarious that Mannimarco chose such a massive projected appearance. He's obviously overcompensating for something."
rotaugen454 wrote: »Of the three, Sotha Sil seems the most concerned about “his” people. He is cold over individual deaths but is looking at the big picture. The other two seem very full of themselves. Vivec could have spared the Dunmer from a disaster but preferred to have worshippers who were hostages to his “benevolence”.
The whole tribunal is not bad. But they bear the guilt of murder and thats the cause of their evilness. The pressure makes them evil. They are sick so to speak.
Varkal2112 wrote: »Vivec is AMARANTH, Vivec is the world. Love is under his will only.