Hi everyone.
This is more of a case study than really any kind of request.
NB: I'm not asking for this to be implemented at all. I know how much it would shake the foundation of the game and upset a whole alotta people
So all classes in eso can do everything to varying degrees of success. That's not gonna change anytime soon.
Though I remember theres that one guy who suggested specializations for each class. So, keeping that in mind...
I'd like to ask you all, based entirely on your own opinion and reasoning (logical or no)
If each class had three roles it could fulfill, one for each skill line
Which would you give each?
Now I know there are already 3 roles. But when
I say roles I'm giving the following
Tank (stamina mostly)
Support (magicka mostly)
And three flavors of dps:
-melee (two handled and dual weild)
-ranged ( bow, since I found it weird that none of the bases classes were ever geared for an archer build when it's such a popular archetype.)
-caster (staves. Assumely at range but not the rule)
For this experiment, assume that you can only unlock the weapon line if your class caters to it (so if your class doesnt have tank as one of its 3 sets, it cant learn the S&B)
Feel free to give your reasoning if ya like

. Or give reasoning why somone elses picks are bleh. You do you.
I had a neat little spreadsheet for this but...
NB: melee, ranged, caster
● nightblades were easy to sus out for me. Nightblades sound like someone who will kill you and have many ways of doing it.
DK: melee, caster, tank
● dks have long been known as the core tanks of the game. Most people consider them melee centric. Both their melee and magic line would be smashing with might or burning people to crisps
Sorc: caster, melee, support
●probably gonna get flack for this one haha. So sorcerers to me are the people who actually bothered to go to a wizard college to learn stuff. Offensive magic is a give. Theres enough about bound weapons to make melee spellswords/warlocks a thing. And suprisly I'd take their pet line as their healer and support line, proving shields, buff and healing from their pet(s). Meridia or azuras boys and girls.
Templar:Tank, Support, ranged
●stepping on toes here too I know but narrowing them down. I could see the spear line being changed to be more like a spartan like phalanx tree. Healing is healing. As for ranged, shooting bolts and arrows of light could be pretty fun. People could pretend they're martial artists monks shooting ki or soemthing (cough dbz)
Warden: support, tank, melee
● getting to the classes that were added later, wardens have a very druid sort of theme. Healing is a given with nature. While we introduce warden as ranged friendly irl, I feel they might work better as close to mid range beastmaster kinda dudes. Ans then tank because theres only been 2 in the line up so far, plus wardens are protectors so itd pretty thematic.
necro : healer, caster, ranged
● this is where role overlap starts showing more favour but necro are decidedly magical to me. They're most just a weird reflection of sorcerors. Their caster line would be offensive pets instead of the sorcs defensive pets. Healing is a no brainers, given that ressinf people and healing is technically a form or necromancy by affecting the flow of life force. Again, ranged shows up because it's only shown up twice so far and needs some love. If the nightblade as assasin archers and templars are 'sun bullet' archers who constantly barrage you, necro would be some sort of hybrid between them. Maybe more trap themed with their corpses, keeping foes at a distance?.
What's your guys take?
How would you split the classes if they were going to be split