If you don't have anything constructive to say, don't day anything...
If you don't have anything constructive to say, don't day anything...
I think this thread offers a needed perspective for all the posters who say this game, particularly the overland, is too easy. Maybe it is for most of us forum warriors. Not for everyone.
It's kind of amusing to see all these threads about the last boss of the prologue being difficult for some players. It was as easy as killing a trash mob. I killed it in moments and just moved on with the quests. Would of forgot all about the encounter if it hadn't been for threads like this.
So what I'm wondering is, op are you still below level 50 with no cp? Because if so i can understand your problems. More so if you're new to the game. But if you are high cp and have lots of experience, then I'm not sure what to tell you.
InvictusApollo wrote: »
This is called "the circle of death manouver" and I remember it first from Mechwarrior game. I've been doing it ever since.
Ash_In_My_Sujamma wrote: »
Not to be rude to the op or something but you generally set the bar using the average as a starting point. Not the exception. Overland content is too easy and this is a fact not a debateable opinion.
The problem with cases such as the op's is that zos failed to build a skill and difficulty integration throughout the game but instead allowed new and inexperienced players to immidiatelly start their journey in the chapter and dlc zones and flattened the entire game in order to achieve this. The failed cp system is a result of this decision. You can easily broaden your target group by sacrificing your gameplay design but sooner or later you will end up with only passersby and a bad game.
You know that difficulty in video games is not a matter of black and white, right? There is a scaling in difficulty. You don't just go from too easy to impossible to complete with just a snap of your fingers. There is space to move inbetween those two values.Overland content is designed to be able to be completed by everybody. It’s not super scaled so only an elite few can overcome it (that would be trial/DLC dungeon content). It’s not designed to force people to “learn to play” or reach a certain skill level. It’s not designed to be gatekeeper or DPS check or force players to do a 5 year old prologue until they meet some abstract skill level set by you. It’s designed to be playable by everyone.
I am right about what? Where did I say anything like that? I pointed the exact opposite. Zos in their obsession to widen their target group they focused so much on accessibility that they made serious game design errors and caused more harm to the game than good. Yes new players are joining. But do they stay? Do they enjoy the game? Is the game a community? Is it still an mmorpg? Is the old playerbase still in the game? What is their pov?But you are right, ZOS have designed something that does actually allow new and inexperienced players (the kind you and I were when we started) to participate. A state that most of us conveniently forget we occupied before we got so into the game that we watch 3rd party video tutorials on how to improve our builds and gameplay and contribute to this forum. Kudos to them (although I wish it wasn’t quite so buggy).
While I imagine that most forum visitors (and probably all regular posters) will find this content very pedestrian, many players like the OP will not. I know that when I started I would have floundered totally on this boss. And I’m actually amazed (and pleased) that ZOS made it so hard in comparison with, say, the final boss of the entire Elsweyr quest, which is essentially a series of light attack spams where Abnur protects you and the war horn does all the damage.
Well I am going to have to disagree with you here. Overland content is not too easy.
You mean to say it is too easy for you.
GreenhaloX wrote: »Wow.. didn't realize a regular quest can be difficult. You must be lower level and no cp, then. I ran with my new necro and was fine. Had to wait until Sai Sahan blow the horn thing, but other than that just avoiding the aoe, stepping aside and kiting it and heal self here and there. Just dropping dots and aoes rotations and going in for the kill.
GreenhaloX wrote: »Wow.. didn't realize a regular quest can be difficult. You must be lower level and no cp, then. I ran with my new necro and was fine. Had to wait until Sai Sahan blow the horn thing, but other than that just avoiding the aoe, stepping aside and kiting it and heal self here and there. Just dropping dots and aoes rotations and going in for the kill.