Veinblood1965 wrote: »Hmm I'd agree but I like cheeseburgers so in all honesty I cannot.
El_Borracho wrote: »I like it. I enjoyed Clockwork City and felt that it could use more content. Another group dungeon would be great and would love it if they reworked AS.
There is one exception: I hate the Shadow Cleft. HATE IT. Dark, as in hard to see stuff, too many annoying adds, and unnecessarily meanderingly long
MLGProPlayer wrote: »We need a new Thieves Guild DLC. I hate stealth gameplay, but damn was that a well done DLC. Superb story telling and character development. Extremely well designed zone as well.
Cygemai_Hlervu wrote: »Victory for the Three, @Raideen! Though I respect Sotha Sil not less than you (maybe even more than you), I don't see why do you like his creation. I'd prefer to live in the Ashlands than to live among those cyborgs in a metal box that lacks water and natural food. An interesting but terrible place. Vivec's creation, his city, is less magnificent but much more appealing.
I am a factotum...
Cygemai_Hlervu wrote: »Victory for the Three, @Raideen! Though I respect Sotha Sil not less than you (maybe even more than you), I don't see why do you like his creation. I'd prefer to live in the Ashlands than to live among those cyborgs in a metal box that lacks water and natural food. An interesting but terrible place. Vivec's creation, his city, is less magnificent but much more appealing.
I am a factotum. Sotha Sil is god.
Cygemai_Hlervu wrote: »I am a factotum...
Haha, whom are you trying to trick, "factotum"? No offence here. I don't recall any quest to become the one you say. I guess you just use that polymorph, eh? It barely makes you a factotum. It's just another illusion of a creature made of Azure Plasm that just copies some Nirn objects it ever meets the way Daedra do. You're a Soulless One disguised factotum. Don't let your shape trick your mind, friend. So, if that was the only thing you liked there, I presume you now understand there's nothing to like Clockwork City for. Come to Vvardenfell and you'll see real beauty of our Ascadian Isles and Azura's Coast!
Cygemai_Hlervu wrote: »Victory for the Three, @Raideen! Though I respect Sotha Sil not less than you (maybe even more than you), I don't see why do you like his creation. I'd prefer to live in the Ashlands than to live among those cyborgs in a metal box that lacks water and natural food. An interesting but terrible place. Vivec's creation, his city, is less magnificent but much more appealing.
I am a factotum. Sotha Sil is god.
Technically the picture you are using is a fabricant, not a factotum
If you want a factotum picture, try one of these three photos which represent early model factotums, as seen in halls of fabrication. Not the current generation tho.
We already got Clockwork City.More clockwork.
Heck, I would love more guilder stories altogether!MLGProPlayer wrote: »We need a new Thieves Guild DLC. I hate stealth gameplay, but damn was that a well done DLC. Superb story telling and character development. Extremely well designed zone as well.
At this point in the timeline, Sothra Sil is very much alive, he won't get himself killed for the next, oh, seven centuries or so...If Zo$ can miraculously resurrect Sai Sahan, then they can surely resurrect Sotha Sil.
TheShadowScout wrote: »We already got Clockwork City.More clockwork.
So for ZOS, that's "been there, done that"... and they will do a whole lot of other stuff before they even consider going there again.
...there is one thing where we could find more clockwork.
And that would be... dwemer ruins.
Like, we could have a whole underground dwemer kingdom as DLC/Expansion someday (Blackreach, maybe?) for exploration and questing, think a dwemer ruin... the size of ALL of Orsinium!
With all the more clockwork, and perhaps even some "flashback" quests that show the dwemer in their prime... see how they had clockwork work for them and so on... perhaps even a bit more of that to show the dire fate of the snow elves and how they became the falmer we know from skyrim... and of course all the usual goodies, from crafting styles to nifty goodies...Heck, I would love more guilder stories altogether!MLGProPlayer wrote: »We need a new Thieves Guild DLC. I hate stealth gameplay, but damn was that a well done DLC. Superb story telling and character development. Extremely well designed zone as well.
I would adore more guilds to have fun with, with their own DLCs made -just- like TG... maybe like:
And I would also love to see some DLC that gives more stories with the existing guilds. LIke, whatever happened in the fighters and mages guild after their old stories ended, or what else is the thieves guild up to and where, or the dark brotherhood trying to establish a shiny new sancruary at the other side of tamriel (like, reviving the one in black marsh we visit as part of that storyline)... so many neat story ideas, right?At this point in the timeline, Sothra Sil is very much alive, he won't get himself killed for the next, oh, seven centuries or so...If Zo$ can miraculously resurrect Sai Sahan, then they can surely resurrect Sotha Sil.
BUT, as said... that story has been told, and he even got a encore in Summerset, so... I doubt there will be anything CWC related yet to come. As mentioned... "been there, done that" for ZOS.
I'd be cool with a dwemer expansion as long as it took place on a HUGE lost continent where we discover the dwemer and actually get to play them as a new race and with a new class "Tinkerer", or something.
WRONG!!!ESO is set long before the original ES games, so no reason Dwemer can not be part of this game.
TheShadowScout wrote: »I'd be cool with a dwemer expansion as long as it took place on a HUGE lost continent where we discover the dwemer and actually get to play them as a new race and with a new class "Tinkerer", or something.
- Point one - while there are "lost continents" of a sorts in the elder scrolls world, none of them are associated with the dwemer. Aldmeris the ancestral home of the elves is one, Atmora the ancestral home of the nords is another, and Yokuda the ancestral home of the redguards a third... but dwemer were all tamriel, in fact, possibly the very first elves to settle on tamriel, ever!
- Point two - its not needed to have "lost continents" when there could be vast underground dwemer kingdoms still undiscovered; that's the thing about the deep elves - noone really knows just how far their subterrean kingdoms really spread, and we have entraces to dwemer ruins from vvardenfell to hammerfall, from wrothgar to valenwood... there could be as many "lost underground ruins" as the developers desire without creating any issue with the lore.
- Point three - we cannot EVER get to play the dwemer, because they are all GONE! And have been for many, Many, MANY years! The dwemer vanished at the battle of red mountain, in the year 700 of the FIRST era! ESO is set in and after the year 582 in the SECOND era. That is 2802 years AFTER the dwemer went "poof"! And we -know- from the conversations with the last dwemer in TES-III:Morrowind that there have been NO dwemer sightings in the time since, and as this is one of the grand mysteries of this world, any such would have been widely publicized.
- Point four - new classes are evil. EVIL I say! Sure, they might seem a good idea to newbies, but they are a great vexation to all old hands who have been playing since launch, both for the aggrivation of "What, now I have to make yet -another- alt to enjoy the new classyness" and the deep feeling of betrayal and dissapointment due to "Why the [censored] is that [censored] class only [censored] available now, it [censored] would have made so [censored] much more [censored] sense for tha [censored] main of mine. [censored]! [censored]! [censored]!" - so I really hopüe they will never add another class, but maybe think of something different to give us more classyness, maybe like a class specialization system like I sometimes rant about:
- Point five - even IF we were talking about new classes, "tinkerer" would NOT fit into the TES world, as its a far too rare field of study to sustain hundreds of players running it. As such, its best reserved for NPCs like we meet here and there and all over clockwork city... IF anything, there could be an small "archeology guild" DLC that deals with utilizing some ill-understood artifacts, among them some dwemer stuff... like I mentioned once:
WRONG!!!ESO is set long before the original ES games, so no reason Dwemer can not be part of this game.
As mentioned above, it has been over two thousand years in TES lore timeline between the disappearance of the dwemer, and the time of ESO. That's kinda more then three times as much time as ESO is set before the other TES games (which range from TES:Arena in 3E 399, aka 723 years after ESO, to TES-V:Skyrim in 4E 201, or 948 years after ESO)
And THAT is the reason, the very same reason as to why there are no egyptian pharaos in the middle ages, or roman legionaries in victorian RPGs.
...except we KNOW that did not happen, since we have games set seven to nice centuries AFTER this one where the lore states that it DID NOT HAPPEN!There is ZEROreason Dwemer can not be "rediscovered" or come out of the Earth. That is the beautiful thing about a lost UNDERGROUND race, they could simply be hidden underground...
TheShadowScout wrote: »...except we KNOW that did not happen, since we have games set seven to nice centuries AFTER this one where the lore states that it DID NOT HAPPEN!There is ZEROreason Dwemer can not be "rediscovered" or come out of the Earth. That is the beautiful thing about a lost UNDERGROUND race, they could simply be hidden underground...
We HAVE that established lore, that in all the time bwteeen their disappearance and the aforementioned conversation in TES-III:Morrowind, noone EVER found any trace or sighting of any living dwemer (except the one who did most of the looking, desperate to find out what happened to his people, until he got all sick and bloated)
And if they had, it would have been HUGE news, and all over history... since anyone who solved that puzzle could get free drinks at every mages guild for life, and a statue besides.
So, THAT is the reason it cannot happen - in ESO.
BtW, the current "underground race" are the blind Falmer, who once were slaves to the dwemer, eventually fought back and rebelled, until they took over a lot of dwemer ruins after their disappearance, and are happily (well, maybe not that considering their general disposition) living there under skyrim... and would make a pretty decent antagonist race for any dwemer-themed expansion someday. And THOSE guys can easily fit the notion of "underground threat" you think about in the current TES lore.
Sure, the general "Return of the Dwemer" premise could also be used... noone klnows what happened to them, just that they mysteriously vanished between one breath and another, all over tamriel... in mid-combat for some of them actually... so they could just as mysteriously return someday...
...but only for some future elder scrolls game set long AFTER Skyrim.
NOT for ESO.
Because... see above... we know from games set in the "future" that it never happened.
Similar issue for the "fabricant" idea - that sort of thing is super-super -rare- in the elder scrolls universe outside of clockwork city, and most who are in CWC never get to leave anymore. Sorry, this isn't D&D where we can refit "warforged" into most any backgrounds... because, we -already- have lore from the future of ESO, and thus we know in general terms what developments could have happened, and what ones could not.
Sorry, but it really does not fit the universe - as this time in their history.
I mean, I love steampunk myself, and would adore a steampunkish elder scrolls game... but that could only happen in, say, the fifth era, when the races of tamriel have rediscovered a great many secrets of the dwemer and are all living in some steampunk fantasy world, fighting a world war with the akaviri kingdoms over the clouds, airship fleets battling it out while fabricant gryphons chade akaviri wyverns or whatever... it'd be a super-cool game I am sure, but it is NOT ESO.
That is a load of bovine manure.We THINK we know history. Do you know how much history is made up, lost? In all seriousness its very likely to lose all records about their existence.
Its easily doable, and realistic.