Thanks for finally reverting Winter's Revenge back to what it was during Elsweyr. Now the skill is useful for damage again. Though I'd still say there are issues with the class this update that should be adressed at some point.
Arctic Blast is still quite unreliable at 6m radius. As you need to hit 3 consecutive ticks of the ability to stun them, its a bit hard to hit on someone who is trying to run away. People seem to agree that boosting it to 8m radius would be a helpful change, along with increasing the duration to 9 or 10 seconds to help with sustain while using the skill as it is quite expensive due to the healing it provides. The skill also has an issue in that it refreshes the 3 ticks required to stun someone when the skill is recast.
Dive was buffed to only needing a 7m distance away from the target to be able to set them off balance which is certainly really helpful, however the issue in the first place is that it and it's morphs are contradictory to the playstyle created by Scorch. As most people feel comfortable at melee to midrange with the skill. And using it in melee range feels punishing as you cant play in your comfortable range to get the most out of the skill. I think the skill should have a proc condition but that it should be different or at least tailored to fit our entire comfortable range. Another issue with this skill and with necromancer's flame skull is that the projectile speed is simply too slow to use effectively in pvp. For example My friend recalled that at when he used skull at maximum range on a stunned target, that they were able to break free and roll dodge before the skull would have landed. With dive, it's too slow to be an effective "spammable" but it's also too fast to be an effectice delayed burst damage skill. Sitting in an awkward middleground.
PvE Frost Warden Main and teacher. Come Join the ESO Frost Discord to discuss everything frost!: