As everybody knows stamina sorcerer at the moment is lacking good class utlimates. My suggestion is that the charged storm atronach morph is changed to a stamina version that summons an air atronach.
How I think it should work: It lasts for 20 seconds, has the same hp as the greater atronach morph, has the damage and stun on impact but does no single target damage after it. Instead it does the spinning attack that for example Ra Kotu (Hel Ra Citadel) has. When it spawns it does the spinning for 4 seconds then stops for 1 and starts again which will result in 4 spin phases roughly depending on the spawn/respawn animations.
This is the general idea.
Now as far as damage is concerned it would have to scale with max stamina and weapon damage and critical of course and the damage numbers will have to be adjusted so that major evasion, which is very common, does not render it useless.
Let me know what your thoughts are on this. #makestamsorcgreatagain
As everybody knows stamina sorcerer at the moment is lacking good class utlimates. My suggestion is that the charged storm atronach morph is changed to a stamina version that summons an air atronach.
How I think it should work: It lasts for 20 seconds, has the same hp as the greater atronach morph, has the damage and stun on impact but does no single target damage after it. Instead it does the spinning attack that for example Ra Kotu (Hel Ra Citadel) has. When it spawns it does the spinning for 4 seconds then stops for 1 and starts again which will result in 4 spin phases roughly depending on the spawn/respawn animations.
This is the general idea.
Now as far as damage is concerned it would have to scale with max stamina and weapon damage and critical of course and the damage numbers will have to be adjusted so that major evasion, which is very common, does not render it useless.
Let me know what your thoughts are on this. #makestamsorcgreatagain
Ultimates inherently scale off your highest statistics, so it won't 'automatically' scale off max Stamina and weapon damage unless you're a stamsorc (or hybrid that favors stamina/weapon damage?). I didn't even consider the Major Evasion thing which is very true though I imagine it'll be countered in a similar fashion to the Storm Atronach in PvP.
Everything else is pretty legit. I would almost like the conjuring of tornadoes that that boss does more but either AoE method would be lovely as long as Air Atronach is in.
As everybody knows stamina sorcerer at the moment is lacking good class utlimates. My suggestion is that the charged storm atronach morph is changed to a stamina version that summons an air atronach.
How I think it should work: It lasts for 20 seconds, has the same hp as the greater atronach morph, has the damage and stun on impact but does no single target damage after it. Instead it does the spinning attack that for example Ra Kotu (Hel Ra Citadel) has. When it spawns it does the spinning for 4 seconds then stops for 1 and starts again which will result in 4 spin phases roughly depending on the spawn/respawn animations.
This is the general idea.
Now as far as damage is concerned it would have to scale with max stamina and weapon damage and critical of course and the damage numbers will have to be adjusted so that major evasion, which is very common, does not render it useless.
Let me know what your thoughts are on this. #makestamsorcgreatagain
Ultimates inherently scale off your highest statistics, so it won't 'automatically' scale off max Stamina and weapon damage unless you're a stamsorc (or hybrid that favors stamina/weapon damage?). I didn't even consider the Major Evasion thing which is very true though I imagine it'll be countered in a similar fashion to the Storm Atronach in PvP.
Everything else is pretty legit. I would almost like the conjuring of tornadoes that that boss does more but either AoE method would be lovely as long as Air Atronach is in.