starkerealm wrote: »I once watched a sorc with over 1k CP, hard spamming crystal frags.
I don't think 810 only is the problem.
VampiricByNature wrote: »I guess I'm a jerk. My friends and I never mind teaching a new player mechanics or helping them complete in the hope that they join the endgame community one day. An 810 still has a high chance of not being an experienced player aiming for min/max type character design. Some 310s are far superior/educated players and I wouldn't want to exclude myself from the chance of meeting them. Recently did a pug vet MHK with a 361 healer and 224 dps. Guess what? Completed no issues. Never judge a book by their CP.
The worst thing for ME is when a person joins dungeon finder as a healer- but is clearly a dps. Or as a tank- also clearly a dps. They usually go on to lecture about how this particular vet dungeon doesn't need a healer or a tank when we ask that they not do this. That's the 810 crowd I could do without.
If I want to dungeon fast as possible? I just look for people out of my endgame trial guild. We all need transmuted.
starkerealm wrote: »I once watched a sorc with over 1k CP, hard spamming crystal frags.
I don't think 810 only is the problem.
What´s the problem with crystal frags. Take it easy dude.
Agenericname wrote: »VampiricByNature wrote: »I guess I'm a jerk. My friends and I never mind teaching a new player mechanics or helping them complete in the hope that they join the endgame community one day. An 810 still has a high chance of not being an experienced player aiming for min/max type character design. Some 310s are far superior/educated players and I wouldn't want to exclude myself from the chance of meeting them. Recently did a pug vet MHK with a 361 healer and 224 dps. Guess what? Completed no issues. Never judge a book by their CP.
The worst thing for ME is when a person joins dungeon finder as a healer- but is clearly a dps. Or as a tank- also clearly a dps. They usually go on to lecture about how this particular vet dungeon doesn't need a healer or a tank when we ask that they not do this. That's the 810 crowd I could do without.
If I want to dungeon fast as possible? I just look for people out of my endgame trial guild. We all need transmuted.
How did you PUG vMHK with a sub 300?
I know it can be done, but it's usually not a PUG when that happens.
Respect4Elders wrote: »It's not how much you have, but how you use it.
Daddysadface wrote: »it has been my experience more then not that a 810+ will out perform a low cp rank player either it be skill, rotation, or gear.
Daddysadface wrote: » has been my experience more then not that a 810+ will out perform a low cp rank player either it be skill, rotation, or gear.
starkerealm wrote: »Daddysadface wrote: » has been my experience more then not that a 810+ will out perform a low cp rank player either it be skill, rotation, or gear.
I don't know. I've seen some pretty terrible 810s, and more than a few coherent lowbies. 810 just means you've been playing for longer, not what you've learned.
Daddysadface wrote: »it has been my experience more then not that a 810+ will out perform a low cp rank player either it be skill, rotation, or gear.
This is great. However, I was with a group where the CP capped healer started a vote to kick the barely CP 160 DPS from the group.
Fortunately myself and the other DPS did not support the vote, the healer quit the group, and we went on to three man the vet dungeon in HM without a death. The CP caped DPS off healed and I can do some decent tanking. I highly doubt they were a transfer either.
You see, Zos already determined, with player feedback, what the minimum requirements should be for each dungeon when the GF is used to queue. If you require something more specific Zos already gave you that option by letting you form your own group and should not add more filters because some people cannot be bothered with such a small task.
+1 to what Stark said below. On an alt account I have out dpsed the entire dungeon group as a healer near CP 160 and the entire group was CP capped. CP capped by no means demonstrates skill and player skill trumps both gear and CP.
PUG is full of lulz, don't ruin it. Fun part is all about unpredictable party and gameplay. Sometimes your group can't kill first boss in DoM, sometimes your group blasting through this dungeon with deaths, but without wipes.
Daedric_NB_187 wrote: »The option is already there. Form your own group then que.
Daddysadface wrote: »Not all of us Veterans enjoy having to teach mechanics and even simple game play in dungeons that we have done hundreds or even thousands of times. Some of us do, but are then forced to carry the newer player through the dungeon, if possible with the newer dungeons having very heavy mechanics involved. I understand console players can explain mechanics using voip, but on pc we typically just type the information into the chat box if needed. This slows progress and makes a fun experience turn into a labor of love as you hope and pray the player can pick up and understand the explanation of the mechanics as it is given.. No, I'm not being "Elitist", I am suggesting an Idea that would actually entice players that normally would never "PUG" to once again give Group Finder a go on slow and boring days, or just to meet other end game players. I have always thought that mixing your "End game" players with "New" players by force will do nothing but aggravate all involved in any instance, dungeon or situation. I am sure the new players also don't enjoy having to be through dungeons that they have never seen before at a brake neck speed or kicked from group. ~ Just a thought. DDSF
Daddysadface wrote: »Not all of us Veterans enjoy having to teach mechanics and even simple game play in dungeons that we have done hundreds or even thousands of times. Some of us do, but are then forced to carry the newer player through the dungeon, if possible with the newer dungeons having very heavy mechanics involved. I understand console players can explain mechanics using voip, but on pc we typically just type the information into the chat box if needed. This slows progress and makes a fun experience turn into a labor of love as you hope and pray the player can pick up and understand the explanation of the mechanics as it is given.. No, I'm not being "Elitist", I am suggesting an Idea that would actually entice players that normally would never "PUG" to once again give Group Finder a go on slow and boring days, or just to meet other end game players. I have always thought that mixing your "End game" players with "New" players by force will do nothing but aggravate all involved in any instance, dungeon or situation. I am sure the new players also don't enjoy having to be through dungeons that they have never seen before at a brake neck speed or kicked from group. ~ Just a thought. DDSF
If you can't carry 3 people in a normal dungeon I don't think you're as good as you think you are buddy.