So after looking at some of the last changes i am getting really really confused and cant see the big Plan behind everything. I have a few points.
Mount speed:
From the Beginning of the game it was possible to sprint unlimited on your mount. Never has been said it was a Bug. Then with the last Patch your mount stopped sprinting when you Had 0 stamina. Ppl were reporting this and in the next incremental patch you fixed it. But know this fix is a bug that will be fixed in this patch? .... What?? Why even fix it, or.... Put in the "Bug" again with an incremental patch? Man... Whats going on....
Dots where kinda fine until you decided to buff them. We Had a whole new dot meta. Ppl where melting with dots that where doing more then 2k damage per tick. Players told you in PTS cycle that it was too much and cant go live. You dont listen and still push to live. So many ppl got upset with the dot meta. And you leave it like this for 3 month. Until you Nerf them by 60% (!!!!). Those type of damage changes should be part of internal testing or even listen to players when they tell you from pts. Just feels like you dont really know what you are doing. No clear direction.
Cast times:
You put Cast times in certain ultimates. Not all but a few. 95% of all PTS tester were against this. Multiple threads with 50+ answers in it. That cast times need to Go. But you literally just ignored this. You didnt even cared. I thought you develop the game for your players and not for you. How can you push a change to live that 95% of your playerbase dislike? Just how? It shows so much ignorance.
Bound armaments:
This skill was changed more often then some ppls underwear. Giving a cool bound armor at the beginning, to a really really nice toggle effect on you to some awkward Tank/block buff to now some flying daggers. Really similiar to Nightblades spectral bow. What a lazy copy paste solution to give stamsorc some identity. Every class should feel and play different.
Stone fist:
Stamdks are crying for a stamina spammable for years now. Poison whip got a meme and now, we finally get a stamina spammable. Stone fist..... A ranged spammable for a melee class. ..... What? So clunky to use, awkward to watch. And stuns after the 5th cast. Wow, let me throw a rock at you 5 times to stun you.... Much wow. Just again a lazy way so give us a stamina spammable. You just made it scale from stam/wp damage. There are 100 ways to make it look cool and give stamdk a real cool spammable. Change the stone fist to a stone sword wich gets formed out of Stones while you swing it at your enemy. You know those stones from Mazzatun. They get formed midair before they all shoot at you. Similiar Animation on how the sword gets formed and then you slap your enemy with it. But ofc, you take the lazy way.
Vigor visuals:
Vigor got changed into single target hot. And you removed the waves it was casting. Now you barely see the effect on yourself and in fights where you have a lot of effects on yourself (magplar for example with purifying light, Soul trap, vamp bane) you dont even know if your vigor cast was recognized by the game.
There are more things i could talk about. All of them make you look really unprofessional. Always looking for the easiest way Out. Ignoring player feedback cause you think you can balance better then us. We are your players, we are your customers. And we are disappointed with your changes. End Game players, content creators. All are disappointed. Class rep Programm not even mentioned anymore. New class reps got "elected". Thats all we hear. No Updates anymore about what you talk with them. They all needed to sign NDA while they should be a bridge between players and devs.
I dont really know what is Happening and where this is going. In other communities from different Games i see active devs, asking players about their feedback. what they think would be good. We just hear "give Feedback what you think should be changed but dont give solutions on how to fix." You know how it feels? Thats you think you can do it better. Better then ppl who play this game every day. Recent changes are so out of touch with the game that we truly feel that no one at ZOS is playing this game outside of overland questing