How does lazy writ crafter work? It says it saves people time but not any detail as to how. Can someone please explain how it work and why I would want it?
It also skips dialog/confirmation windows at Writ Boards and the drop off locations.How does lazy writ crafter work? It says it saves people time but not any detail as to how. Can someone please explain how it work and why I would want it?
Hi all,
I use the add-ons to show me lore books and skyshard locations, so please don't include those 2 in your list. But please tell me what 3 add-ons you consider essential (your top-3) and why.
Add-ons and whether they work or not change over time, so I'm asking this (even if it's been discussed before) because things change. Thanks in advance.
For me it would have to be:
1) Mini Map. I like Fyrakin's, but there's others which work too. I have no sense of direction so I really struggle without a mini map, even using custom markers on the compass it's really easy for me to get turned around and end up going in the wrong direction.
2) Advanced Filters. It adds sub-categories and other options to your inventory and bank which make it far easier to find what you're looking for.
3) Azurah. This one does loads of stuff but the important ones for me are that it lets me move and resize the default UI, and colour names based on the reaction to you - enemies are red, players are blue, friendly NPCs are green and non-agressive but killable NPCs are yellow.
(Since Advanced Filters has come up a lot already I'm also going to include a 4th - Binder - which saves and loads sets of keybindings using chat codes. So if I start a new character all I do is type /binder load Main and I've got all my normal key bindings, and if I want to change them I can experiment then instantly go back to what I had, or easily copy the change to all my characters.)