This is my thoughts about the new update.
The Good:1) DPS nerf
This was needed as the power creep in the last year was extreme. The old content became easy and running it was boring. This will help to resolve this issue.
2) Sustain nerf
As a stamSorc main I perfectly know what it means to have sustain problems. I've had it since always, but I still like the sustain nerf because it brings another dimension to our builds. It's not just about max DPS and the best offensive sets, but you have to also count with the sustain. So now you again have to think - do I need more burst potential or more sustainable damage? It also enables sets with sustain bonuses to be relevant again. I like this much more than DPS nerf actually.
3) Single target DoTs and aoe DoT standardization
Having both single target and aoe DoTs doing the same DPS with just cost difference is the only reasonable approach. You can choose what you need for the fight you're going in. It's not reasonable to use aoe DoTs for boss fights without adds. And the same for the opposite approach. You now have a choice.
The Bad:1) DPS nerf is unpopular and hurts the game
While the DPS nerf is justified it still feels bad, because people don't like being weaker.
2) No mentions of adjusting the newest content
Trials like vSS HM, or vBRP (no sigil / no death / speed run) are extremely hard even with current DPS. After the nerfs they will be near impossible. The content should be adjusted, but it seems it's not going to happen.
3) No changes to homogenization of classes
U23 introduced something very ugly - non-class DPS skills. And it made all classes feel the same, because they used the same skills. DPS nerf won't resolve it. The problem with non-class skill is more complex and it's hurt the game since long.
The Ugly:1) Identity given to stamSorcs, stamDKs and Wardens feels poorly thought
It just feels like they thought "ok, let's throw them a bone". The changes feels underwhelming, uninspiring, poorly thought. Stamsorcs are getting pets (who asked for them?) and something very similar to bow proc in NBs toolkit (if I wanted that I would go play nightblade). I don't feel like I'm getting an identity. And what I got feels "meh". I want my identity skills synergy with other skills and the world around. I want hurricane to provide option for other skills, I want bound armaments to modify weapon skills. I want passives that work with non-class skills to make them unique for stamSorcs. That's the identity. Not just another skill doing just some more DPS.
The same goes for stamDK. I've always thought they are the poison, DoT class. So they gave them a skill that throws a stone inflicting physical damage. Really?
2) Sets are still the source of power creep
The main problem is introducing more and more sets with each update. That means they need to introduce different effects every time. I would rather have sets that create different effects when combined with other sets. I prefer quality over quantity.