This is absolute nonsense.

I'm gonna wait and see if they revert at least half of this insanity, and if not I think I'll just take a break until they come to their senses.
The last two patches suggested the new combat team has no idea what it's doing, and these notes just pretty much confirmed it.

I tried to chalk up the lunacy of the last two patches to difficulties taking over a 5yo system with 5 years of tweaks and metas.
I tried to understand their changes, hoping they'd make sense later in their "baseline adjustments" despite them creating more outliers than they removed.
I tried to grit my teeth and work through their INSANE 50%+ nerfs that were not only FAR too high to make any sense, but haphazardly applied.
I tried to believe it'd all make sense...

Now I know, they simply have no idea what they're doing.

Templar Eclipse unbreakable
NB Incap silence they tried to push though
Removal of armor bypass on bleeds just to put it on Onslaught which needed no buffs
Buffing Vigor through the roof for no reason, then gutting Vigor instead for no reason
Removal of HoT on FM and Rally, for no reason
Buffing DoTs through the roof far more than they needed to be relevant, then gutting them into non-existence again even worse than before
Beating WW into the ground even further despite them already being useless for both PvP and PvE (I haven't been killed, or even felt threatened by a WW in months in PvP)
The list goes on and on and on...

Every time they say they're trying to "normalize values" across skills, they create more outliers then they remove.
Every time they say they're trying to reduce calculations per second on the server load, they create more on other skills.
Every time they try to improve QoL with one thing like multi-crafting, they make it WORSE on another, like mount sprint.

It's just gone completely bonkers. For every good change, like Staff bashes scaling with highest stats, or giving Wardens back their AoE frost skill rather than that busted stun projectile, there's at least a dozen nonsensical changes or absolutely WILD swings of damage numbers.
Seriously, WHAT OTHER GAME balances skills, every three months, by TWO-THIRDS OF THEIR VALUE???

They need to stop. Just stop everything, and take a serious, long, hard look at what exactly their vision for this game is, if they even HAVE one, because at this point, based on their actions, I honestly don't believe they do.

Some people think they're pendulum balancing to keep things different each patch or to promote more grinding or "player engagement", others think they're too "reactionary" to feedback from players here or in-game...
Honestly, while neither of those potentials are favorable, I'd still take either one over abject ineptitude, and I fear that's what we're dealing with.

5 years...
5 Years I've supported this game. 5 Years I've brought friends into it (only to have them leave in frustration)...
I've helped newbies, grinded dailies, fought bugs and lag and all the other pain points of this game...
I've adapted to every patch and remained successful in PvP and PvE without having to ride the meta...
I've dealt with shelving certain classes and builds each patch as they rotated through the cycle of OP to utter garbage and every point in-between...
I've watched them add new sets (and more procs) while over half the sets already in the game languish in obscurity and uselessness...

I'm tired. I'm tired and I'm done being 'tactful'.
Get your **** together.

tl;dr? I don't care. Read it or don't.

Baiting or bashing? Maybe, don't really care. If you ban me from the forums you're probably only saving me from wasting my breath here, but if you actually care about feedback like you claim, you'll realize there's far more useful information up there than any kind of "bashing". That is, of course, if you're willing to actually take a look at yourself with an open mind.
Edited by LinearParadox on September 18, 2019 2:52PM
Benthar the Unkillable - lvl 50 StamDK - AD
High Confessor Celosia - lvl 50 MagDK, AD
Aeolyndra Sunstrider - lvl 50 Magplar Support God, AD
Maldreth Angala - lvl 50 Magicka PetSorc, AD
Veldrosa Wyldwind - lvl 50 StamSorc, AD
M. Night Shatupon - lvl 50 MagBlade, AD
Vestonia Ironhardt - lvl 50 Warden GuardTank, AD
Bone Daddy - lvl 50 Stamcro, AD
Abra Kedaver - lvl 50 Magcro, AD
CP 1100+
  • mb10
    Mate any combat team that needs to make that many changes every 3 months hasn’t got a clue about what they’re doing.

    I left a year ago and was the best decision I made.
    I come to the forums just to see if I was being harsh or impulsive but nope, it keeps getting worse and worse
  • mikemacon
  • RandomName123
    This is how they intend to fix the server lag, get everyone to quit.
  • Ozby
    That was really well written @LinearParadox , and your not wrong really I've honestly not seen anything like this in any of the MMO's ive played in the past.

    The nerfs are tremendous here and I've been here 2 years so far. Played GW2 for 5 years so coming from a game that does live maintenance and much smaller balancing it's been hard to keep making excuses to keep playing. I do hope they can pull it together because I do love this game a lot. Hope you find something better out there that gives you joy LinearParadox take care.
    PC NA
    Aurora Bravepaw (Healden), Basks in Fire (DKTank), Bran Artlion (Magplar), Brindel Seedthorne (Stamden WW), Brugo Gargak (Stamcro), Casimir Delmar (StamDK), Falco Bastion (Stamsorc), Fus Ro Dah (Stamplar), Gandalff the Gay (Petsorc), Jo-Qinan Betula (Magden), Laveera Hex (Magcro), Raine Whitestag (Stamden), Raised by Bears (Wardentank), Ralak Rotheart (Healcro), Selene Sunshadow MagDK), Shadow Mirage (NBTank), Slythe Rattlebone (Healplar), Ulfnor Dragonslayer (Tankcro).
  • LinearParadox
    mikemacon wrote: »

    Let me share something with you, and see if you can understand the relevance.

    "First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a socialist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a trade unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

    Keep making flippant replies, keep sitting there like you're too cool for school because you don't care, and see what happens.
    MMOs need a playerbase. Further than that, they need a mixed playerbase. Old and new, Experienced and not, to have a thriving community. You lose that, the game circles the drain.
    Yes, people come and people go. Old get bored or find something else or just plain move on, new players come in all the time. It's called churn and it's an accepted aspect of managing an MMO, but too many is a warning sign.
    Ozby wrote: »
    That was really well written @LinearParadox , and your not wrong really I've honestly not seen anything like this in any of the MMO's ive played in the past.

    The nerfs are tremendous here and I've been here 2 years so far. Played GW2 for 5 years so coming from a game that does live maintenance and much smaller balancing it's been hard to keep making excuses to keep playing. I do hope they can pull it together because I do love this game a lot. Hope you find something better out there that gives you joy LinearParadox take care.

    Thank you for your thoughts.
    To be clear, this is not an "I'm leaving" post, as the sarcastic little twit above assumed.
    Rather a veteran playing trying to make clear exactly what is driving him (and others) away, and giving context as to what it's taken to cause it;
    I'm not a newbie that bought the game on Steam for 75% off, leveled a character to 14, got my ass whipped in a BG, came and cried on the forum, and quit.
    I'm not a class "main" advocating preferential treatment or biased feedback on "What they did to my class this time".

    What I am, is an intelligent, successful, knowledgeable, veteran player, who cares about the community and this game, who is fed up with what's happening and speaking out about it.

    Perhaps I'll edit my original post to make clear that it's not a "leaving" post, maybe that'll help grant it some visibility since now the mods say they "don't read anything in the threads regardless of feedback there-in and just lock them" which, honestly, sounds so childish to me it's laughable.
    Benthar the Unkillable - lvl 50 StamDK - AD
    High Confessor Celosia - lvl 50 MagDK, AD
    Aeolyndra Sunstrider - lvl 50 Magplar Support God, AD
    Maldreth Angala - lvl 50 Magicka PetSorc, AD
    Veldrosa Wyldwind - lvl 50 StamSorc, AD
    M. Night Shatupon - lvl 50 MagBlade, AD
    Vestonia Ironhardt - lvl 50 Warden GuardTank, AD
    Bone Daddy - lvl 50 Stamcro, AD
    Abra Kedaver - lvl 50 Magcro, AD
    CP 1100+
  • Sorbin
    Yeah this *** has gotten absolutely bonkers. I can't keep playing a game that doesn't just adjust its meta, but completely flips it on its head every 3 months. I'm still not done fine-tuning/experimenting with builds for THIS meta; why would I possibly continue at this point when I've seen what's in the pipeline?

    Lotta great games to play in 2019. I don't have the desire to continue with this madness.
  • redgreensunset
    You're seriously comparing genocide and the rise of a fascist regime to the alteration of some combat mechanics in a bloody game?
    Buddy, get off line, go out side and get yourself a life and some real problems. Or at least some empathy and perspectiv.

    So long, you won't be missed.
  • Khaleesi8688
    You're seriously comparing genocide and the rise of a fascist regime to the alteration of some combat mechanics in a bloody game?
    Buddy, get off line, go out side and get yourself a life and some real problems. Or at least some empathy and perspectiv.

    So long, you won't be missed.

    If you thought that was a comparison, I question your reading comprehension. That little prose has been repeated throughout the last 70 or so years to highlight the faulty thinking of someone who ignores the poor treatment of others because it doesn't affect them. Being offended doesn't make you right.
  • katorga
    They have to build demand before they offer ESO Classic in the crown store as part of ESO+.
    Edited by katorga on September 18, 2019 4:02PM
  • kind_hero
    Seriously, WHAT OTHER GAME balances skills, every three months, by TWO-THIRDS OF THEIR VALUE???


    I just hope this time the combat team reads the forums and listens to feedback OR they will be much more open in sharing with us a roadmap where they want to go with these changes.

    Problem is at one point they will find it harder and harder to add new 5 pc item sets, and deal with CP as they are now. They will need to change the CP system in the future and maybe change how classes work to some degree. Right now the CP system creates more problems than it solves. There are no penalties for maxing out certain things in the CP system, you can have good defence and good attack for example. They have to think this for a lot of time. Right now they keep patching randomly.

    It is like they are repairing an engine while it is still running.

    For me the game was fine some patches ago... it had its flaws but it wasn't that bad. Right now it's bad because things change so fast and I need to figure out which is what every two-three months. Some abilities did this last patch, now the same abilities do something else or just 63% less damage. Not everyone reads the patch notes.
    [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
  • Major_Lag
    kind_hero wrote: »
    you can have good defence and good attack for example.
    This isn't a CP issue, the problem goes much deeper than that.

    The real problem is that both the damage output AND the heals scale off the same offensive stats, which is so moronic that I can't even find the right words for it.

    The same issue also makes healers completely irrelevant in most content, because if you can deal good damage, then you also have strong selfheals.
  • LinearParadox
    You're seriously comparing genocide and the rise of a fascist regime to the alteration of some combat mechanics in a bloody game?
    Buddy, get off line, go out side and get yourself a life and some real problems. Or at least some empathy and perspectiv.

    So long, you won't be missed.

    If you thought that was a comparison, I question your reading comprehension. That little prose has been repeated throughout the last 70 or so years to highlight the faulty thinking of someone who ignores the poor treatment of others because it doesn't affect them. Being offended doesn't make you right.

    lol, thanks for saving me the time.
    I knew when I posted it that some outrage-culture softie was going to misinterpret it, but hey, if I censored everything I said from anything that anyone could misinterpret at any time, i couldn't speak at all.
    katorga wrote: »
    They have to build demand before they off ESO Classic in the crown store as part of ESO+.

    Ya know, it's funny... I was gonna make a joke post with an @ Wrobel and link to a YouTube of "Baby Come Back", because honestly, at this point, I'd rather go back to the days of Overload and Wrecking Blow spam and Spin-to-Win, than take Update 24 as it is in the PTS right now. At least then there was some variety in classes and builds rather than the equally-broken-yet-even-more-homogeneous game we're headed toward right now.
    Edited by LinearParadox on September 18, 2019 4:00PM
    Benthar the Unkillable - lvl 50 StamDK - AD
    High Confessor Celosia - lvl 50 MagDK, AD
    Aeolyndra Sunstrider - lvl 50 Magplar Support God, AD
    Maldreth Angala - lvl 50 Magicka PetSorc, AD
    Veldrosa Wyldwind - lvl 50 StamSorc, AD
    M. Night Shatupon - lvl 50 MagBlade, AD
    Vestonia Ironhardt - lvl 50 Warden GuardTank, AD
    Bone Daddy - lvl 50 Stamcro, AD
    Abra Kedaver - lvl 50 Magcro, AD
    CP 1100+
  • Betty_Booms
    I completely agree with you OP. It doesnt look like they are building on anything. Its just a swinging pendulum.

    Having to change builds, playstyle, sets etc every three months is beyond a joke.

    I can under stand a small snerf to dots but 60% is just rediculous....
  • ZOS_RogerJ
    We've closed this thread due to its non-constructive nature. While we completely understand everyone has their own opinions, thoughts, feelings and even frustrations, we want the forums to be a civil and constructive platform for the game and it's community as a whole.
    Edited by ZOS_RogerJ on September 18, 2019 4:28PM
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