Currently, a PvE character cannot play PvP that EFFICIENTLY without resetting attributes, CP and morphs each and every time. Same goes for a PvP player for PvE. It was a step in right direction when respecs allowed players to retain the morphs and change the needed ones. However, they still cost the exact same and they still need to be reset on the shrine.
Some games has Profiles built in with the ability to switch both the gear and the skills. Those games also have the "talent point system" where you choose the required morph for the n number of talent points which can be reset on the fly.
What if we allow morphs to be resetted on the fly, and at no cost? What if we put all the skills on morphable state permanently? Now i am not suggesting to have everything to be respecable for free. Champion Points and Attributes would still need to be resetted at the shrine. Now this may not be as efficient as someone with full attributes and cp setup for their role but it still helps me to use different morphs between gamemode and roles for casual play.
For this, the general rules would be to not allow re morphing in certain areas like PvP zones and in mid-combat.
Your opinion?.
Edited by techprince on September 17, 2019 4:58PM