ZOS: of 15 class abilities, Stam DK only has two that are stamina base-- our two dots (Noxious breath and venomous claw). Thirteen abilities including all the other class based damage abilities are magicka. In PvP I can manage only 4 magika based abilities due to magicka pool-- especially since cost increase to Fossilize etc (I had to take Fossilize off my bar).
Wings, Fossilize and reflective plate were nerfed, I was still able to PvP on my Stam DK with a dot based build, which has long been one way to play the stam DK.
Now with the nerf of dots, including the Stam DK ones which for over a year have been buffed due to class identity,
Please either leave Stam DK stam dots alone, or make them stronger than other dots as they have been, ...or make some stamina morphs for the other DK ablities.
Stone Fist change isnt enough.
3 GOs, a Warlord, and bunches of prefects etc-- all classes...I've wasted a lot of time in PVP