Problem is that magden is absolutely op against new players, but useless against experienced ones. Not sure how they could balance that.
Problem is that magden is absolutely op against new players, but useless against experienced ones. Not sure how they could balance that.
ESO_Nightingale wrote: »Still waiting to be disappointed tomorrow.
"in some cases, grant new gameplay options"
We need exactly that but I'm pretty sure we won't get it.
I'm hoping they also add unique and/or useful effects to Swarm, Falcon's Swiftness, Fungal growth, lotus flower, expansive frost cloak, Arctic Wind and Arctic Blast, and Winter's Revenge.
Just because streamers dont play it doesnt mean its not possible to. Yes its harder to pull off than some of the other classes but that just makes the wins even better.
All you really need is Degen, Infection, Crushing and Northern Storm to kill most players and you dont need any fancy proc sets.
Magden is still quite potent in group content. The main issue is magplar is overperforming. Well, what can we do. Just wait another day for U24 patch notes and you’ll know if you should play a new char.
ESO_Nightingale wrote: »
Describe how it's op please.
ZarkingFrued wrote: »
You gotta be joking lol. Didn't take long for someone to come to zos's defence. I swear you guys simply enjoy disagreeing. So no stun? Just use the garbo healing stun? Or clench knockback that knocks players OUT OF SHALKS RANGE. You remember shalks, right? The main damaging skill?
I have mained MagDen for a VERY long time... and i did not come to Zos's defence, i just stated that you can still run solo as a magden. And no i dont use a stun because the ones we have to choose from are crap, so i dropped fissure (which generally needs a stun to land) and added another DoT for more pressure.
It's very tanky and does a ton of AOE damage that most new players don't know how or have the time to react to, but against good players it's very slow and telegraphed. It can be fun to wipe groups with, but very boring and less effective against good solo players.
It's very tanky and does a ton of AOE damage that most new players don't know how or have the time to react to, but against good players it's very slow and telegraphed. It can be fun to wipe groups with, but very boring and less effective against good solo players.
ZarkingFrued wrote: »
You gotta be joking lol. Didn't take long for someone to come to zos's defence. I swear you guys simply enjoy disagreeing. So no stun? Just use the garbo healing stun? Or clench knockback that knocks players OUT OF SHALKS RANGE. You remember shalks, right? The main damaging skill?
ZarkingFrued wrote: »
Why does anyone care about new players? You shouldn't start a game winning but Zos literally caters to them.
Zos should care about all players, I was only responding to the question of how they are op. Imo it's the easiest class for bombing and wiping less experienced groups, but less effective in a 1v1 against an experienced player. That sounds balanced to me, shouldn't expect it to excel at everything.
Took me years to get a star on my magplar, but only a few months to get 5 stars on my magden, doesn't sound like RIP to me, you just gotta learn to play to its strengths.
ESO_Nightingale wrote: »
He isn't going to ZOS's defence. He is one of the few people who actively discuss warden's issues.
ESO_Nightingale wrote: »
I see, i believe these aren't problems that can't be fixed. Everyone builds tanky. The majority of our AoE damage comes from Deep Fissure and has counterplay, our single target burst damage is not as comparable to other classes as Dive doesn't work quite as well as it once did in combos, our Bear ultimate is extremely unreliable, is a pet with a hitbox (and therefore health) and requires 2 ultimate slots and rarely ever hits with our burst, and it's extremely hard to even get the execute effect to work. I really think the only way to beat magden is to get better at the game.
Though they can certainly make other morphs of tanky skills more appealing to the damage dealers, such as making expansive frost cloak more attractive and making Arctic Blast actually damage instead of healing.
Great points, but I think the bear is more just for role players at this point, no real reason to slot it. The problem is that how do you improve a class that excels at potato mashing and make it better in 1v1 without making it too op.
Maybe it's just me, but I've accepted that some classes are better at wiping groups and some better at 1v1. I kinda like it this way to add variety to combat instead of just every class does the same thing, aka boring.
ZarkingFrued wrote: »
Pretending that you can successfully be solo on this class is defending Zos's changes that have left Warden garbage. Anyhow I've decided to put it on the back burner, sadly with the only discussion coming from the community being the same as for magcro then it won't change. I'll be playing other classes this patch, just thought I'd let zos know and maybe some other solo players will join the discussion
ESO_Nightingale wrote: »
We've been arguing for about a year and a half for this sort of stuff. You can solo right now though. It's by abusing the power of DoTs which will be adressed next patch. As much as i loathe to admit it if you know my extensive and somewhat cringy history reguarding magden, the class can be used solo this patch. I'm not happy with how magden is though, especially in pve and solo pvp content and it deserves more power to damage skills.
ZarkingFrued wrote: »I get that you guys are being optimistic, and I appreciate the ideas. I apologize if I sound like a jerk, but they really have made a mess of this for every build that has ever worked
Speed up the birds and a reliable stun and magden would be perfect. Anything more and they would be too op.