The original under 50 campaign BWB was created well before CP existed, because vet pvp was not inviting or enjoyable for most lowbies or new players.
One of my favorite things about lowbie pvp is the build diversity. We start there with only a few of our class and weapon skills unlocked, and have to hone timing and rotation. It makes battle more dynamic. And I like seeing variety on my death recap. In vet pvp it's the same skills over and over. Its boring.
vamp_emily wrote: »It is funny how people act like we never got farmed 4-5 years ago. Did we get discourage? Did we stop playing? My first time I got killed in PvP happened so fast I didn't know what hit me. However, I didn't stop playing.
I think the only difference back then ( besides allowing CP in low level PvP ) is we had population. So it was harder to be farmed if you had players helping you. Population gaps is the biggest problem and I think merging the two would be best. However, I wouldn't expect much different results. Don't you think the new player will still be unwelcomed in No CP Vet campaign? There will be a lot more Vet players easily killing the new players.
I don't know about now but back when I played in low level PvP many of the rerollers didn't have CP. They just kept deleting their characters. So restricting players from playing in low level PvP, who have cp, wouldn't stop the farming.
<--- this is unfortunately so trueprobabkyravi wrote: »Under 50 EU is like a ghost town compared to its Blackwater Blade glory.
VaranisArano wrote: »The problem with merging the two is that while Below 50 has to deal with experienced players on alts, throwing new players into the No CP Campaign means facing off against a lot of level 50 players with CP 160 gear sets, which is even worse.
Also, Under-50 is even more unwelcoming for newer players because a good portion of those that play there are veteran players that have "twink" gear, gold weapon and annihilate new players mercilessly; more likely turning them off to PvP entirely than they might find on no-Cp campaign.
Alienoutlaw wrote: »you already have the option to go into either cp or non cp under level 50 so i see no point or need to merge anything
Merge Under-50 & noCP Vet Campaigns?