About three days ago I was permanently banned with absolutely no explanation and I still cannot get a response to my ticket (#190910-001359). I've barely even been logging in during this period, with a total of about 4-5 hours spent online per week since Scalebreaker came out a month ago, and all I've done is log on, do trials with my guild, bid on a trader for my trade guild, and log off. I haven't even interacted with anyone in the game outside of voice chat in discord. I recently heard some people were banned for using some kind of character in chat that caused people to crash, but I only learned about this after I searched for reasons others might have been suspended recently for no reason. I haven't said a single word in any sort of public chat channel for probably a month or longer, so that couldn't be the reason.
What do I have to do to get some kind of update on what's going on? It's one thing to get banned suddenly for no reason, but not being able to get a response or explanation from support afterwards is incredibly frustrating.
Gryphon Heart