For the most challenging content tanks do not build for their own survival as is common in other games and healers do not gear to maximize their heals. Instead they both build to increase the survival of the group and increase the groups damage via sets such as Ebon/Alkosh (tanks) and Jorvulds/Olorime for healers. If tanking with a serious group both roles tend to run what they are asked to by the raid leader. I have not seen a tank build for serious tanking that took into consideration resistance or damage reduction for over 3 years.
For anything else it really does not matter as you can wear pretty much any set you want. Besides, every fight is different and it would be impractical for Zos to but a basic setup that would do nothing to prepare a tank to tank anything even mildly challenging. Same with healers.
For example, how do I test if my tank build, skills slotted, gears, cp, can survive vss dragon breath.
But I'm curious as to how it'd work
EvilAutoTech wrote: »To practice with your tank, find some friends to run a dungeon or join a pug. Either way, you really need a group. Probably works the same for healers.
For example, the damage you get from dummy will gets stronger every min, see how many min of damages you’re able to self manage tanking it. Damage rank up every min, from beginner normal dungeon boss damage to vet trials hm damages.
Same goes for healer, the dummy will slowly dying, see how many seconds you’re able to keep it alive.
Simple as that.
For example, how do I test if my tank build, skills slotted, gears, cp, can survive vss dragon breath, you gotta find a group who is willing to wipe with you, which is unessasary. It’ll also help a lot of noob tank to learn the basics about how to build a tank.
Same goes for testing healer, the vss ice tomb is a basic test, some healers in game just couldn’t heal the ice tomb, in which they can improve their build and skills and cp on.
Just like dps test, without theses tests, you won’t know how good your build is.
Vice versa, I’m not willing to bring in a tank that couldn’t survive dragon breath or Vhrc last boss to vss to waste everybody’s time. And I wouldn’t want a healer who doesn’t have enough healing done or skills used to heal the ice tomb.
I don't use target dummies.
That said, I can understand the min-max crowd (or even some regular players) wanting to see what their heals top out as or how much damage they take while blocking with a particular resistance value.
If you want to practice tanking, just go solo a world boss. Far better than any training dummy could ever be.
If you want to practice tanking, just go solo a world boss. Far better than any training dummy could ever be.
EvilAutoTech wrote: »
The problem with soloing anything, wb, dungeon, magical construct or whatever, is that there is no group. Tanking is not just about dealing with the heavy hitting/ high health enemies. If you're solo, there's no need to taunt, no group to buff, and half of your debuffs would just be a waste of resources, as they would not apply to whatever type of weapon you are using for damage.
You can't practice for group content by yourself. It's just not the same.
p_tsakirisb16_ESO wrote: »
If you do not die without healer against a world boss in 15 minutes fight while grinding it, you are fine. No need to kill it.
That's completely beside the point here.EvilAutoTech wrote: »The problem with soloing anything, wb, dungeon, magical construct or whatever, is that there is no group. Tanking is not just about dealing with the heavy hitting/ high health enemies. If you're solo, there's no need to taunt, no group to buff, and half of your debuffs would just be a waste of resources, as they would not apply to whatever type of weapon you are using for damage.
Correct. For endgame content, you need to practice on the actual content. Progression groups, etc.EvilAutoTech wrote: »I solo world bosses all the time. It doesn't help me tank vROM. I need to tank vROM to practice for vROM. Same for any other dungeon or trial.
Each group and situations are different, you really can’t tell which class of tank you owned performs better to for example vss dragon breath. You can’t compare which skills, gears, cp, attributes you’re using has how much exact differences.
No group or situation will be performing 100% the same for you to get an accurate comparison.
@akl77 There are several overland world bosses that mimic trial boss scenarios and mechanics, albeit not with the same severity, but you can definitely test out your tank build with them...and you can use different ones for different mechanics. If you're interested, message me and I can tell you a few spots.
To test and see what skills and gears my tank or healer can take on with a dummy for testing.
This. Make it happen, ZOS.Though I believe training courses players could participate in where they are matched with NPC group members would probably be more effective. So I would favor that approach.