edges_endgame wrote: »AD respawn base?
This gap closing bs still not fixed???
iamkeebler wrote: »What’s broke? lol - all I see is a group of gankers earning their telvar and exploring all areas of the sewers *shrugs*
usmcjdking wrote: »Griefing in PVP is generally OK. Childish and unsportsmanlike, but fine when it comes to rules and regulations within the game world.
Exploiting for the express purpose of griefing is probably a ban worthy offense.
The sad part is that this will reinforce the idea that "PvP players are evil" in the minds of many.
You all realize noone actually spawns here right? they have to enter through the main gate, when theres more than a few different ways to get into the sewers. Dont report other people for not having foresight
The sad part is that this will reinforce the idea that "PvP players are evil" in the minds of many.
Evil is not the word. Toxic. 99% of the pvp players in this game are tea-bagging toxic elitist. I'm sure they are nice people in real life but when they enter pvp it's like a messed up behavioral switch gets flipped on in their head. Mob mentality and the idea of being able to let loose in a video game with no code of conduct comes out. Maybe it's a stress reliever or maybe they do it to make up for a lack of confidence in rl to feel better. Who knows but it diffenetly is disturbing to know that so many people behave this way under the guise of anominity. This is the future of America folks. Our best and brightest.
Evil is not the word. Toxic. 99% of the pvp players in this game are tea-bagging toxic elitist. I'm sure they are nice people in real life but when they enter pvp it's like a messed up behavioral switch gets flipped on in their head. Mob mentality and the idea of being able to let loose in a video game with no code of conduct comes out. Maybe it's a stress reliever or maybe they do it to make up for a lack of confidence in rl to feel better. Who knows but it diffenetly is disturbing to know that so many people behave this way under the guise of anominity. This is the future of America folks. Our best and brightest.
Evil is not the word. Toxic. 99% of the pvp players in this game are tea-bagging toxic elitist.
You all realize noone actually spawns here right? they have to enter through the main gate, when theres more than a few different ways to get into the sewers. Dont report other people for not having foresight
Evil is not the word. Toxic. 99% of the pvp players in this game are tea-bagging toxic elitist. I'm sure they are nice people in real life but when they enter pvp it's like a messed up behavioral switch gets flipped on in their head. Mob mentality and the idea of being able to let loose in a video game with no code of conduct comes out. Maybe it's a stress reliever or maybe they do it to make up for a lack of confidence in rl to feel better. Who knows but it diffenetly is disturbing to know that so many people behave this way under the guise of anominity. This is the future of America folks. Our best and brightest.
It's a sign of the times. There have always been jerks in the world, but I don't recall a time when there were so many overtly shameless jerks in society as a whole. Look at contemporary western politics is evidence of this; if you the people of 5 years ago of the world today, no one would believe you. It's the age of the shameless dbagg.Let’s not make this more of a pvp vs. pve conversation, let’s recognize these players for what they are: jackholes.
Like someone else pointed out you are just pulling this 99% statistic out of thin air. From my experience it does happen a lot but the tea baggers are a still a minority. Also generally I usually find them to be among the worst skilled players in the game and apparently compensating for it with childish behavior.
And 87% of all stats are made up on the spot...
TheFamousMockingbird wrote: »I have run into this issue every time I enter the sewers during the event. The main culprit is DK leap which allows them to jump up to targets on platform. The odd part was that I also ran into a warden on the platform. No clue how he got up there. Maybe Natures Grasp. This warden was using frozen gate on the lower secondary sewer entrance and pulling unsuspecting AD up on to the platform. In all it’s a lame tactic and you are dead before you zone into the sewers. At least other entrances give you the purple invulnerability while you zone in.
Bravo. Let’s attack my stats rather than the toxic behavior. Nice distraction. It happens to me 99% of the time if I lose either in 1v1 or small group play. Just my experience. Your may vary but we can agree on one thing. Toxic behavior is bad for the game and community.
I'm not down-playing toxicity - if it really happens to you that often, that's genuinely sh!tty and I feel for you, maybe just try out a chill guild or so?
I attack your stats because the forums scare new peeps - almost every thread in regards to dungeon or pvp, lots of people say "this is why I don't group" or something similar. Yes you get *** out there - no denying. I was so freaked out to do my first dungeon because of forums - but most runs are really chill with nice folks. Same with pvp - got a whisper, said i was new and dude spent like 30min chatting to me about basics.
All I say is don't write off a whole community for a few assh0les