Maintenance for the week of September 9:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9

The word ZOS don't want to acknowledge

  • tahol10069
    Edited by tahol10069 on September 5, 2019 8:00AM
  • spartaxoxo
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    The one word you don't want to acknowledge: doesn't.

    A company is a collective noun in English English.

    Yes, I'm calling it English English, on purpose, as the language originated in England and some people (rather bizarrely) don't seem to realise that.

  • jainiadral
    jazsper77 wrote: »
    Warframe would like to have a word with you, as a founder I’ve never experienced the game breaking bugs with there new content releases. Let’s see
    A. Over 50 million warframe accts
    B. Larger world
    C. More complicated combat and move sets
    D. Total number of DE employees who keep game going 300
    E. DE maybe a 1/4 size of ZOS and does a better job of maintaining their game.

    But hey keep making excuses for ZOS players like you is why nothing gets fixed.

    Warframe really does have incredible performance. Gave it a spin during the last maintenance. The graphics are gorgeous and lush, the combat is fluid with zero lag, and I had no FPS drops or skill misfires. It's not my cup of tea, but it is beautifully put together.
  • tahol10069
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    Clearly your first MMO.

    No, other MMOs I have played are not like this.

    There is a bug, they fix it, done.

    Whereas, here, the same bugs can continue unfixed, for years, affecting multiple chapters.

    Go try SWTOR, I challenge you. Or just go to their forum and do some study.

    SWTOR is btw, at it's core, based on same engine as ESO.

    I even had an email conversation about one bug (a broken loot table of all things, meaning one instance didn't give any loot in veteran level) with the manager. That bug is still not fixed, and it really is only a loot table. It has been unfixed for three years now. Among about 250 other things.

  • Mannix1958
    jazsper77 wrote: »
    Warframe would like to have a word with you, as a founder I’ve never experienced the game breaking bugs with there new content releases. Let’s see
    A. Over 50 million warframe accts
    B. Larger world
    C. More complicated combat and move sets
    D. Total number of DE employees who keep game going 300
    E. DE maybe a 1/4 size of ZOS and does a better job of maintaining their game.

    But hey keep making excuses for ZOS players like you is why nothing gets fixed.

    Why are you here? Last post I read you were singing the praises of WOW....

    Edited by Mannix1958 on September 7, 2019 6:13PM
  • Coatmagic
    Ya'll know why there are no real old time gamers here complaining about bugs and long maintenance...?

    Cuz you young'uns don't know how you good you have it xD

  • Turelus
    Coatmagic wrote: »
    Ya'll know why there are no real old time gamers here complaining about bugs and long maintenance...?

    Cuz you young'uns don't know how you good you have it xD
    At least ZOS has never deleted anyone's boot.ini. :joy:

    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Coatmagic
    Turelus wrote: »
    Coatmagic wrote: »
    Ya'll know why there are no real old time gamers here complaining about bugs and long maintenance...?

    Cuz you young'uns don't know how you good you have it xD
    At least ZOS has never deleted anyone's boot.ini. :joy:

    Actually, they have reset my custom ini 3 times ... the time when CWC released nearly fried my machine.
    This last major patch set everything above and beyond any I've ever played at, but machine's been upgraded and so I
    didn't notice til my FPS bottomed out running past a big fight. Could have gotten me killed had I been involved.

    Other server side custom settings have been reset a few times as well.

    Just a heads up to .. everyone? Check all your video settings and other custom settings you may have after any major patch ;)
  • SpankinDamob
    Coatmagic wrote: »
    Ya'll know why there are no real old time gamers here complaining about bugs and long maintenance...?

    Cuz you young'uns don't know how you good you have it xD
    Get the hell off camp site !
  • Rave the Histborn
    Rave the Histborn
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    Clearly your first MMO.

    No, other MMOs I have played are not like this.

    There is a bug, they fix it, done.

    Whereas, here, the same bugs can continue unfixed, for years, affecting multiple chapters.

    Or, as the OP says, a so-called fix can cause multiple other issues to appear.

    The only other experience I have had which was like this, was with a garage that sold me a dodgy car and every time they supposedly "fixed" the issues it had, they caused multiple new issues and didn't even fix the first one.

    That garage went out of business within a year of selling me that car, so I clearly wasn't the only one this was happening to.

    Not saying this game should (or will) go out of business, as it has creativity that saves it from that fate (unlike the garage), but it should really work on improving the technical side.

    "No, other MMOs I have played are not like this.

    There is a bug, they fix it, done."

    There's still bugs in WoW that haven't been fixed for as long as it's been out, which is longer than ESO has been around as a game. I've also never encountered bugs that rendered my ESO game actually UNPLAYABLE, I have had that happen in WoW.

    "That garage went out of business within a year of selling me that car, so I clearly wasn't the only one this was happening t"

    and then everyone from the garage gave you $50 while the Mayor and the rest of your city all clapped because you are brave.

    If you're going to make *** up at least make it believeable.
  • Rave the Histborn
    Rave the Histborn
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    Delparis wrote: »
    Delparis wrote: »
    max_only wrote: »
    Delparis wrote: »
    Clearly your first MMO.

    Playing mmo since WOW vanilla where most of you were playing Pokemon, so ....

    Thinking there wasn’t bugs in original WoW 😲

    there were bugs sure, but not the kinda of bugs that ZOS fixes than add them again with the next patch.

    WOW devs are much more skilled imao

    Really? Because I remember serious bugs and weekly maintenance that took 8-12 hours. Remember the Zul Gurub bug that rendered major cities completely unusable?

    yeah maybe there were many bugs but the kind of bugs we got in ESO
    many of them turned into memes

    Cool? Well that clears that up. The community hasn't meme'd WoW at all ;). Look I get you spent 5min in WoW vanilla and now you're an expert but I'd had worse experience with bugs in WoW than I ever have in ESO. Server performance? Completely different story but bugs, no sorry, the bugs in WoW are worse.

    jazsper77 wrote: »
    Warframe would like to have a word with you, as a founder I’ve never experienced the game breaking bugs with there new content releases. Let’s see
    A. Over 50 million warframe accts
    B. Larger world
    C. More complicated combat and move sets
    D. Total number of DE employees who keep game going 300
    E. DE maybe a 1/4 size of ZOS and does a better job of maintaining their game.

    But hey keep making excuses for ZOS players like you is why nothing gets fixed.

    A. 50 million accounts on a free 2 play game. How many are active? Is it close to 50 million active players? No? Then why is this a point?
    B. Larger isn't better. They're as generic sci fi as you can get them to be.
    C. Basic hack and slash ala Destiny/BDO. It doesn't look terrible but i can't really spot what makes it stand out.
    D. It shows with the lack of overall content
    E. Opinion

    You've completely wandered off the point, here...

    He's not saying it's necessarily a better game, creativity wise.

    He's only listing those things to show how they are doing a better job with the technical side, despite (on the face of it, at least) having more challenges to deal with.

    Are you actually high right now?

    He said it's a better game and listed his opinions. It isn't even a more creative game, and I imagine that's why he's given 0 response back. Go take a nap, all this mental exercise is probably exhausting for you.
  • Shievarei
    jazsper77 wrote: »
    Warframe would like to have a word with you, as a founder I’ve never experienced the game breaking bugs with there new content releases. Let’s see
    A. Over 50 million warframe accts
    B. Larger world
    C. More complicated combat and move sets
    D. Total number of DE employees who keep game going 300
    E. DE maybe a 1/4 size of ZOS and does a better job of maintaining their game.

    But hey keep making excuses for ZOS players like you is why nothing gets fixed.

    Hmm, comparing mmorpg to a game that does peer to peer for the most part. Ignoring the various community and moderation issues within Warframe, ignoring how the "open world" maps in Warframe are just boring Destiny/MGSV style borefests, ignoring delays of updates each year because they can't release on time and sometimes have to split content into bite sized releases.

    You must not have been present during Spectres of The Rail launch if you say there were never game breaking bugs with new content releases.

    I can commend Digital Extremes for their communication with the players though, rarely have a problem with them on that part.
  • redlink1979
    Just another pointless thread...
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  • rfennell_ESO
    Delparis wrote: »

    It's mostly the system they created in the first place to blame. If your design was convoluted and constantly changed/nerfed/morphed you lose control of the system.

    All mmo's have this issue. With ESO you have this change->reversion of bugs that I've never seen before in a mmo.

    Sure... wow had bugs. But when they "fixed" a bug it didn't revert past changes and make them worse.

    I'm guessing it's that they verged so far from the original path that they are just lost in the woods at this point. It's mostly due to this wholesale changes that they went through where the entire design of the game was revamped then revamped again and then revamped again in preparation for another revamp. All done without the base code being rewritten.

    If you recall 3 mile island (nuclear disaster in Pennsylvania). Well it was mostly a fault of something known as a "system accident" (also known as "normal accident") which is an "unanticipated interaction of multiple failures" in a complex system. It arises when no one in charge of operation of the system could ever understand all the aspects (and changes) made to that system.
  • ParaNostram
    Delparis wrote: »
    Clearly your first MMO.

    Playing mmo since WOW vanilla where most of you were playing Pokemon, so ....

    Wow had a disastrous launch that nobody seems to remember through their rose tinted glasses, so if you wanna complain about buggy MMO's maybe don't pick one that was so rampant with bugs.
    "Your mistake is you begged for your life, not for mercy. I will show you there are many fates worse than death."

    Para Nostram
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    Order of the Black Worm
  • Aznarb
    What is with all the WOW discussion lately? I don’t get it....

    Biased nostalgia.
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  • teladoy
    Good developers cost money, average cost a lot less.

    Now think like a man of business and tell me the importance and difference between one and the other.


    I tell you the answer:
    No one! But one is cheaper and can also programming!!
  • barney2525
    This game has spoiled people. Unless you played Archeage from the start, you don't know what real bugs are.

    The first major patch obliterated the game. approximately 90% of the players could not log on for 2 -3 DAYS. All the land was taken in a matter of Minutes by Bots.

    AFTER that (this isnt gossip - the company announced it) they bought and installed new hardware and software because they did NOT have the technical capability to do a Roll-back. The players were scrugeed across the board.

    The next major patch - after 3 days they had to do a Roll-back because things were so screwed up.

    They had DDS attacks, which happen to all internet games, that constantly dcd the players, and took over a WEEK to finally get straightened out. You want to sit around, not being able to log in for a week? And during this, the other games I played (ESO, SWTOR) did not even have a hiccup.

    People don't appreciate what they do have. People will ALWAYS find Something to complain about.

    But it sure could be a lot worse here than it is.

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