...WHY would you possibly want to use a HEAVY ATTACK build if you don't want to heavy attack people with it???Guess it depends on if you want to heavy attack or not. If not, like most people, it wouldn't be better, even with the extra 8% or so crit. chance. If someone mostly heavy attacks (which I imagine is super rare in PvP) then it would probably be better IMO.
Bumping this, in light of some new testing I've done on the PTS.
I've compared the performance of using UI+UU+Maelstrom vs using UI+Torug's+Maelstrom.
Testing was done on a 3 mil dummy.
Quite suboptimal because of the Off-Balance cooldown (which does not apply to PvP targets) - but at least with CMX I can see how many times I got Concussion to proc.
NOTE: the build used was far from optimal in terms of choices of enchants and CP. No buff food was used, either.
So please treat the resulting DPS values as purely comparative - especially since the dummy is subject to Off-Balance cooldown!
For both test builds I used the same weapons: a charged UI lightning staff with shock enchant on backbar, and a charged Maelstrom lightning staff with shock enchant on frontbar.
Rotation used: LA -> WoE -> LA -> Vigor -> barswap -> 3x HA -> barswap -> (repeat)
Spell crit rating: 32.8%
DPS: 9886
TTK: 5:04
Concussions per minute: 15.2 (77 Concussions in 5:04)
Off-Balance uptime: 31%
Rotation used: LA -> WoE -> barswap -> 3x HA -> barswap -> (repeat) {no Vigor, because no UU set to proc}
Spell crit rating: 29%
DPS: 8128
TTK: 6:10
Concussions per minute: 20.3 (125 Concussions in 6:10)
Off-Balance uptime: 32%
DPS with Torug's was significantly lower than with UU, despite the shorter rotation - since without UU there's no need to use a Stamina ability.
Both builds resulted in the dummy becoming set Off-Balance pretty much on cooldown; the resulting uptime is effectively the maximum possible value on a PvE dummy.
Concussion procs stupidly often, even when using UU instead of Torug's.
On a PvPer under the same (unrealistic) test conditions, you'd be seeing Off-Balance uptime in the >80% range.
As expected from basic math, using Torug's resulted in lower DPS output vs using UU - and the reduced spell crit % (from losing UU) did not help things, either.
Shock enchant DPS with UU was ~800, with Torug's it was ~1500... not nearly enough to help compensate for the loss of UU heavy attack buff.
So in the end, it looks like using UI+UU+Maelstrom is significantly superior to using Torug's in place of UU - as long as you can live with having to use a stamina ability to proc the UU buff.
On a Templar, if you use Toppling Charge to proc Off-Balance, you can drop the shock enchant for something else with better utility (Crusher or Weakening, maybe?).
And drop the Charged trait, too - my first guess is that using Sharpened would be much better in that case.
It should work quite well - as long as the enemy is afflicted with Concussion, dropping a WoE under them will instantly set them Off Balance.RiskyChalice863 wrote: »so I do wonder how easy it is to use Wall of Elements on this build in practice in PVP. But it definitely does seem like the best bet for many classes.
Good call with the Disease enchant, yeah that should be a fairly solid option.RiskyChalice863 wrote: »As for what enchant and trait the Templar would use, my inclination is to use a Disease enchant in PVP (...) Honestly, a Shock enchant with a Charged or Sharpened trait might well still be competitive even on a Templar, because of the minor vulnerability from concussed.
Yes, I agree that the lack of mobility is a serious detriment when outnumbered.RiskyChalice863 wrote: »- I think a significant weakness is the lack of movement speed when attacking. You’re relatively easy pickings for people spamming Dizzying Swing. You also in general tend to get hit with a lot of damage when you jump into a group—more damage than if you jumped in and were more mobile while doing your damage. It’s not debilitating in BGs, but I think it’s definitely something that could make it a bit of a difficult build to use to 1vX people. It’s more of a 1v1 and group play sort of build IMO.
It should work quite well - as long as the enemy is afflicted with Concussion, dropping a WoE under them will instantly set them Off Balance.RiskyChalice863 wrote: »so I do wonder how easy it is to use Wall of Elements on this build in practice in PVP. But it definitely does seem like the best bet for many classes.
And in PvP, Wall of Lightning is one of those skills which is normally considered as more of an annoyance than an actual major threat, similarly to standing in Caltrops.Good call with the Disease enchant, yeah that should be a fairly solid option.RiskyChalice863 wrote: »As for what enchant and trait the Templar would use, my inclination is to use a Disease enchant in PVP (...) Honestly, a Shock enchant with a Charged or Sharpened trait might well still be competitive even on a Templar, because of the minor vulnerability from concussed.
In fact, the Major Defile from Disease enchant would be probably even better than the Minor Vuln from Shock.
On a Templar you have access to Major Defile from Dark Flare, but it's a projectile (dodgeable), so the Disease enchant would be a better source of Defile - can't dodge the staff beam attack.Yes, I agree that the lack of mobility is a serious detriment when outnumbered.RiskyChalice863 wrote: »- I think a significant weakness is the lack of movement speed when attacking. You’re relatively easy pickings for people spamming Dizzying Swing. You also in general tend to get hit with a lot of damage when you jump into a group—more damage than if you jumped in and were more mobile while doing your damage. It’s not debilitating in BGs, but I think it’s definitely something that could make it a bit of a difficult build to use to 1vX people. It’s more of a 1v1 and group play sort of build IMO.
The snare from heavy attacking is bad enough that even Major Exp + Swift trait(s) don't do much to help.
I'm really looking forward to testing this on a Sorc (after I'm done farming the gear), to see how it would work in practice with Streak thrown in.
Also, when using the Matriarch, that's some "free" damage mitigation due to its LoS blocking properties.
This should also be pretty smooth to use on a Sorc: Streak in, Hurricane, drop WoE and start heavy attacking.
If you can make Def Rune work with this setup, that's even better.
Actually, this is something that would require further testing in practice: would it be better to first WoE and then HA, or HA first (to proc Concussion) and then drop WoE for instant Off Balance proc.
The former offers a greater "burst" potential than the latter - but if the enemy would leave the WoE area before the first Concussion proc, the effect would be wasted unless WoE is applied second.
That... will take a while, my farming time is quite limited on most days.RiskyChalice863 wrote: »I’ll be eager to hear what your experiences with it are after you’re done farming the gear for it.
If this works the same way in PvP as it does in PvE, then Off-Balance does not become consumed if the target already has CC immunity, because the stun ("Off-Balance Exploit") does not proc.RiskyChalice863 wrote: »One thing to make sure to consider for PVP is the mechanic for consuming off balance. (...) With a WoE build, you’d proc off balance and then heavy attack, so your heavy attack would stun them, but also consume the off balance and therefore lower your subsequent damage.
If you Streak in, then UI would be already procced from that.RiskyChalice863 wrote: »I’d also be interested to hear what you determine regarding the optimal ordering of WoE and heavy attacks. My inclination is to think it it may sometimes depend on whether you’ve got UI already procced from some other magicka ability or not.
So has anyone tried Elegent over UU and seen what the damage numbers are?
I haven't yet tested this build in practice myself - but based on my experience in PvP so far, this seems to be roughly the PvP equivalent of Xynode's "Easy Sorc" build for PvE.techprince wrote: »I played against heavy attacking magplar once in no-cp. Died one time as he was with a dk constantly stunning. HA did alot of damage but took alot of time as well. I caught him alone and killed him in his wall of elements.
RiskyChalice863 wrote: »So has anyone tried Elegent over UU and seen what the damage numbers are?
I've not done any direct tests, but I did a lot of fiddling around on the UESP Build Editor and have thought about it a lot and I don't think Elegant can compare for this particular type of build.
It adds a flat 20% damage boost to heavy attacks. Ultimately, that 20% boost is actually a good bit less, because it is additive with the off balance bonus, CP bonuses, damage bonuses like minor berserk, etc. So, for instance, let's just take the basic case where you have no CP points and no damage bonuses but your enemy is off balance. Without Elegant, your heavy attacks will do 1.7x damage. With Elegant, they will do 1.9x damage. Thus, even in that simple scenario, Elegant only increases damage by 11.8%, not 20%. That number would go down even further with CP and other bonuses included. In other words, Elegant offers a peak damage increase of 20%, but it is likely to be substantially lower in most scenarios.
Compare that to UU, which adds about 1120 base damage (assuming only epic quality items) for each tick. That adds 4480 base damage to lightning heavy attacks, since there's four ticks. Considering that the normal base heavy attack damage is going to generally be roughly 6000-8000, adding 4480 damage to that is a massive percentage increase. Even if you already have UI and the Maelstrom staff as well as CP geared towards the build and an off balance enemy, it's basically impossible to create a scenario where UU doesn't add more than 20% to your heavy attack DPS.
Granted, for raw damage, the other bonuses on Elegant are better than the other bonuses on UU. But for a build focused on lightning heavy attacks I do not think there's any chance Elegant could compare.
With all that said, Elegant is not useless. If you wanted to create really strong fire staff heavy attacks as part of a burst build, it would very likely be better than UU. In that scenario, UU damage only procs once and Elegant's better bonuses would buff whatever other abilities you're using as part of the burst. I'm not sure whether or not such a build would be hugely viable, but Elegant would definitely be better for it IMO.
I use a buff/debuff tracker, so I see everything very clearly.Guess I'm just surprised to see that. Maybe I'm just not paying attention enough but I barely notice any visual way of determining that concussion and off-balance have happened at all.
They aren't immune to Off-Balance proper, but they are immune to the "Off-Balance Exploit", which would normally consume Off-Balance and knock the enemy down. Which is why you don't see anything "special" happening.I don't remember even seeing anything when fighting humanoid trial or dungeon bosses (maybe they're immune?)
Not all endgame (vet trial/arena) weapons are as great as you would think.If the asylum staff (perfected) really is that unnecessary, because we can cause concussions so easily otherwise, I wonder why it's considered such a high end staff. (...) For something that apparently doesn't have much real-game benefit.... Amazing.
This has been covered by the OP already, but to summarize - there's just no possible scenario in which Elegance would outperform UU/UI/IA in terms of raw HA damage.Wouldn't elegant also increase the damage of each tic of a lightning staff or is it only on the final tic. Also, I guess elegant would not increase the damage added by UI on you HA tics.
So has anyone tried Elegent over UU and seen what the damage numbers are?
So has anyone tried Elegent over UU and seen what the damage numbers are?
Both UI and UU grant persistent buffs - that is, the buff, once procced, remains with you while you swap bars.
Elegant, however, does not grant a persistent proc. Once you swap bars, that buff does not follow you.
RiskyChalice863 wrote: »I’ve developed a very interesting build that uses the Undaunted Infiltrator and Undaunted Unweaver sets in tandem. The concept is fairly similar to Xynode's Easy Sorc, but it's a bit different (it's not a Sorc build, for one, and it uses different sets) and I'm more focused on PVP.
The Basics
The concept is fairly simple: You want to buff up your heavy attack damage as much as possible, and then proc off balance on the enemy in order to just melt them with lightning heavy attacks. This build actually can really melt people. And you can basically ignore Magicka sustain in your build entirely, because you'll actually gain Magicka during your damage combo. You also can potentially build for a good bit of defense without giving up very much damage.
The basis for the build is as follows:
You run the Undaunted Infiltrator and Undaunted Unweaver sets. When procced, each of these sets adds just over 1100 damage to each tick of a channeled lightning heavy attack. There are 4 ticks. So, between the two of these, you add about 9000 damage to your lightning heavy attacks--which are do damage in an AOE. When an enemy is off balance, the damage they take from heavy attacks goes up 70% (80% if you've got the exploiter passive). Therefore, on an off balance enemy, these two sets combine to add over 15,000 damage to your heavy attacks--and that number is higher the more additional damage buffs you have on your heavy attacks. Regardless of class, the concept is to do one of two things: (1) proc the two sets and then pump in large AOE damage from a distance with your heavy attacks, or (2) get in and proc off-balance on someone and absolutely melt them. Since you're a heavy attack build, your sustain will be great. And the fact that you'll be topped up on magicka a lot will really help your defense, along with the fact that you can build for a lot of defense without losing much firepower.
At the moment, I'm using it on my Magplar, but I think the MagDK may be even better for it due to Molten Armaments. I'll describe below what I've built so far (along with some possible alternatives), then also describe what I plan to do with this on my MagDK once I've leveled him, and also give a brief description of how this has worked in the BGs I've played with it.
Magplar Build
The idea with the Magplar is basically to use Restoring Focus as a cheap and effective way to proc Undaunted Unweaver, and use Toppling Charge to stun and proc off balance (as well as proc Undaunted Infiltrator if need be) all in one. The basic combo would be Restoring Focus --> Purifying Light or Reflective Light --> Toppling Charge --> 1 or 2 heavy attacks --> maybe Radiant Oppression. And in terms of defense, if you're put on the defensive, you'll typically have a really high magicka pool left and Extended Ritual, Living Dark, and Honor the Dead, so it's very survivable.
My item setup is not 100% ideal yet. But in an ideal world, I think you'd have an Undaunted Infiltrator staff, two pieces of Undaunted Infiltrator jewelry, and an Undaunted Infiltrator chest piece. You'd then have Undaunted Unweaver hands, belt, legs, and boots, along with an Undaunted Unweaver jewelry piece. You then want one light and one heavy piece for a monster set. I'm using one piece Pirate Skeleton and one piece Lord Warden, just for the permanent resistance bonuses, but that's up to you, and there are many other solid options. Since it's PVP, I think having all the armor be impenetrable is ideal (though I've only got four impenetrable pieces on this build at the moment). In terms of enchants and jewelry/weapon traits, this is kind of up to you. I've tested it with: (1) all magicka glyphs on my armor except one health glyph; (2) all spell power glyphs on my jewelry; (3) all arcane traits on my jewelry; and (4) a precise weapon. However, a huge component of your damage is from the two sets, and that damage isn't affected by spell damage or magicka. So you could add some protective or healthy traits to the jewelry, and/or some more healthy or prismatic defense glyphs on the armor, and not lose a ton of damage. You could even run stamina recovery glyphs to help with breaking free and whatnot. You could also put Bloodthirsty glyphs on, since that would scale with the damage from your sets. In terms of the weapon trait, Precise is just what dropped for me, but I actually think Precise and Sharpened are clearly your two best bets, since they'll actually affect the Infiltrator and Unweaver set damage. On the back bar, I’ve got Precise since, again, that’s what dropped, but Defending may be better.
In terms of Mundus, I think The Lover is the best. Again, spell penetration actually affects the Infiltrator and Unweaver set damage. So do the crit damage and crit chance bonuses from The Shadow and The Thief, but I think The Lover is a bit better.
In terms of race, I'm a High Elf with this. I think that's probably the best one, since it helps your overall damage more than any other race (though I think Khajiit is probably very close), actually helps a lot with stamina sustain from the Spell Recharge passive, and I believe that same passive's 5% damage reduction applies when heavy attacking. But there are other options that would be good as well. Dark Elf would work. Khajiit would work because the critical damage scales with the set damage. And Nord would actually be decent to add some bulkiness.
In terms of food, I think tri-stat food is best. You certainly don't need magicka recovery from your food/drink.
For potions, it will ultimately depend on what you've got on your bar. You could cover Major Prophecy, Major Sorcery, and immovability with your skills--in which case you'd use tri-stat potions. But you could also leave a gap in your skills that you fill with a potion if you’d like. I’ll note that I think Major Prophecy is more important than Major Sorcery here because it scales with the set damage.
I'm not listing CP here, since I've tested this exclusively in BGs and so I haven't put much of any thought into the CPs.
For skills, here's what my bar looks like (with some discussion of alternatives below):
Front Bar: Restoring Focus, Toppling Charge, Honor the Dead, Reflective Light, Radiant Oppression, Eye of the Storm
Back Bar: Extended Ritual, Radiating Regeneration, Honor the Dead, Living Dark, Elusive Mist, Life Giver
There's a lot of flexibility there though. The only real must-haves are Restoring Focus, Toppling Charge, Honor the Dead, and Extended Ritual. A few thoughts on the skills below:
- I like to double bar Honor the Dead because I find it helps me react to burst damage just that little bit quicker, but you can definitely slot something like Purifying Light on the front bar instead.
- Especially if you slot Purifying Light, you could perhaps switch out Reflective Light for Inner Light, but I probably wouldn't (the reason I say you'd especially do that if you've got Purifying Light is that you definitely want at least one ranged Magicka ability you'll use on the front bar, to proc Undaunted Infiltrator).
- You could also swap out Radiant Oppression for Structured Entropy. Major Sorcery isn't actually a huge boost to your heavy attacks on this build, so it's not strictly necessary to have it, but it's a very good ability. I do get some use out of Radiant Oppression, but Structured Entropy could be better overall.
- Rapid Regen is probably better than Radiating Regeneration for PVP. But I also use my Magplar to heal dungeons, and don't want to switch the morph.
- Elusive Mist is surely better than Race Against Time--I'm just not a vampire. But I think I probably will make this character a vampire, in order to use Elusive Mist.
- The front bar ult is really up to you. I like Eye of the Storm and I think it synergizes very well with this build since you can cast it, then use Restoring Focus and Toppling Charge to proc your two sets and gap close and stun right as Eye of the Storm starts going off. But Crescent Sweep would be good, as would Devouring Swarm and the Mage's Guild ult.
- You could potentially get away with going sword and board on the back bar, and replacing Life Giver with Spell Wall. You'd no longer be able to run Regen, but that would open up a spot for sure for Structured Entropy and you'd at least get a bit of a heal over time from that.
Magicka Dragonknight build
For the most part, this build would be the same as above. I think it would be even stronger than the Magplar, but I've not yet tested it out and there would be downsides compared to the Magplar.
The main difference is just the skills. MagDKs would obviously use Molten Armaments. This would add massive damage to the already hard-hitting heavy attacks. I've not yet leveled my MagDK, but I think the damage on this would be extremely high. The way you'd proc off balance is Empowering Chains --> Fossilize --> Lava Whip (either morph).
The MagDK's damage would be much higher, but it would have a more drawn out process to create off balance. Whereas the Templar can gap close, stun, and proc off balance all with one skill, the DK would require three skills to do all of that. Therefore, the MagDK would have to play a little less aggressively, because if you get aggressive against a group, you could be punished before you've really had a chance to do much. Of course, the MagDK can actually do almost as much damage heavy attacking at a distance as a Magplar could against an off balance enemy (50% bonus from Molten Armaments vs. 70% bonus from off balance).
The MagDK also doesn't have quite as strong of survival tools this patch. Again, though, you can stay back and still deal massive damage, so it may not be harder to survive overall.
Finally, the MagDK would have a bit more of an annoying time proccing Undaunted Unweaver. There's no real obvious cheap stamina ability for the MagDK to spam in PVP to proc the set. You could use Vigor, even though it'd be a pretty weak heal on a magicka character. The best option may just be Noxious Breath though. You'd often just be using it on nothing, but it can get really cheap, and if you use Molten Whip, then having Noxious Breath as part of your setup would make your burst stronger. Your stamina sustain would take a hit from having to use Noxious Breath a bunch, but you'll get 990 stamina each time you use Fossilize and Molten Armaments. You could take a stamina recovery glyph in a jewelry piece as well if you find it's an issue--the lost spell damage won't be a huge deal.
Here's what I'd think the skills could be:
Front Bar: Noxious Breath, Empowering Chains, Molten Whip, Fossilize, Molten Armaments
Back Bar: Efficient Purge, Rapid Regen, Coagulating Blood, Volatile Armor, Elusive Mist, Life Giver
There are other ways to do it, but there's a bit less flexibility than on the Magplar, since your combo requires basically everything I listed on the front bar. If the Empowering Chains --> Molten Whip --> Fossilize combo is too unwieldy, one thing I might try is replacing Fossilize with Stone Giant. Stone Giant is a worse ability, but it may be that Molten Armaments is enough damage to basically melt people from afar if I can just stun them. And if they happen to be close, I could still proc off balance (albeit maybe a bit less reliably than you can with Fossilize since you don’t have the immobilize after the stun). This wouldn’t be as good in a 1v1, but it’s possible it’s better in a group context where you don’t necessarily want to be jumping in and taking time using two abilities before really doing your damage.
How It Has Worked For Me
I've played this with my Magplar. The results have been pretty good. I'm far from the best player—so I do come across players who are simply better than me. But I have had very good games with it. And I’ve managed to win 1v1’s against players that I can absolutely tell are better than me.
A few thoughts on it:
- The damage is good. If people are pretty squishy, they can basically be deleted by a Purifying Light/Reflective Light --> Toppling Charge --> 1 heavy attack and then maybe a couple ticks of another heavy attack or Radiant Oppression. People who are tankier can sometimes survive and get away if I attack them at full health, but not if I’ve got any support with me and typically not if they don’t have some kind of get-out-of-jail-free card (as in, cloak, streak, etc.) or catch me with a stun when my stamina is low. If they can’t find some way to get away or to keep me stunned for a while, it’s extremely difficult for someone to live through two off-balance heavy attacks and an execute. If they live through it, then they’re a pretty tanky build and have dumped away a lot of resources to survive, while I’ve literally gained magicka. I can't wait to see what the damage from the MagDK is like, since it's going to be significantly higher.
- The magicka sustain is incredibly good. You get over 7.2k magicka back from a heavy attack against an off balance opponent in no-CP. This means your damage combo literally gains you magicka. And if you kill people with your heavy attack—which you will—you’ll get another 3600 magicka back from the destruction staff passives. The only time you can really run out of magicka is if you’ve really been put on the back foot by people for a very long time. Overall, it’s the best magicka sustain I’ve ever had on any build that does even remotely similar damage.
- The stamina sustain is actually really good for a magicka build. You’ve got Restoring Focus. You’ve got the High Elf passive that will almost always restore stamina, since your magicka will be high. And you’ve got the Undaunted Unweaver set giving you over 2k extra stamina to work with. You’ll be using Restoring Focus more than is necessary (in order to proc Undaunted Unweaver), so the net stamina return on it isn’t quite optimal, but this is still one of the best magicka builds I’ve played in terms of stamina sustain. And honestly, given how a lot of your damage doesn’t scale with the spell damage stat, I’m thinking of possibly adding a stamina regen glyph or two to my jewelry, just to basically make this build incredibly strong against CC.
- The survivability is good. It’s a light armor build and doesn’t have a massive amount of health, so obviously it’s not the highest survivability possible. But with the defensive monster set combo I’m using along with Restoring Focus obviously always being up, the resistances are actually pretty good. Toppling Charge gives you minor protection for 6 seconds. You’ve got Extended Ritual, Living Dark, Regen, and Honor the Dead—all great defensive abilities. The resto ult is a fight reset basically. And I think Elusive Mist will add a lot of survivability once I get it. The key, though, is really the sustain. It’s basically impossible to catch me without a boatload of magicka to use to survive. There were players that were better than me that were able to get the drop on me and kill me a few times, but it typically would take them a very drawn out fight to do it when I’m pretty sure they’d have done so quicker against me on another build. There have also been some people that have been able to burst me down quickly, but that’s mostly just been lethal arrow and poison injection causing desyncs. I did play one stamden who repeatedly burst me down quickly, but that player was really good, and it was also in my first game on the build when I had no impen gear, no defensive monster set (so my resistances were over 5k lower), and wasn’t using the resto ult. As I mentioned above, though, I think one could build in more survivability into this build without actually giving up a ton of damage.
Final Notes
This is a very long post, but I do have some thoughts on this for PVE as well. I don’t think the Magplar would be very good with it since the benefit of being able to gap close, stun, and set off balance with one ability doesn’t really matter in PVE. However, I think the MagDK would be quite good. You’d use a Maelstrom lightning staff, with an Undaunted Infiltrator staff on the back bar. You'd proc Undaunted Unweaver with Beast Trap--which is a great ability anyways and is on the Easy Sorc build too. This would be similar to the Easy Sorc build, but with fewer shock abilities to proc off balance, but Molten Armaments for a permanent 50% heavy attack damage bonus. That should equal more single-target damage against bosses than the Easy Sorc can achieve, and probably still more AOE damage against groups of trash mobs, especially if someone else is using lightning damage. I think it would be very strong.
I also note that the Easy Sorc build uses Infallible Mage. I've read that that set only affects the damage on the last tick of the lightning staff's damage. I don't have it to test, but I did watch Xynode's latest Easy Sorc video, and I believe he said that too. If so, I do wonder whether a build using Infallible Mage is outdamaged by a build with Undaunted Unweaver, despite Infallible Mage having better bonuses otherwise for DPS. If not, then, if you're able to get it, Infallible Mage would be optimal over Undaunted Unweaver, and this would basically become a DK version of the Easy Sorc. Either way, you could slot Mystic Orb instead of Daedric Tomb (which Xynode suggests as an alternative anyways), Eruption instead of Liquid Lightning, Volatile Armor instead of Boundless Storm, Inner Light instead of Bound Armaments, Dampen Magic instead of Hardened Ward, and Molten Armaments instead of Mage's Wrath. In other words, the skill setup would basically be the same except you slot Molten Armaments instead of the execute.
RiskyChalice863 wrote: »I’ve developed a very interesting build that uses the Undaunted Infiltrator and Undaunted Unweaver sets in tandem. The concept is fairly similar to Xynode's Easy Sorc, but it's a bit different (it's not a Sorc build, for one, and it uses different sets) and I'm more focused on PVP.
The Basics
The concept is fairly simple: You want to buff up your heavy attack damage as much as possible, and then proc off balance on the enemy in order to just melt them with lightning heavy attacks. This build actually can really melt people. And you can basically ignore Magicka sustain in your build entirely, because you'll actually gain Magicka during your damage combo. You also can potentially build for a good bit of defense without giving up very much damage.
The basis for the build is as follows:
You run the Undaunted Infiltrator and Undaunted Unweaver sets. When procced, each of these sets adds just over 1100 damage to each tick of a channeled lightning heavy attack. There are 4 ticks. So, between the two of these, you add about 9000 damage to your lightning heavy attacks--which are do damage in an AOE. When an enemy is off balance, the damage they take from heavy attacks goes up 70% (80% if you've got the exploiter passive). Therefore, on an off balance enemy, these two sets combine to add over 15,000 damage to your heavy attacks--and that number is higher the more additional damage buffs you have on your heavy attacks. Regardless of class, the concept is to do one of two things: (1) proc the two sets and then pump in large AOE damage from a distance with your heavy attacks, or (2) get in and proc off-balance on someone and absolutely melt them. Since you're a heavy attack build, your sustain will be great. And the fact that you'll be topped up on magicka a lot will really help your defense, along with the fact that you can build for a lot of defense without losing much firepower.
At the moment, I'm using it on my Magplar, but I think the MagDK may be even better for it due to Molten Armaments. I'll describe below what I've built so far (along with some possible alternatives), then also describe what I plan to do with this on my MagDK once I've leveled him, and also give a brief description of how this has worked in the BGs I've played with it.
Magplar Build
The idea with the Magplar is basically to use Restoring Focus as a cheap and effective way to proc Undaunted Unweaver, and use Toppling Charge to stun and proc off balance (as well as proc Undaunted Infiltrator if need be) all in one. The basic combo would be Restoring Focus --> Purifying Light or Reflective Light --> Toppling Charge --> 1 or 2 heavy attacks --> maybe Radiant Oppression. And in terms of defense, if you're put on the defensive, you'll typically have a really high magicka pool left and Extended Ritual, Living Dark, and Honor the Dead, so it's very survivable.
My item setup is not 100% ideal yet. But in an ideal world, I think you'd have an Undaunted Infiltrator staff, two pieces of Undaunted Infiltrator jewelry, and an Undaunted Infiltrator chest piece. You'd then have Undaunted Unweaver hands, belt, legs, and boots, along with an Undaunted Unweaver jewelry piece. You then want one light and one heavy piece for a monster set. I'm using one piece Pirate Skeleton and one piece Lord Warden, just for the permanent resistance bonuses, but that's up to you, and there are many other solid options. Since it's PVP, I think having all the armor be impenetrable is ideal (though I've only got four impenetrable pieces on this build at the moment). In terms of enchants and jewelry/weapon traits, this is kind of up to you. I've tested it with: (1) all magicka glyphs on my armor except one health glyph; (2) all spell power glyphs on my jewelry; (3) all arcane traits on my jewelry; and (4) a precise weapon. However, a huge component of your damage is from the two sets, and that damage isn't affected by spell damage or magicka. So you could add some protective or healthy traits to the jewelry, and/or some more healthy or prismatic defense glyphs on the armor, and not lose a ton of damage. You could even run stamina recovery glyphs to help with breaking free and whatnot. You could also put Bloodthirsty glyphs on, since that would scale with the damage from your sets. In terms of the weapon trait, Precise is just what dropped for me, but I actually think Precise and Sharpened are clearly your two best bets, since they'll actually affect the Infiltrator and Unweaver set damage. On the back bar, I’ve got Precise since, again, that’s what dropped, but Defending may be better.
In terms of Mundus, I think The Lover is the best. Again, spell penetration actually affects the Infiltrator and Unweaver set damage. So do the crit damage and crit chance bonuses from The Shadow and The Thief, but I think The Lover is a bit better.
In terms of race, I'm a High Elf with this. I think that's probably the best one, since it helps your overall damage more than any other race (though I think Khajiit is probably very close), actually helps a lot with stamina sustain from the Spell Recharge passive, and I believe that same passive's 5% damage reduction applies when heavy attacking. But there are other options that would be good as well. Dark Elf would work. Khajiit would work because the critical damage scales with the set damage. And Nord would actually be decent to add some bulkiness.
In terms of food, I think tri-stat food is best. You certainly don't need magicka recovery from your food/drink.
For potions, it will ultimately depend on what you've got on your bar. You could cover Major Prophecy, Major Sorcery, and immovability with your skills--in which case you'd use tri-stat potions. But you could also leave a gap in your skills that you fill with a potion if you’d like. I’ll note that I think Major Prophecy is more important than Major Sorcery here because it scales with the set damage.
I'm not listing CP here, since I've tested this exclusively in BGs and so I haven't put much of any thought into the CPs.
For skills, here's what my bar looks like (with some discussion of alternatives below):
Front Bar: Restoring Focus, Toppling Charge, Honor the Dead, Reflective Light, Radiant Oppression, Eye of the Storm
Back Bar: Extended Ritual, Radiating Regeneration, Honor the Dead, Living Dark, Elusive Mist, Life Giver
There's a lot of flexibility there though. The only real must-haves are Restoring Focus, Toppling Charge, Honor the Dead, and Extended Ritual. A few thoughts on the skills below:
- I like to double bar Honor the Dead because I find it helps me react to burst damage just that little bit quicker, but you can definitely slot something like Purifying Light on the front bar instead.
- Especially if you slot Purifying Light, you could perhaps switch out Reflective Light for Inner Light, but I probably wouldn't (the reason I say you'd especially do that if you've got Purifying Light is that you definitely want at least one ranged Magicka ability you'll use on the front bar, to proc Undaunted Infiltrator).
- You could also swap out Radiant Oppression for Structured Entropy. Major Sorcery isn't actually a huge boost to your heavy attacks on this build, so it's not strictly necessary to have it, but it's a very good ability. I do get some use out of Radiant Oppression, but Structured Entropy could be better overall.
- Rapid Regen is probably better than Radiating Regeneration for PVP. But I also use my Magplar to heal dungeons, and don't want to switch the morph.
- Elusive Mist is surely better than Race Against Time--I'm just not a vampire. But I think I probably will make this character a vampire, in order to use Elusive Mist.
- The front bar ult is really up to you. I like Eye of the Storm and I think it synergizes very well with this build since you can cast it, then use Restoring Focus and Toppling Charge to proc your two sets and gap close and stun right as Eye of the Storm starts going off. But Crescent Sweep would be good, as would Devouring Swarm and the Mage's Guild ult.
- You could potentially get away with going sword and board on the back bar, and replacing Life Giver with Spell Wall. You'd no longer be able to run Regen, but that would open up a spot for sure for Structured Entropy and you'd at least get a bit of a heal over time from that.
Magicka Dragonknight build
For the most part, this build would be the same as above. I think it would be even stronger than the Magplar, but I've not yet tested it out and there would be downsides compared to the Magplar.
The main difference is just the skills. MagDKs would obviously use Molten Armaments. This would add massive damage to the already hard-hitting heavy attacks. I've not yet leveled my MagDK, but I think the damage on this would be extremely high. The way you'd proc off balance is Empowering Chains --> Fossilize --> Lava Whip (either morph).
The MagDK's damage would be much higher, but it would have a more drawn out process to create off balance. Whereas the Templar can gap close, stun, and proc off balance all with one skill, the DK would require three skills to do all of that. Therefore, the MagDK would have to play a little less aggressively, because if you get aggressive against a group, you could be punished before you've really had a chance to do much. Of course, the MagDK can actually do almost as much damage heavy attacking at a distance as a Magplar could against an off balance enemy (50% bonus from Molten Armaments vs. 70% bonus from off balance).
The MagDK also doesn't have quite as strong of survival tools this patch. Again, though, you can stay back and still deal massive damage, so it may not be harder to survive overall.
Finally, the MagDK would have a bit more of an annoying time proccing Undaunted Unweaver. There's no real obvious cheap stamina ability for the MagDK to spam in PVP to proc the set. You could use Vigor, even though it'd be a pretty weak heal on a magicka character. The best option may just be Noxious Breath though. You'd often just be using it on nothing, but it can get really cheap, and if you use Molten Whip, then having Noxious Breath as part of your setup would make your burst stronger. Your stamina sustain would take a hit from having to use Noxious Breath a bunch, but you'll get 990 stamina each time you use Fossilize and Molten Armaments. You could take a stamina recovery glyph in a jewelry piece as well if you find it's an issue--the lost spell damage won't be a huge deal.
Here's what I'd think the skills could be:
Front Bar: Noxious Breath, Empowering Chains, Molten Whip, Fossilize, Molten Armaments
Back Bar: Efficient Purge, Rapid Regen, Coagulating Blood, Volatile Armor, Elusive Mist, Life Giver
There are other ways to do it, but there's a bit less flexibility than on the Magplar, since your combo requires basically everything I listed on the front bar. If the Empowering Chains --> Molten Whip --> Fossilize combo is too unwieldy, one thing I might try is replacing Fossilize with Stone Giant. Stone Giant is a worse ability, but it may be that Molten Armaments is enough damage to basically melt people from afar if I can just stun them. And if they happen to be close, I could still proc off balance (albeit maybe a bit less reliably than you can with Fossilize since you don’t have the immobilize after the stun). This wouldn’t be as good in a 1v1, but it’s possible it’s better in a group context where you don’t necessarily want to be jumping in and taking time using two abilities before really doing your damage.
How It Has Worked For Me
I've played this with my Magplar. The results have been pretty good. I'm far from the best player—so I do come across players who are simply better than me. But I have had very good games with it. And I’ve managed to win 1v1’s against players that I can absolutely tell are better than me.
A few thoughts on it:
- The damage is good. If people are pretty squishy, they can basically be deleted by a Purifying Light/Reflective Light --> Toppling Charge --> 1 heavy attack and then maybe a couple ticks of another heavy attack or Radiant Oppression. People who are tankier can sometimes survive and get away if I attack them at full health, but not if I’ve got any support with me and typically not if they don’t have some kind of get-out-of-jail-free card (as in, cloak, streak, etc.) or catch me with a stun when my stamina is low. If they can’t find some way to get away or to keep me stunned for a while, it’s extremely difficult for someone to live through two off-balance heavy attacks and an execute. If they live through it, then they’re a pretty tanky build and have dumped away a lot of resources to survive, while I’ve literally gained magicka. I can't wait to see what the damage from the MagDK is like, since it's going to be significantly higher.
- The magicka sustain is incredibly good. You get over 7.2k magicka back from a heavy attack against an off balance opponent in no-CP. This means your damage combo literally gains you magicka. And if you kill people with your heavy attack—which you will—you’ll get another 3600 magicka back from the destruction staff passives. The only time you can really run out of magicka is if you’ve really been put on the back foot by people for a very long time. Overall, it’s the best magicka sustain I’ve ever had on any build that does even remotely similar damage.
- The stamina sustain is actually really good for a magicka build. You’ve got Restoring Focus. You’ve got the High Elf passive that will almost always restore stamina, since your magicka will be high. And you’ve got the Undaunted Unweaver set giving you over 2k extra stamina to work with. You’ll be using Restoring Focus more than is necessary (in order to proc Undaunted Unweaver), so the net stamina return on it isn’t quite optimal, but this is still one of the best magicka builds I’ve played in terms of stamina sustain. And honestly, given how a lot of your damage doesn’t scale with the spell damage stat, I’m thinking of possibly adding a stamina regen glyph or two to my jewelry, just to basically make this build incredibly strong against CC.
- The survivability is good. It’s a light armor build and doesn’t have a massive amount of health, so obviously it’s not the highest survivability possible. But with the defensive monster set combo I’m using along with Restoring Focus obviously always being up, the resistances are actually pretty good. Toppling Charge gives you minor protection for 6 seconds. You’ve got Extended Ritual, Living Dark, Regen, and Honor the Dead—all great defensive abilities. The resto ult is a fight reset basically. And I think Elusive Mist will add a lot of survivability once I get it. The key, though, is really the sustain. It’s basically impossible to catch me without a boatload of magicka to use to survive. There were players that were better than me that were able to get the drop on me and kill me a few times, but it typically would take them a very drawn out fight to do it when I’m pretty sure they’d have done so quicker against me on another build. There have also been some people that have been able to burst me down quickly, but that’s mostly just been lethal arrow and poison injection causing desyncs. I did play one stamden who repeatedly burst me down quickly, but that player was really good, and it was also in my first game on the build when I had no impen gear, no defensive monster set (so my resistances were over 5k lower), and wasn’t using the resto ult. As I mentioned above, though, I think one could build in more survivability into this build without actually giving up a ton of damage.
Final Notes
This is a very long post, but I do have some thoughts on this for PVE as well. I don’t think the Magplar would be very good with it since the benefit of being able to gap close, stun, and set off balance with one ability doesn’t really matter in PVE. However, I think the MagDK would be quite good. You’d use a Maelstrom lightning staff, with an Undaunted Infiltrator staff on the back bar. You'd proc Undaunted Unweaver with Beast Trap--which is a great ability anyways and is on the Easy Sorc build too. This would be similar to the Easy Sorc build, but with fewer shock abilities to proc off balance, but Molten Armaments for a permanent 50% heavy attack damage bonus. That should equal more single-target damage against bosses than the Easy Sorc can achieve, and probably still more AOE damage against groups of trash mobs, especially if someone else is using lightning damage. I think it would be very strong.
I also note that the Easy Sorc build uses Infallible Mage. I've read that that set only affects the damage on the last tick of the lightning staff's damage. I don't have it to test, but I did watch Xynode's latest Easy Sorc video, and I believe he said that too. If so, I do wonder whether a build using Infallible Mage is outdamaged by a build with Undaunted Unweaver, despite Infallible Mage having better bonuses otherwise for DPS. If not, then, if you're able to get it, Infallible Mage would be optimal over Undaunted Unweaver, and this would basically become a DK version of the Easy Sorc. Either way, you could slot Mystic Orb instead of Daedric Tomb (which Xynode suggests as an alternative anyways), Eruption instead of Liquid Lightning, Volatile Armor instead of Boundless Storm, Inner Light instead of Bound Armaments, Dampen Magic instead of Hardened Ward, and Molten Armaments instead of Mage's Wrath. In other words, the skill setup would basically be the same except you slot Molten Armaments instead of the execute.
Interesting build. What are the DPS numbers on dummy?
Damn, I was just about to look into collecting these sets. No need now that Off Balance looks gutted very soon.
With raid buffs, it goes to over 43.5k just from the heavy attacks, and about 46k counting weapon enchantment damage. But, of course, that's just the damage you'd do with your heavy attacks.
With raid buffs, it goes to over 43.5k just from the heavy attacks, and about 46k counting weapon enchantment damage. But, of course, that's just the damage you'd do with your heavy attacks.
Assuming Molten Armaments ends up working properly, and that your math is correct, I would be careful about spreading that information.
There are plently of people who struggle to hit those numbers while utilizing their full rotation. A build that can pump out that much damage with just the heavy attacks will have people crying for nerfs.