Trials Guild Recruiting- Quick Recovery

Looking to get into the end game content ESO has to offer? Been away from the game and need to get back into trials or other vet content? Or maybe you are just looking for a great group of people to raid with? Well Quick Recovery has all that and more! Multiple raid teams, midnight plunder runs, and all the vet content you want.

We do require people to get verified but there are plenty of friendly people to help with that.

Our teams have clears in everything except VCR +2 or 3 & VAS +2.

Both teams are currently looking for permanent members.
Major Shade/Minor Salt runs M, W, F at 10pm est
Dirty Mike & the Boys run Th, Sat, Sun at 9pm est

Super active band page as well. Drop your gt for an invite.
Xbox NA Housing Enthusiast & Vet Trial Healer *Heals in all classes*

Vet Trial Necrommancer Tank currently OT in Kynes Aegis

ESO Community Supporter and Tamriel Activist *Doesn't condone the filthy high elf ways*
  • Miniminotaur138
    Still need all roles of people who wanna raid with some cool folks and can actually get stuff done. Team members, subs, or just people who wannna hop in whenever.

    Quick Recovery
    Xbox NA Housing Enthusiast & Vet Trial Healer *Heals in all classes*

    Vet Trial Necrommancer Tank currently OT in Kynes Aegis

    ESO Community Supporter and Tamriel Activist *Doesn't condone the filthy high elf ways*
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