Maintenance for the week of January 13:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 13

40+ DPS looking for active trial guild. Xbox NA

I can provide video of self buffed 3mil parse over 40k on my Stamblade. I have completed all the Craglorn Trials on Vet both tanking and DPS. VMA on all my toons and VDSA. I am bored and need a challenge.

I need a guild actively running VSS, VMOL, VCR+3 and other more difficult trials.

There are lots of casual social guilds that claim to be trial guilds, but I have found they are not completing the end game trials and dungeons that I need to complete.

I am max cp and played this game since launch. I can play every day of the week and live in the pacific time zone.

I am serious player and do not want invites from casual social guilds.

If you have a guild that is serious and active consistently please give me the name so I can apply and try out.


XxIceman50Xx NA Xbox Server
  • Floki_Vilgerdarson
    45k dps on my Stamcro.
  • wbernardo24
    If I don’t mind me

    Being our second main dps reserve u can join us I’ll tag u in my guild .. we always use reserves most of the time because not everyone can make it , we are currently up to vMOL then vSS next. We run Tuesday’s at 8pm est to 11pm est I am going on vaca in a week so we will miss one week possible not sure yet
  • Floki_Vilgerdarson
    I got a position in a great guild. I thank those of you that messaged me invitations. I only have room and time for one trials guild, so I would like to delete this post or can someone close it please?

    I found a good home and happy ending thanks!
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