it'll probably get cancelled like the midyear mayhem
events with pvp tend to get thrown under the bus anyway
Yay, queues to get ganked or run down by zergs in ic.
Something to look forward to....
The official announcement seems to have come August 30 last year and it started in September.
So there seems to be plenty of time left for this to happen.
Given that each previous event has lasted 2 wks, and we need 2 more to finalise this quarter, not really.....
OtarTheMad wrote: »The IC event was in the PTS I believe so it should be coming. My guess is the Halloween festival is next and IC event will close out the year.
Yeah, the PvP events are pretty trash... especially with the ever-degrading server performance and game stabilityredgreensunset wrote: »Bleh, event I'm gonna skip.
Witches Festival + Clockwork City/Murkmire event. There's your 2 events needed.
Witches Festival + Clockwork City/Murkmire event. There's your 2 events needed.
KingExecration wrote: »
I wonder why tho. It legit brings people from off the game to come roam around. It fills the campaigns for a while too.
When they were testing all the campaigns no cp with double ap it was lit. The most fun I ever had solo and with groups.
Finally IC will become free to play.