SantieClaws wrote: »Was his grandmother Bosmer perhaps?
Has he shown any recent cravings for ... unusual ... meats?
Yours with paws
Santie Claws
SantieClaws wrote: »Was his grandmother Bosmer perhaps?
Has he shown any recent cravings for ... unusual ... meats?
Yours with paws
Santie Claws
Sometimes its not just about the size but also how you use it. Magica or stamina?
Nemesis7884 wrote: »Maxed out the height on my male imperial but he still seems really tiny compared to other races (except maybe bosmer)...are imperials considered to be so small?
And what the hell about Chevalier Renald who is supposed to be an imperial and is easily more than 1 head taller than my max height imperial???
This is really impacting my imperial tanks self esteam...
Berserkerkitten wrote: »The blue colour kind of gives it away.