FearlessOne_2014 wrote: »At first glance it looks like you got hit by 3 different players.
One busty stamina player can do that damage in one to two attacks.
I'm am not seeing a issue here.
FearlessOne_2014 wrote: »At first glance it looks like you got hit by 3 different players.
One busty stamina player can do that damage in one to two attacks.
I'm am not seeing a issue here.
there is a problem of course, dots are doing more dmg than direct attacks after 6seconds!!!!!!!
i can only see that you survived enough to stand on your feet for quite a long time...
As for the mage's wrath, if the 1278 dmg is the proc and not the initial hit, well man, you're must be really tanky
(only the dmg from bitting jabs are noticeable, but this is a templar thingy, and we are not allowed to talk about templars...)
Nerftheforums wrote: »7k jabs omegalul. You should consider wearing some armour
it was heavy armor. This game is now easy mode for overbuffed templars with an ulti that lets you ignore resistences.
I saw friends doing 10k executioners with that. In pvp.
Trancestor wrote: »This game is officially garbage now
Right. 27.2K or so damage over the course of 6 seconds from 3+ players, in a keep no less. A shalks, dawnbreaker, steel tornado combo can do that much damage in 2 seconds from 1 player.
kollege14a5 wrote: »tHiS iS BaLanCeD yOu sHoULdnT bE aBLe To tAnK moRe tHaN oNE uNsKiLLeD pLaYEr
Wow. That guys jabs would have to have almost a 4k tooltip per hit if we are just going off battle spirit alone as mitigation. I guess it could be crits galore but still. You running any crit resists or physical resists?
You do realize that Fetcher Infection has a built in mechanic that intentionally increases it's damage on second cast.
it was heavy armor. This game is now easy mode for overbuffed templars with an ulti that lets you ignore resistences
I saw friends doing 10k executioners with that. In pvp.
you do realize that's 2k dps in pvp on a dot that costs maybe 2k magicka?
Executioner can hit 10k without the onslaught buff soooo..
That’s not so difficult. I’ve got like a 3.8k tooltip. Someone told me yesterday I hit them for 17k in jabs lol. Said they were running a glass canon build but I was still surprised. I’ve got a high crit and must have landed every one or something.
That’s not so difficult. I’ve got like a 3.8k tooltip. Someone told me yesterday I hit them for 17k in jabs lol. Said they were running a glass canon build but I was still surprised. I’ve got a high crit and must have landed every one or something.
Right. 27.2K or so damage over the course of 6 seconds from 3+ players, in a keep no less. A shalks, dawnbreaker, steel tornado combo can do that much damage in 2 seconds from 1 player.