As much as I sympathize with healers in ESO, who are being rendered increasingly irrelevant with every new update (and I used to main a PvP largescale healer character), quite frankly I find your proposition just plain silly.
It does not make any sense on a purely logical level, and also fails to make any sense within the context of the rules of the game.
There is literally no reason to not let players capture flags by means of their actual role. In BGs it works great. There is no analogy in PvE, so stop echoing that.
Healers are anything but irrelevant in PVP. Heals and support are even more important this patch, IMO.
Almost all the responses are "just play [with] dps", which shows what everyone is playing. Which is why healers and tanks are rare and not as fun nor appreciated.
xylena_lazarow wrote: »So what are you asking for?
You want the flag to flip because you're standing next to npc guards healing yourself?
You want the npc guards removed? You want to heal the guards to death?
Some people take this "play how you want" thing way too literally...
@phuein, you stated at one point no healer mains had answered you. I am pretty sure some of them are but I know I main a healer in groups and I play magplar or sorc and I really miss my magDK. if I am solo. I can take a town solo or a resource solo. Yes, I put a damage skill or 2 on my bar as a healer. Yes, my role is not to dps in a group but if I get separated from my group then I’ll be darn tootin if I am going to let that guy get free AP from me. I can take resources solo I can take most towns solo but I have to time it right because of the timers on the guards. I have to admit I never thought about running up to a flag and standing there with guards hitting me to flip it. Number one if I tried it I would be concerned an enemy player would run up and then I would have to fight them and the guards, this usually happens when i suicide on guards enough as it is. I understand that is not how you want to play but it is the means by which to take that flag, even though I don’t understand the purpose of doing so if you can’t kill the enemy that comes.
Yes, I put a damage skill or 2 on my bar as a healer. Yes, my role is not to dps in a group but if I get separated from my group then I’ll be darn tootin if I am going to let that guy get free AP from me.
I can take resources solo I can take most towns solo but I have to time it right because of the timers on the guards.
I have to admit I never thought about running up to a flag and standing there with guards hitting me to flip it. Number one if I tried it I would be concerned an enemy player would run up and then I would have to fight them and the guards (...).
I understand that is not how you want to play but it is the means by which to take that flag, even though I don’t understand the purpose of doing so if you can’t kill the enemy that comes.
This thread is not about healing in groups. Or fighting other players. Or managing some dps on a healer. Your advice, guides, and arguments about those are irrelevant to this discussion!
That means that (if Cyrodiil was fair towards healers then) a healer could take a flag just by self-healing next to it, which can be rather quick if no killing is required! It would be a fun flag grabber role, when a healer wants to do some solo disruption.
Almost every post now misrepresents my op and further posts. It's creepy.
- I do not play a tanky healer.
- I can flag as a healer with some dmg. But I might as well play dps for it, because it's way longer for a healer.
- There is literally no reason to not let players capture flags by means of their actual role. In BGs it works great. There is no analogy in PvE, so stop echoing that.
Almost all the responses are "just play [with] dps", which shows what everyone is playing. Which is why healers and tanks are rare and not as fun nor appreciated.
There is no point in all of your dpsers just echoing each other, saying the same thing that doesn't help or add to the conversation in any way. I already know I can play a dps.
If you play solo on a build that has zero dmg (which btw isn't even possible, since every weapon including resto staff deals dmg with light and heavy attacks, whether that's enough to kill guards idk) you aren't playing "your actual role as a healer."
If you want to run a pure healer build you need to run with a group. If you do not want to run with a group you need to run a hybrid DPS/Healer build.
Correction: it IS possible for a player to deal absolutely 0 damage to enemies while weaving light attacks - just use the Psijic skill Mend Wounds or its morphs. When enabled, iInstead of damaging enemies, light and heavy attacks heal allies.
Can't even target enemies with LA/HA in this state, but damaging abilities still work as normal.
Almost every post now misrepresents my op and further posts. It's creepy.
- I do not play a tanky healer.
- I can flag as a healer with some dmg. But I might as well play dps for it, because it's way longer for a healer.
- There is literally no reason to not let players capture flags by means of their actual role. In BGs it works great. There is no analogy in PvE, so stop echoing that.
Almost all the responses are "just play [with] dps", which shows what everyone is playing. Which is why healers and tanks are rare and not as fun nor appreciated.
There is no point in all of your dpsers just echoing each other, saying the same thing that doesn't help or add to the conversation in any way. I already know I can play a dps.
VaranisArano wrote: »Your idea that you shouldnt have to fight NPCs for resources or towns in Cyrodiil is flawed. NPCs serve an important purpose in the Alliance War: screening out those incapable of defeating them (...)
VaranisArano wrote: »In Cyrodiil, often enough the only challenge you'll face at an out of the way resource is the NPCs, and we don't need to make resources easier by allowing players to flip the flags while healing themself through the incoming damage. (...)
I think changing Cyrodiil flags to match BGs would make capturing towns and resources too easy.
Let's be fair here: anyone whose build isn't capable of doing enough damage to kill the resource NPC guards in an expedient fashion (and doing enough self-healing to stay alive in the process) sure ain't gonna be solo killing any enemy players who aren't "PvP potatoes".
Yep. It's already easy enough as it is - although the NPC guards seem to have been buffed somewhat in the Elsweyr patch, and then buffed even further in the Scalebreaker patch.
Now, instead of being a complete joke, the NPCs can at least offer SOME challenge to a solo player (in CP campaign; I don't play noCP). Incidentally, that means they are also much better at weeding out players/builds who are functionally incapable of solo PvP.
Let’s sit if I’m following. You want to capture towns be healing the enemy guards? You want to show your superiority by buffing them?
VaranisArano wrote: »If I'm understanding it right, its more that the OP wants flags to behave closer to BG flags so that NPCs can't turn a flag by being close. In BGs, its possible to capture and hold flags just by healing and not dying, whereas in Cyrodiil you must kill the guards first, otherwise the guards will capture/hold the flag for their alliance.
As outlined by the others above, removing the NPC guards from Cyro is a VERY BAD idea.
True, they pose no real resistance to a skilled player (and effectively at most a minor speedbump to a group of any size), but they are the only thing which prevents any random PvEer - especially of the "light attack hero" kind - from going into Cyro to grab some free AP by just standing on a flag for 1 minute.
If anything, the guards (keep/outposts especially) should be BUFFED considerably to discourage rampant PvDooring during times when Cyro is almost completely empty.
At this point, I have to wonder what is the actual healer/tank/dps ratio in ESO. The most common response is "just dps" as if it wouldn't be more fun and efficient to just play a dps build in that case.
There is literally no reason that healers and tanks can't flag towns in Cyro without basically playing a dps. No reason at all.