i've done it only once and it's way enough to tell you that this is the shittiest map i've ever seen on any game. this is just turning Death Match into AoE match. totally pointless. Pure waste of time. some might love it. but right now, it may be my worse experience in teso.
thanks design team.
Ald Carac was my favorite map and now it’s ruined.
Isitrus sucks too.
Removing the ability to reposition and prekite just means that the team that wins the healer solo queue RNG wins the match.
Agreed, although i think healers in general are more important than before, due to the increase in incoming damage.
There actually has been a little complaining here and there about the outpost map being too big, but I think that's mostly just a problem with new/low level characters not having their mount training done yet. Since ZOS has already gone to the trouble of creating the new versions of some maps, maybe they should use those for the pre-50 BGs, and go back to the old ones for max level.Both of the old versions were solid maps and got pointlessly ruined. Escape/repositioning routes were deleted and for what? No one ever complained about the maps being too big and unlike what some of the devs said on livestream, the fighting was certainly not mostly just in the middle.
I actually like both more than before. Istarus in particular. It was pointlessly massive with horse riding and ***.
There's still big open maps out there; Arcane University, Mor Khazgur, Ularra, Ayleid Plane. It's nice to have a couple of smaller ones too.
I actually like both more than before. Istarus in particular. It was pointlessly massive with horse riding and ***.
There's still big open maps out there; Arcane University, Mor Khazgur, Ularra, Ayleid Plane. It's nice to have a couple of smaller ones too.