What the hell are they thinking with the proposed changes?
First of all, Surge already breaks conventions on class abilities in that it grants a Weapon Power increase instead of Spell Power like just about every other similiar ability among classes. And that is for a class that is primarily Magicka focussed in its theme.
Now the morph that gives Spell Power is going to become next to useless for damage dealing MagSorcs... da ***?
I admit that the change to Power Surge is interesting... but if you are going to make a change like that first of all change Surge to follow conventions.
Surge should give Major Sorcery.
Critical Surge morph should add Major Brutality.
And then the proposed change to Power Surge would make sense. Overall though, this patch looks terrible. It does barely anything to change the tanky meta for PvP, nor buff underwhelming skills and classes. The PvE meta will remain the same, a bunch of twirling stamDDs only now without caltrops... Werewolves will be useless again... PvP skill will matter less (kinda good for a recently returning once again noob like me :P )... etc...