Emma_Overload wrote: »Am I the only one who saw this thread and was hoping they meant adding an Invisibility spell to one of the skill lines that everyone can use.
Emma_Overload wrote: »Am I the only one who saw this thread and was hoping they meant adding an Invisibility spell to one of the skill lines that everyone can use.
Lots of games don't have free-flowing cloaks - for a reason. ESO doesn't have them, either. And many of those that do have them, have issues with them. One game (Pillars of Eternity, iirc?) had to disable cloaks on Mac because they crashed the engine, or something like that.
Implementing cloaks is not easy.
Except when you're talking about flat "cloaks" clinging to your backside like the Breton Hero Costume. It's a cloak, it's also dead ugly.
thegreatme wrote: »This is something myself and a few different groups of mine have discussed time and again now. Elder Scrolls in general has pretty much entirely overlooked cloaks as something that even exists. Luckily mods exist in other games such as Skyrim to fix that little issue, but obviously there's nothing to fix that in ESO.
Cloaks seem like something that would be very easy to implement, maybe with some tweaks here or there for different kinds (like thicker fur cloaks for nords and orcs up in cold northern areas, but more linen cloaks for places like Elsweyr or Valenwood).
Cloaks could be equipped the same as things like disguises and guild tabards into the Appearance slot on characters as more aesthetic pieces rather than gear slot pieces.
Siohwenoeht wrote: »They tried, cloaks were in alpha. The physics just never come out right. Either looks like a piece of cardboard attached to your shoulders or they had to staple them at the waist like the Breton hero costume. Either way, they clipped so horribly zos didn't even put them in the beta.
Just not possible with how they built the game unfortunately.
Wolf_Watching wrote: »
We don't care. They haven't spent a dime on game performance.
Emma_Overload wrote: »Am I the only one who saw this thread and was hoping they meant adding an Invisibility spell to one of the skill lines that everyone can use.