Metemsycosis wrote: »I'll say it again.
There are passive/ active defenses and proactive/reactive defenses.
Builds with more passive + proactive defenses have an easier time defending oneself, once engaged. Humans are flawed, we make mistakes. And we are more likely to make them in the spontaneous engagements of a battlefield. There will be no
ward spam or rally spam or breath of life spam to save you from a truly good player or set of players. These active/reactive defenses are strong but they require gcd and resources. On the other hand, having high resistance, high health and health recovery, high speed does not require any resources or gcd and yet each mechanism can greatly reduce threats and mitigate damage.
A build with strong passive/reactive defenses does not have to worry about sustain as much with regards to their defenses, therefore that player can focus more on proper positioning and landing damage. If you are constantly breath of life spamming how will you come off your back foot and counter attack? If your character can take a couple hits before needing to reapply a heal or a ward then you have opened your offensive window.
My guess is such players you have faced have builds with strong passive/proactive defenses and an offensive set plus experience with the combos of their class.
Ive PvP'd for a couple years now. I've picked up on things, defeated thousands. But i absolutely cannot fathom how so many people never run out of resources, always break free, mitigate the hell out of attacks, constantly self heal, never get snared, AND turn around to lay waste to their attackers, all in the same build, acting like its the easiest thing to pull off.
Just how.
Is it like some kind of PvP fight club? First rule is you dont talk about Build Club?
KillsAllElves wrote: »Too many players running around with high resistance and high damage, certain sets and certain class abilities that are ridiculous, this is why eso can never be balanced.
Ive PvP'd for a couple years now. I've picked up on things, defeated thousands. But i absolutely cannot fathom how so many people never run out of resources, always break free, mitigate the hell out of attacks, constantly self heal, never get snared, AND turn around to lay waste to their attackers, all in the same build, acting like its the easiest thing to pull off.
Just how.
Is it like some kind of PvP fight club? First rule is you dont talk about Build Club?
VaranisArano wrote: »I can't ever tell if these types of posts are:
A. Seriously asking
B. Complaining about 1vXers
C. Low-key pointing out that Cheat Engine exists
Maybe its time to order a new sarcasm detector.
If you stop zerging one day and l2p you will know
Ive PvP'd for a couple years now. I've picked up on things, defeated thousands. But i absolutely cannot fathom how so many people never run out of resources, always break free, mitigate the hell out of attacks, constantly self heal, never get snared, AND turn around to lay waste to their attackers, all in the same build, acting like its the easiest thing to pull off.
Just how.
Is it like some kind of PvP fight club? First rule is you dont talk about Build Club?
Yep, when you die try and reflect on how and why and try to avoid it next time, you'll die eventually but if you can take something from a loss, you win. (kinda)Heavy attack for sustain, build for damage/mitigation; know when to block, dodge roll and los as this will mitigate more damage than most builds can; lastly but most importantly dont be afraid to die and learn from each death
Ive PvP'd for a couple years now. I've picked up on things, defeated thousands. But i absolutely cannot fathom how so many people never run out of resources, always break free, mitigate the hell out of attacks, constantly self heal, never get snared, AND turn around to lay waste to their attackers, all in the same build, acting like its the easiest thing to pull off.
Just how.
Is it like some kind of PvP fight club? First rule is you dont talk about Build Club?
wait what?Well to be fair, ZOS seems to be doing good job of removing the worst offenders next patch. 7th nerfed, fury nerfed, S&B nerfed, corrosive nerfed.
Is it like some kind of PvP fight club? First rule is you dont talk about Build Club?
KillsAllElves wrote: »Pvp builds should be either a healer, a tank or, a dps - not all of the above. This game enables such horendous and unbalanced gameplay. U23 will make cyrodiil worse.
KillsAllElves wrote: »take your ass to a trial
magictucktuck wrote: »Well one thing I have learned, despite everyone wanting to have high weapon and spell damage, if you spec mostly recovery with a little lower damage then when your opponent is out of recources and can't Dodge and block they die fast. Especially if your opponent is in light or medium. But then you're going to have a harder time bursting tanks. But it's still fun being a glass cannon, most builds have a counter
Ive PvP'd for a couple years now. I've picked up on things, defeated thousands. But i absolutely cannot fathom how so many people never run out of resources, always break free, mitigate the hell out of attacks, constantly self heal, never get snared, AND turn around to lay waste to their attackers, all in the same build, acting like its the easiest thing to pull off.
Just how.
Is it like some kind of PvP fight club? First rule is you dont talk about Build Club?
Urzigurumash wrote: »
KillsAllElves wrote: »
You must be upset because another player pointed out issues in the game.
Your response however is irrelevant and makes no sense. Perhaps try again.
KillsAllElves wrote: »
Too many players running around trying to be a proto fake me out tank that can deal too much damage. If youre building high resistances take your ass to a trial.
Too many players running around with high resistance and high damage, certain sets and certain class abilities that are ridiculous, this is why eso can never be balanced.
Pvp builds should be either a healer, a tank or, a dps - not all of the above. This game enables such horendous and unbalanced gameplay. U23 will make cyrodiil worse.
I cant blame the players i blame the developers for allowing such [snip] game play.
Sets,CP allocation,potions and food.
KillsAllElves wrote: »
Once more you respond with irrelevant statements.
youre arguing for the sake of arguing. Players with high defense, and healing should not be able to take out a group unless that group is full incompetent or new players which is to be expected.
pvp should have caps on damage, resistance including shield strength and healing.
Theres a reason why 2018 and 2019 has seen so many nerfs.
RighteousBacon wrote: »
I disagree